The forming of the world and the arrival of the Gerrisau are detailed elsewhere. (Under the section on the Powers of Callaran.) This history begins with the demise of the Elder gods and goes from there, counting the year as BP (Before Present).
The history before this point is beyond confusing. References to events that have happened, did happen and never happened abound, as well as references to possible futures. During this period of Callaran, the nature of the Elsewhen War is unknown and the study of history before the Elder Gods a meaningless jumble.
The only coherent history before this time is the myth about the world's creation, as told by one of the Powers of the world.
4 000 BP - The Elder Gods vanish from the world for unknown reaasons. The well-spring of godly energy they use is tapped by twenty mortals, who become immortal and war. Nine of these beings become known as the Lords of Light. The other 11 become the Masters of Madness. The two sides war, changing the world as even the Elder Gods never did. The continent of Hed vanished into the sky and the remaining four major landmasses become the East, South, West and Northern continents. After 500 years of this war, the Lords of Light sacrifice their immortality to destroy the Masters of Madness. The end result is that the god-energy is used up by this act and both factions vanish, though they are reborn every so many years and live until slain, usually by each other.
3 400 BP - With the gods and their (im)mortal successors gone, new religions spring up slowly, mostly because people have to believe in something besides themselves. However, without visible manifestation of said gods, and clerical prayers doing things magic could do, religon never became as powerful as it had been before.
3 200 BP - The lizard men find an old "ingineer" stronghold and use the items therein to conquer the humans, elves, trolls, gnomes, dwarves and orcs. Many orcs manage to flee into the old woods and escape. The Gerrisau, hampered by an old debt, can do nothing. The lizards make the east their home and the land is soon twisted and become very dangerous to live in. All prisoners taken here die.
2 000 BP - The orcs hidden in the woods sacrifice all their religous belief and summon a Being that gives them power. They use this power to drain the ingineer devices and attack the lizards, killing many and forcing the lizard kings (the Dragons) to take thier people to the western continent. The other races acknowledge the debt they owe to the orcs for freeing them.
1 960 BP - The Gerrisau head west and destroy the lizard kings entirely. The lizards remain in the west and all attempts to reach them (mostly for revenge) fail. No one goes near the eastern continent.
1 900 BP - The elves take to the sea, finding true freedom for their race.
1 800 BP - The religion of Kayet (The mother-goddess) first forms, claiming all other gods are the children of Kayet and live by Her sufferance. It is largely ignored.
1 700 BP - The nation of Alden is formed, a nation where honour and keeping one's word are more than just symbols. It succeeds in being considered the cultural (and moral) heart of the world, such that even the trolls consider joining it as a group.
1 200 BP - Alden fall due to trechery of the royal family of the guards -- no one knows what happens but a client-state invades, conquers, and (by means unknown) rips the capital city out of space and into the void between spaces. Even the location of the original capital is forgotten by all -- including the Gerrisau, some say.
1 130 BP - The conquer of Alden [Starts w/ a G --- can't recall the rest] is destroyed by the first and only massing of the trolls.
1 000 BP - The first rumours about the Guardians of Alden begin to spread.
800 BP - Alden re-appears for the first time in the ocean strait seperating the northern and southern continents. It is seen sporadically in different locations throughtout the intervening years but nothing enters of leaves it.
600 BP - The desert and frozen lands in the north begin to expand, and people being to migrate to the warmer south very quickly. Within 100 years, most of the empires of the north become little more than small cities.
500 BP - A healer named Mendel thinks that the world needs more gods, and sets about starting up new cults. The followers of Kayet kill him and establish a theocracy over much of the southern continent.
300 BP - Followers of one Makiavell -- a philosopher of note -- challenge the followers of Kayet and the church is unable to produce the god, but claim Kayet won't take physical form becasuse her glory would kill all who see Her. The theological war subsides, but the power of Kayet diminishes and a few people begin to wonder about the nature of the world around them.
250 BP - The cultural renaissance truly begins. People begin to try and find out the order of the natural world and magic is quickly seen to be anathema to that idea. Mages, as the clerics have before them, begin to feel the brunt of anti-magic feeling.
230 BP - The mage fortress of Tyrilla is destroyed by "black powder". The mages there (130 total and 40 apprentices) flee rather than fight.
220 BP - The Aendar take Glass Castle -- alwasy hard to find anyway -- somewhere Else. Only thoe they wish to enter can find it again.
180 BP - Rumours of a Master of Madness of considerable power abroad in the world begin to stir -- said only by insane lunatics, of course. But since the Masters caused insanity, a few mages begin to get worried, though they are too seperated to contact each other.
70 BP - Rumours the Elder Gods still exist crop up in the north, but are ignored.
50 BP - Bandit raids on the village of Halred continue to grow, and the weather continues getting coldler. The elders of that time plan a contingency to send the children somewhere else when the village is surely doomed.
Present Time - 1 721 YH (Year of Honour -- Alden's calendar, and the one most commonly used in the north)
Legends of Callaran:
The following beings are known to almost every child:
Shadron Jerduni - Said tp be the "one who has and will destroy the world" and the only being to have ever earned the title of Traitor to the World. What he did -- or for that matter when he lived (or will live) is entirely conjecture. Some claim he was killed by Xeran, others that only noe of him what killed.
Xeran - The meta mage. He died 5 000 years ago, but in his time he invented many spells, helped banish necromancy and was the only mage capable of wielding all the forms of magic. Mages still revere his name, even when all he did is forgotten.
Adion - Said to be a living star, this reclusive being dwells in the desert of the northern continent and is said to watch over the world. Who he is and why he is here is unknown.
The Councillors of Alden: This group of altered beings is said to live so long as the spirit and honour of Alden are remembered and held to. They were created out of pure honour and duty as an aid to the rulers of Alden during their height of that land and their purpose makes them more real that even death according to some Powerful and very difficult to kill, the Councillors are remembered among many farmers and villages as having given aid to their families in the past. The cities and nations have forgotten them but they still roam, among the few who can shape shift and who hold the honour and glory of a fallen nation as their pride. It is said that as the people turn away from what Alden was and cease to believe that such could ever have been, they fade and weaken. Their numbers have never been known but they are said to have been able to tap the Art through special medallions and be able to alter reality in its entirety with their strength. However, they never bring war and are very difficult to anger so even villagers seem to assume they are weak. The few farmers who remember the Councillors, who are often called the Protectors or Guardians in other legends, leave a moonlit candle burning by its own light at their window every night as an offer for sanctuary to any councillor or traveller who comes in the name of that lost honour.
The Myth the Powers Hold:
As this myth (most Sages call it truth) comes from those who saw the world form -- even if they remember little of it -- and it has more validity than other myths due to the simple fact that they were there. Many of the other creation myths are woven from it., or have become integrated with it throughout the years The following account is taken from a dreen lore keepers private musings. Its accuracy is unknown since she was one of the few dreen who ever bothered learning how to read or write in any mortal tongue and they have no written language of their own.
We stood together, formless amidst the formless, but aware as the true Nothing could not be. Some claim we stood in the heart of Chaos at the true beginning before creation and time were formed, but I think this false since we, by the very nature of our True Forms, are creatures of order. How long we waited is unknown, for we were not as aware of time then as we are now, nor affected by its turnings. Yet time must have passed, for the distant stars often flared and died and new ones were born from those ashes. Even today, none can truly know if the world exists only because we willed it, knowingly or not. We Powers had seen much form and may have understood what forces caused those other suns to begin to flame and the faint music of the stars to begin singing in the core of our being.
Whatever the reason, dust slowly began to gather around the area we existed in. Whether we had Called it or not was immaterial, it was here -- the ashes of other worlds and the potential for new life. Slowly, the dust revolved and coalesced until finally the sun was born from death and its light brought life to the dust and gave it purpose. Small worlds and worlds of gas and fire and ice formed but they all lacked something. We did not know how we knew this, but we did. it lacked something we could give. Then another world began to form also, more vibrant than the rest, more real. It held a beauty that even we noted and caused the sun to begin to sing as the other stars did. Yet we knew it would also fail.
Then the wisest among us, the deepest who remembered the most, slowly approached this world and its song rang into us, even deeper than the song of the sun which was a mere echo of the life of a world. They watched it form and then conferred quietly on levels the rest of us could no reach. Then the eldest stirred and turned. This world lacks something. She said, her voice filled with an awful majesty even then. It lacks us. Then, before the rest of the Powers could truly comprehend what she meant, the Eldest gathered the other wise and ancient and they touched the Art, the lifeforce of the other worlds that might have been, and placed it into this world. The Powers brought life, at the cost of our useless freedom.
And the world was rent and reformed, with the life force burning bright in it. Water blazed in its core and became the core of the world. The Greater Powers then spoke, words that could only be said once and never again, words forbidden since long before the great pilgrimage none recalled, and they became fire, the first fire, brighter than even a dying sun. Fire struck water and steam boiled forth to become the clouds. Then the Greater Powers called out words never spoken before and never speakable again and their outer forms were sacrificed eternally to form the land. Then we that remained, humbled and awed, were charged with preserving life and defending the water at the worlds centre from contamination. Then we spoke and the animals stirred. And the others, the Unborn, came forth and the plants stirred at their coming. We faced each other, Power and Unborn and the coalescence of our energies formed the races and drew Adion to the world.