The World

Everything you can imagine is real.
- Picasso

The world has always been
The world will always be
This is the truest thing
Trust nothing you can see

All things are possible
Not all things may be real
Choose what you will believe
For truths may lies conceal

Power's the gifted curse
Bows to the mages will
But spells can be broken
If the caster you kill

Put not your trust in fate
We create our own paths
But the name of the world
All these does encompass

Never trust enemies
For your ruin they may lie
Put no trust in your friends
Out of caring they lie

Look towards the future
Think only of today
Do not change what has been
If mirrors smile your way

A name is a secret
Trust your name to no breeze
Your self can be broken
You always on your knees

A name is who you were
The face the mirrors see
But not even our names
Know all things that may be

All things that live will die
Death lets life continue
Grief is for the living
These words you know as true

Put not your trust in song
Bards lie with silken prose
But listeners forget
Thorns come with the red rose
- Untraditional Ballad, author unknown

The world has not been made. The world will never end.
- The Voice of Silence

Four weeks ago I wanted some excitement in my life.
"Three weeks again I wasn't sure if there was life on other worlds.
Two weeks ago I knew there was.
One weeks ago I would have said that there was no such thing as magic.
Yesterday I spoke a Name and caused a storm to dissolve and saved people from. drowning.
Today I had to kill five people with lightning in my hands.

"I want to go home.

"Maybe I'm going to fast. But if you're hearing this, then the tape recorder still functions. I fugred I'd better record things. If you're hearing this you're likely here too. By here, I meant on another world. They call it the World, or Earth (And Air, and Water, and Fire, depending on their moods). It is, but it's not ours. If you're here, you likely stepped through some doorway at the wrong time or in the wrong place. It happens, I'm told, but not often anymore. I'm not giving you my name in this, I'm not that stupid. Already have one death curse after me, and I don't have long to live. So I'll record this, for anyone else who comes. I don't have hopes for it, I'm not that stupid: wishes have power.

"So I'll just tell you what I know. This is a world of it's own, one that, according to an Orc I met, has been around a long time. She said that "the world is our home, never named for names have power. It has been since before time and we be long after time has faded and been forgotten." Maybe they're right. Here, allegories can be real, metaophors can actually have lives of their own and dreams can be real. It's magic, which is like physics here, or a way to rewrite physics. I don't try to think about it to hard, in case I forget it.

"Sorry, I was busy trading names. Names are power here, perhaps the only thing that matters. They're also secrets, to be kept and nurtured. Never, ever give yours to someone. On a related not, everything has a price here. Some things might hide it well, but everything costs. You do "good" with magic and you must do "evil" later on to balance things. I learned that the hard way, but this isn't my story.

"To get specific, there are humans here. Some group of cities or, by our standards ,likely glorified villages, exists somewhere west of here. I tried to find it once, but was told it had moved. For all I know that might have been the truth. It's called Roanoke, maybe after the colony, or maybe the colonists ended up here. Or it could just be a joke. Meaing's a pain here, so don't look too deeply into things like that. There's other people, fairy elves and dwarves (fairy ones, too, according to some), orcs who talk to much, walking trees and even weirder things. It's a culture shock and we either sink or tread water.

"Other stuff about the world is weird. They have myths to called the People, and dragons that everyone is scared of but looking at them from our ideas is stupid. In the case of unicorns it's suicidal. The damn things devour virgns because they don't like humans and don't want us to breed in their world! I wish Disney had seen this place, or Tolkien. Would have shut them right up. But I don't wish that hard, just to be safe.

"My death is closer today, might even find me. And since I don't know if this tape works I guess it doesn't matter if it does. I guess my only advice is to find out who you are and be true to that. You can here, and even make a new self for yourself. It might be too easy, it might be hard, but it's going to cost you. Technology costs us but we don't really understand that, and don't like to pay it. Here, we don't have a choice. Magic costs and we have to pay it. But it's not all bad. It helps to, and it's awesome to use. And evne with my death chasing me with my own name, I'm glad I had this chance.....even if it's a bit too exciting."

"This story happened a long, long time ago; and that is the reason you should hear it now, before it is forgotten. This is a tale of another world, called Earth. A world with few magics and the travellers who came from it to our lands over the centuries - the humans. And what happened to our stories. It is not about blame - the dead cannot be blamed and the living only for what they do out of knowledge and not ignorance. It is ... a story. A story of the men who came and those who came after them. Perhaps there is a moral, perhaps not. Listen, with more than your ears ... "
- Dis, Speaker of the People.

The following information will be information about different species, the setting, and even a map eventually. Some of it is done, but won't be online until later.

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