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Ear of mankind
overgrown with nettles
would you hear?
If the voice of the prophets blew
on flutes made of murdered children's bones --
and exhaled airs burnt with
martyrs' cries --
if they built a bridge of old men's dying
groans --
Ear of mankind
occupied with small sounds
would you hear?
- Nelly Sachs, in "O the Chimneys"
If you have to resort to violence, you've already lost.
- Sean Connery, "Rising Sun"
Editor's Remarks
Well, its been another banner Quarter in our lovely neck of the woods. It's been a long time coming and I don't mean the months you've waited for this issue but the news. Eastern US - Were's spotted in CA 1 day, 500 people dead in a police station the next. Slaughtered hot dog vendor (betcha all missed that one), rumours of odd cemetary happenings, man-tigers robbing 7-11's or destroying wedding cakes at hotels. All in the last two weeks, though the last like be discouted as too much drinking by a cook.
New weres, you're saying to yourselves. So what? So, a few days before all this broke out, a San Fransico hospital had "problems" and some new weres were ordered to leave the country by the head vamp of the city. All the . . disturbances have taken place north of there. Kind of makes you wonder. Here's some more facts to make you worried:
The wild hunt was seen in Oregon and Washtingston State. 50 men were mauled by an insane fox in England during a Fox hunt; five of them vanished from the hospital 2 days later. 4 hunters in Russia reported being attacked by the deer they had "shot 7 times" and were all mauled near death; 1 of them vnaished later also. New weres are being woken here, folk. A wolf pack (yes, pack) loose in northern Canada is being hunted by the authorities; over 300+ people between 10 and 40 have been attacked by them in the last 12 weeks.
And that is just the stuff I've heard is reliable. I don't evem wamt to speculate about china, or mexico and the information coming out of South America is plain scary. New weres are coming out of the woodwork with no guidance, idiots are making new weres with reckless abandon and some idiot is going to put two and two together soon. Gentlefolk, I dont scare easily but I'm scared now.
Someones trying to break the secret. Lots of someones. Either its bi-polar disorder or someone planning stuff. Lots of someones. And that is what scares me. Either its an all out war on the Lords of Death or the Old Problem is being challenged again. If the latter, it might be better for us, but the humans will win. They'll kill us all.
Thanks, whoever you assholes are. Thanks a lot.
- The Editor
Real secrets can be kept by publishing them on billboards.
- Daniel Quinn
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail: The Prey Report
So the titles a joke, mates. We're not. Most of the weres yer gonna here of are the big fellas. Lions, tigers and bears, o my great PR. Yeah, PR. We're out here too, buds. An' I'm willing t' bet there's as much of us as you guys. We don't make the news like you do, or the films or stupid novels. We hide 'cause we're good at it. You don't. Maybe can't -- somethin' hunt you, you hunt back.
If The Time of All Hiding is gonna be over, it'll end in blood. Lots o' it. You'll all diem, an' likely most o' the other predators also out there. But we hide. We're good at it, the best o' the best, and ah think we'll make it when you're all dead and gone.
This ain't just idle talk, folkies. Ever wonder why there's no vamps older 'n 10,000 you hear of? Heck, 5 K even? Almost none, an' its not just them's a being "all powerful and hiding from the rest" it's that there was a purge I think. When man made cities and got together, us kinds couldn't hide. And they killed most of us, even then, I figure, cause they had magic then, and gods. Now they have guns and bombs which'll do a much nicer job for 'em.
Everyone fears what they don't know, but even more they fear what they do know being what they really don't know. They fear the changer who looks human more than the demon, 'cause one of those was once human, looked human, maybe even was human. We're the enemy within, boys an' girls. Fight or flee.
At least, we's got a choice. You predator types'll likely all die. We didn't an' we won't. Fight well. We'll be keepin' the home fires a burnin'.
Stupidity is a personal achievement that transcends national boundaries.
- Anonymous
Themes: Gotta Love 'Em
This issue began with another poem. Someone actually wrote and complained about the beginnings to these issues. Now, if they'd said "It will harm our secrets by being too consistent" then I'd have understood it but the doofus didn't understand what it meant. Gods above and below, it was Housemann. Not a household name in these times, but the poem was simple. I'm horrified to think what would have happened if we'd have tried Milton. For those who didn't get last issue, here's the comment: "Therefore since the world has still / Much good but much less good than ill, / And while the sun and moon endure / Luck's a chance but trouble's sure, / I'd face it as a wise man would, / And train for ill and not for good." - A E Housemann. How can you not get a basic idea of that?
Now, believe it or not, there is a purpose to this ranting. We don't know enough. Even if one is a natural were [both parents being were, for those not up on the lingo], it takes some sort of shock for one to make their first change. Most of them do it in early adolescence -- or for the idiots who don't know big words -- when you're a teen. Most weres end up fleeing school and/or on the streets for a time, and most of us never recover that education we lose because we fled high school. And that can be very, very dangerous. Quite a few vamps are famous historical figures that get ticked when you don't know them. Some weres even claim the gods of antiquity still live among us, and they get more than ticked when we don't recall who they are.
Even ignoring all the esoteric information, the big thing about weres in hiding. We're good at it. We've had to be, and being in ignorance of common history and the like makes others remember us suspiciously. Believe it or not, I think we need more Were teachers, especially in high schools. Preferably predators, just so you can let the annoying students See the beast in you; it shuts them up fast apparently. What we need is some kind of support groups for Weres. Yes, I know we here at the Quarterly advocate hiding, but some humans might have to be trusted (especially those with psychic inclinations) so they can help us find new weres and teach them what they are, fast.
And that, ladywere's and gentlewere's, is the important theme for this issue: Education.
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
- Malcom Forbes
Education of Were Children
Children are a valuable resource, in many ways the most important one. Perhaps the only one that really matters. Were children are even more valuable, especially if the parents know the child will be were. First off, we urge you to have them take a normal education as long as they can. In many cases this isn't as easy as it sounds. Most were kids tend to be different all their lives; children always sense the potential were inside and many of them fear it. Most of them spend childhood getting beaten up or mocked. It can be hard on were parents: its even harder on non-were ones.
The big question is whether to tell children you are were. I say big because there are no guarentees your child will be were also, even if both parents are were. While it isn't possible or practical to give were's surveys to fill out, many were's of my acquaintance have had problems telling their children they are weres and that the children might be also.
Depending on the age of the child, this tends to be the typical reaction. Some were-ents [lingo for were parents, also spelled werents - Ed.] report their children developing mental problems upon seeing their parents change. Some even begin to hate their parents as demons of such and run away from home.
Telling children they will be were when you can't know often leads to intense self-loathing. They're doomed to be "just" humans. Many teenage non-were commit suicide either trying to shock themselves into change or because they aren't were. Adult weres might find that amusing, but to a child being a were represents Power and they want it.
This is the typical long-term reaction. Many even refuse to believe their parents are were and develop amazing mental blocks to shut that knowledge out. Other children become withdrawn or confused and cease to trust their parents at an early age.
It is also important to note that, with rare exceptions, children become weres in puberty or later. Some were powers may spontaneously work (especially in early childhood) but often vanish just as quickly. Indeed, some werents noticed that children who did this were less likely to become weres. Strange, but true. The overall recommendation has been to hide it from them until they change.
All this aside, were children (once they know they are were) should be kept in normal schooling or even home schooling as long as possible. Indeed, a were private school might be ideal, but the author doesn't know of one yet. As for you weres whose parents weren't were, most of you likely ran away. It is you I urge to get an education as quickly as possible, to blend into humanity as soon as you possibly can. Education isn't as expensive as ignorance, and we can NOT afford to be ignorant.
Make love now, by night and by day, in winter and in summer. . . . You are in this world for that and the rest of life is nothing but vanity, illusion, waste. There is only one science, love; only one riches, love; only one policy, love. To make love is all the law, and all the prophets.
- Anatole France
Sex and the Were in You by Aunt Jean
I know, kids, I know. You're all wondering why your Auntie Jean decided to write an article on this of all topics. Well, dearies, the simple reason is because we don't discuss it. The complex one is the focus of this piece.
Love is important, and pretty soon weres get attracted to each other, generally same species of were but in truth it doesn't matter. Most were children end up a different species than there parents anyhow, contrary to popular belief. Now that I've used my big words for the day, I'll get into the nitty-gritty of it all.
Were sex is good. It's fun, and if you experiment with form shifts during it all it can get rather . . . unique, to say the least. Consider that most weres can turn parts of their body were or not and let your imagination run loose with that. Now stop. Breathe. Continue.
Many weres even develop a capacity to shift certain body parts in one form -- making fingers longer or shorter in human form etc. This can be quite enjoyable. Another thing to keep in mind is that you'd better be a fast healer to deal with accidental cuts or damages your partner can cause in you and to you. Since kids will likely read this, I'll leave that also up to your imaginations.
Another thing: Weres do it lots. We heal fast, we recover from sex fast (as a side part of healing, it seems) and most weres have amazing stamina. Entering a were R rated bar can be a very shocking experience for new weres. Traumatizing, even.
Auntie Jean has some quick advice: don't care about their species. Their sex, yes; but species doesn't matter, not really. Most of us tend to be very compatible with each other, as you'll soon discover. We're adaptable, fluid and generally very accepting of odd pairings like predator and prey.
Finally, regarding sex with non weres: Don't. Unless your control is good, you'll change. Most humans will either be in shock or you'll kill them before or during sex by mistake. It's generally very unpleasant, if not horrifying. Trust your auntie on this one. For your own sakes.
"The point is that thing you keep missing, the point is power. Power doesn't need to explain itself, power is not about explaining. Power just does because it can."
- Peter S Beagle
The more powerful you are, the more powerful your enemmies are also. This is reality. For weres, it is an important part of their reality. Weres corrupt power, by having it, by using it. But power is meant to be in this world, to be used and used on, to act and react. Perhaps more to act, or create. This is the power of weres, the power of life. What is life but creating, what a weres aura but that power of life itself?
It's strange how weres never think of their power. They think of vampires, and not just the Hollywood crap but the stillness, the power to change form at will, to command others, to become invisible. All the bright, showy fireworks that makes weres forget their own powers, or not develop them. Weres might not be the Fey, with their brilliant magic, and we can't kill Vampires with a touch, but they have talents. Were's are the Lords of Life, and would do well to remember that. It's not a pretty catch phrase, its truth.
Truth is a kind of power also, and it costs. Some know that among weres, which is why few choose to learn the sight of nature and call up magic with their being. But everything has a price. Vampires pay their, and the Fey will someday soon when they rejoin life. The weres need the courage to begin to. Weres pay already, by being outcast from those you protect. What price can be asked no were has paid?
The hardest job facing kids today is learning good manners without seeing any.
- Fred Astaire
Etiquette of the Damned
Sooner or later, all of us have to meet vampires. Either socially or politically or for other reasons, like feuds. The thing to remember is always dress well and keep your word. An oath-breaker is perhaps the thing vamps most loathe. Don't be worried about being disliked on sight -- most vamps are OLD. They've seen stuff we never will, and likely done things we'd never contemplate just to stave off eternal boredom. As Neitzsche said: "Against boredom, even the gods contend in vain."
The vampires aren't gods, but they still have to contend against boredom. Hell, a companion of mine once said that 90% of them don't care what sex you are in bed, and 30% don't even care what species -- anything to stave off boredom.
However, the most important thing to recall is that vampires are afraid of werefolk. Most of their mind tricks don't work on us, we heal faster and, in point of fact, are actually harder to kill than they are. At least, when facing younger vampires. When facing Masters, vampires or werefolk, all bets are off. Most of us fear them -- their age, knoiwledge and suppossed wisdom. Besides, most cultures have a fear of vampires; weres are a weak second or third. It's because they fear us that we have to be wary. I don't think either side would survive an all-out war, at least not without dragging the unknowing masses into it somehow, which is good for no one.
The rest of etiquette is common sense. Don't show off your aura, by a good book on etiquette and the proper ways to eat and you're laughing.
The reality of the other person is not what he reveals to you but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, it you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather what he does not say.
- Kahil Gibran
Politics: The hope only, of empty men
Politics. Brings lots of images to mind, and most of them aren't pretty. Our lives are politics, torn between the old war and staying out of it. We are the lords of life. We have no choice about that, and vamps are the lords of death. And I think thats becoming a greater and greater problem. Too many of us are forced to fight. Or die when we would live. We're forced to act, instead of to be. We become killers, not lovers.
Maybe saviours, but never saints.
We become the slayers, then the slain. The fear, and then the nightmares. We give in when we should fight. Fight when we should give in. Kill when we should love. Never love what we kill. We play the old war. Old game. Politics is a game also. These words bleed sorrow. You bleed blood. Both the same, both cut deep. All for politics. All for a war we fight. Drafted, without cause. No hope, no way out. Truth dies, we die, they die. Defeat is death. No honor. No glory. No favorites. Just dead.
Maybe its time to go back. To step away, forget the war. Live our lives. Try peace, as mure than just a pause between battles. Try friendship, before the war consumes us. Try hiding, try ignoring the others. Anything but blood. Killing wears on the soul. Each death takes soemthing, withe each death you die.Soon there is no us, but the war. No fighting but the dying. No pain, no hope, no fear: no life.
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
- TS Elliot
Editors Note: If there is another issue of the Quarterly, It will be either really long, or really short. I don't want to write "War" in large type, whoever reads this. Do something. While something can still be done.
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