
I have laboured sore and suffered death,
And now I rest and draw my breath;
But I shall come and call right soon
Heaven and death and Hell to doom;
And then shall know both devil and man
What I was and What I am.
- Anonymous, 15th Century

Campaign ~ Making Your Monster ~ Powers! ~ PCs ~ The Way The World Is
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Vampire society is built into the world. As the people change, the vampires change. Most vampires, or at least their parents, hail from ages where ones word was truly their bond and chivalry meant something. Having seen years pass in a storm of life and death, vampire society has remained a powerful, enigmatic bulwark for all vampires. The ancients who rule it and can bring down master vampires with ease are harsh, cold and demanding. You break their laws at peril of your immortality and quite possibly more than simple death awaits those who defy them. It is the structure of vampires, based on power, prestige and sheer ruthlessness that has sustained their people for millennia. As well, it provides a form of stability much like a government, without the propaganda that the government is on your side. Vampires know where to go for training or to understand how they can do things other vampires cannot while the more ephemeral were packs seldom allow for that kind of knowledge to be remembered or shared.

What is less well known is that vampires are simply another species in the world, not undead monsters. Every species lives to survive, vampires are just more blatant about it and are perhaps evolutions ultimate idea of a predator’s predator. This urge to kill is reigned in by the powerful vampires with a ruthlessness that can make weres queasy. But it is necessary: all vampires must be taught to control what they are and - most importantly - hone their unnatural abilities for the time when the humans rise up and try and destroy them again. Lastly, vampires require permission of their parents to reproduce. An illegally created vampire is killed without any mercy. By this and other such laws the vampires police themselves with the same ruthlessness they hunt their human prey with. And, as some vampires point out, the hunt can be fun. There is nothing quite like hunting another predator ...

Campaign ~ Making Your Monster ~ Powers! ~ PCs ~ The Way The World Is
Main ~ Unpdates & Contact