(The fae, Shining Ones, the Good Folk)
Fairies have long been a part of myth and legend, dwelling at the edges where our world meets the other world and living in hollow hills, it is no wonder that they exist DownBelow. Even in the under world, though, the Fae are extremely rare, often confused as Legendaries. They seldom do anything to discourage that notion.
Radiance Level: 3
Special Abilities: The fae have one major special ability: glamour. This power allows them to create illusions and confuse others. If the fairy knows the name of the subject(s) they are using the glamour on - names being power, after all - they get 3 coins to affect them with glamour. If they do not, they get 1 coins. (modified by any abilities, naturally) This is resisted as a willpower feat, with bonus coins given to the target at the conductor’s discretion based on the believability of the glamour. All fae must take the Radiant trait (and gain no bonus from it) as a result of this ability -- they are part magic.
As well, all fae have 2 minor abilities, the most common of which are flight and invisibility, obviously enough. These abilities can be used only when the fae isn’t concentrating on something important as well. I.e. you can’t fly and create glamour or fight someone while invisible.
Lastly, the fae have developed a secret method of storing radiance in objects, often rings and necklaces, that work only for them. Permanent objects are highly prised and have a permanent RadCount of 3 or 4. What this means is that the user can go anywhere down below and they have a RadCount equal to the items, not to what the location this. Such items also work in the world above, but the lack of radiance there destroys them over time. Objects imbued with radiance are more common (up to 9 levels) and can be used to increase the RadCount on an area temporarily (1 hour) or put into someone’s aura to do the same. Only a Radiance Pool can refresh such items. A dying fae can make a gift of either item to someone who is Radiant -- the price of the gift being that they must aid any Fae who asks it and cannot raise their hands against the fairies.
A Fae character will likely one item (permanent) with a RadCount of 4 and another with 6 starting out.
Defining Traits:
Strong Willed
None. They learn their ability to use glamour instead. Also, Fae get one less secondary skill than normal (2 instead of 3) due to learning how to make fae items.
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