The Underworld


Mole Person Sapper

Mogu is a short brown furry mole person that looks like half his brown color comes from having been digging in the dirt (nicknamed dust ball)

Special Abilities
Breed: See in the dark, claws, good hearing and sense of smell, magical affinity
Guild: Radiance Sense, Radiance Flow

Defining Traits
Intuititive, Radiant, Precise, Cute, Small
Negative: Timid, Cowardly

Guild: Climbing, Demolitions, Engineering, Fighting, Survival
Secondary: Scrounging, Tracking, Games

Ace of Spades (Allows a digging tool to dig twice as fast as normal,and gives you +3 coins for bonus damage with the object)
Hot Rocks (Rocks that generate the heat of a campfire when placed together)

This sheet was originally made using the underworld character generator.

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