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My friends, we will not go again or ape an ancient rage,
Or stretch the folly of our youth to be the shame of age,
But walk with clearer eyes and ears this path that wandereth,
And see undrugged in evening light the decent inn of death;
For there is good news yet to hear and fine things to be seen,
Before we go to Paradise by way of Kensal Green.
- - G.K. Chesterton, "The Rolling English Road"
"'The world has changed. The ways we once knew are dust and ashes and all that is left is crumbling ruins and the unopened tombs of another age. The great libraries burned in fires as cities fell and the world seemed to change under the feet. The sky bled colours no one had seen before, and stars are said to have fallen from the heavens and changed into other shapes when they fell. Creatures and beings that had never been seen before roamed the lands, or appeared for moments and vanished as if they had never been. 'The world was changing, and no one was safe until it was over and the last storm cleared from the sky and the land ceased to groan like a thing in pain. The calm before the storm had been the Empire but nothing old survived the ushering in of a new age that mute ruins stand in testimony to even as the sea and wind erode away at their once-storied glory.' Or, at least, that is what the bards claim, the skalds, troubadours, the whole works of them. Fools. The truth of the matter is quite simple. There was a storm, big enough to rend the world, perhaps other worlds as well, and the Empire fell. Everything else, such as the demise of the gods (or decline, if you prefer) is all stories, and fables. We have no history of that time, just tall tales handed down from one generation to the next and ruins of the empire that was.’ "Something happened, somewhere, and our world was changed forever. That is undeniable. We live in the shadows of a great age and are no longer what we once were, our land no longer a thing of legend and wonder. Let us not repeat the mistakes of those who went before us, nor idealise the time that was as the foolish speakers of tall tales insist upon. We can forge ourselves a new future and if another storm comes we will meet it."
The whole point of society is to be less unforgiving than nature. The world of Netzach is old, and was a place of high magic and learning for a long time, until the Shadow Storm to end all storms arrived via the Patternfall War. The Askhaton Empire fell in the wake of the storms that swept and defaced the land and a time of barbarianism followed as the darkness the storm had brought with him blighted the land. There are no histories of much of this time and the few stories that have come down to the present age in over two millennia are distorted and often flat-out lies. After the fall of the Askhaton Empire most of the cities crumbled into anarchy, a few even being reduced to rubble. The ones that remained were those with leaders who were clear sighted, quick to seize opportunities and ruthless. For the most part that hasn't changed at all in two thousand years. Attempts to build new empires have met a lot of resistance, since many blame the Empire itself for the Storm that wracked the world. Attempts to tell the people otherwise met with the same kind of resistance. The end result is a world of scattered city states with little real power in the area they claim to rule. For a good idea of the current world picture Conans Hyborean Age - lots of barbarians and a scattering of so-called nations ruled by tyranical rulers who may or may not be good and a large number of magicians, but few of them bother with mundane things like running kingdoms since they are after Real power. Most of them are terrifyingly powerful, but also spend most of their time defending their sources of power in Netzach (and power sourced from other Shadows) from rivals, and keeping their own strongholds running, trying new rituals and the like to really pay much attention to the world around them. Laws tend to be few and far between and someone’s word is their bond only if you're holding a knife to their throat, according to many. Some claim an Empire is needed again, but most of those tend to die very quickly. Religion"Speak as they please, what does the mountain care? Before the Reality Storm religion was simply. Every thousand years exceptional mortals in Ve were tested by the gods and the successors became the new gods for the next thousand years as their powers waned and they chose new successors who braved various trials to become the new gods. Then the storm came. The new gods, appointed by the old and anointed by the storm, were known to few, and as prayers and sightings became less frequent in the years that followed, belief in the gods became a thing of tradition, believing in our of habit rather than truth. Little is known of the ascensions a thousand years ago, save that all candidates were taken by the gods for reasons no one knows and all were tested. The dark road in the south was damaged, perhaps their work if the priests are right, but of the gods themselves nothing was known, not even their names. The next ascension comes soon, and already the gifted and strange are being drawn to Ve to be tested, or because they feel they must go. Some have refused to go, and been able to refuse. Will there be new gods? Are there any gods to even cause the ascension? No one knows, and most people don't really care - and a growing number feel the world is a better place with the gods gone. Geography. . . Therefore I am still The geography of Netzach is rather simple. There is mountains in the north, hills, lots of plains. More plains. And, well, more plains. The occasional river. And more plains. Oh, and forests between the plains. There is said to be an ocean far to the west and a desert far to the east but no one has travelled to either and returned to tell the tale of what may lie beyond and those who go too far south find more mountains and eventually glaciers. ![]() Ashkaton Wood, The: The Ashakaton wood is a large, thorny forest grown by the Empire (and with the aid of magic, most likely) to create a very dangerous barrier between it and the city of Torus, one of the few cities not in the Empire. In present times the wood is very dangerous and few travel in it willingly. It is said that the Storm changed it more than other places and that the Black Road in the south was said to somehow be in it as well.
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