Earth: The Opening
We need more understanding of human nature because the only real danger that exists is man himself ... We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.
- Carl Gustav Jung
If you're hearing and seeing this nice audio, you're at our little corner of System. Chances are the UN is also logging you're having come here. If you're here for the tabloid stuff, go to the disUnited main section, through the door to the left. For those staying, I have some questions to ask, some observations to make and hopefully a few minds to awaken.
Many people of this time are in the habit of saying that it's the end times, that the world is going to go through some judgement, or it already has and we're whats left behind. Be that as it may, we here at the DisUnited are getting right sick and tired of hearing you folks blame our grandfathers, and fathers and grandmothers and such for our problems. Blaming othes for our messes is what caused them in the first place! Some have even begun to excuse our ancestors, as if that was any better. Uh huh. People knew what the world was coming to, even have in the eighteen hundred's.
The world is bad enough, may-be,
We do not comprehend it;
But in one fact can all agree,
God won't, and we can't mend it.
A poet said that, Arthur Clough by name. You see? Even then people had some idea of what the world was heading to, if only subconsciously. Perhaps poets had a magic then that let them hear the world, we'll never know ... but we do know we can change the world, if we try. We can't mend what was broken, but we can stop it from getting worse.
Now, thats a pretty speech. You've heard the like before, probably. Any idiot can see whats wrong with the world, its seeing solutions that's harder. So we're here to offer some.
- Don't kill the humans off. We can learn, honest!
- Let magic grow: science hasn't saved us from ourselves, maybe it can.
- Dismantle the UN and put something that actually works for us in its place.
- Don't trust those who make the laws -- lawyers and politicians interpret reality for their own gain, not ours. They should be given a poetic liscence for it.
- Do something to make your dying worth it.
Replay those a few times. Try and understand them. Most of you are likely focusing on point 3. This is the DisUnited, after all. Now, why are we anti-UN? 3 words: NWO. If you don't know what it stands for, go back to your lives. If you do, begin the fight. The global government is coming, and we need it too much to fight it. But it doesn't make to be the UN! They want it to be. Fight them, and you're death is good for something. Fight now, before you're battle is reduced to shooting your leg off to escape the bear trap.
Welcome back to the DisUnited, friends and enemies. We've been down for a little due to System errors of hackers, but we're baaccck! Didja miss us? Huh? Anywho, many of you see to know about the NWO, and that knowing seems to make people turn it into an urban legend. We can't change that. We've done our part. But the war is coming, or its already been fought and we've all given up. But some of you who left us messages want to bomb Antartica, or kill every UN trooper you see. To that, we say no. Metaphors, people, metaphors! You can fight without killing everyone! Guns aren't the only way, and words carry further than bullets .... but we can't explain this. I dont think we will. However, we found an old file on System (and no, you're not cleared to know where it was). Awesome metaphors in it, and the idea that the UN are vampires and lords of death is just brilliant.
Politics. Brings lots of images to mind, and most of them aren't pretty. Our lives are politics, torn between the old war and staying out of it. We are the lords of life. We have no choice about that, and vamps are the lords of death. And I think thats becoming a greater and greater problem. Too many of us are forced to fight. Or die when we would live. We're forced to act, instead of to be. We become killers, not lovers.
Maybe saviours, but never saints.
We become the slayers, then the slain. The fear, and then the nightmares. We give in when we should fight. Fight when we should give in. Kill when we should love. Never love what we kill. We play the old war. Old game. Politics is a game also. These words bleed sorrow. You bleed blood. Both the same, both cut deep. All for politics. All for a war we fight. Drafted, without cause. No hope, no way out. Truth dies, we die, they die. Defeat is death. No honor. No glory. No favorites. Just dead.
Maybe its time to go back. To step away, forget the war. Live our lives. Try peace, as more than just a pause between battles. Try friendship, before the war consumes us. Try hiding, try ignoring the others. Anything but blood. Killing wears on the soul. Each death takes soemthing, with each death you die.Soon there is no us, but the war. No fighting but the dying. No pain, no hope, no fear: no life.
Get that? The politics of the UN have to be fought! We are trying to protect life, not cause death. Blowing up UN officials causes us to be evil, not just be seen as evil. Read that again, and remember it. Whatever it was written for, they were fighting a battle just like us. Let's hope they won.