Sparkie's Stuff
God doesn't play dice. - Albert Einstein
This is Sparkie's small part of the site, listing almost all the commands the bot does as well as the user level needed to access the command in question. It will be kept updated a lot more than Sparkie's help file ever is and include a few scripts later on.
Basic D&D Game Commands
God not only plays dice. He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen. - Steven Hawkins
Sparkie is a dice bot, so most of his commands were, not surprisingly, oriented around dice and rolling them. Well, they were initially. Anyhow, here they are (including the seldom used ones). Where user level matters, it will be noted in the command section.
Action | Command | Result |
Roll dice | 1d20+2 3#3d4 d6-2 | Sparkie responds to rolling dice in any channel or in msg to Sparkie using the format of The dice are rolled using the W#XdY+Z format. Where W = number of throws, X = number of dice, Y = number of sides and Z = modifier to add/subtract to each throw. The dice must be the first thing in the line, so typing Hello 3d6 won't work but 3d6 Work, stupid bot! will. |
Initiative |
2e initative | init() | This command rolls initative for 2nd edition and will roll for everyone voiced (+) and opped (@) in the channel. |
Group init | (groupinit) | This quickie command does 2nd edition (again) init for 2 groups, "Party" and "Them." It is currently a 2e command also. |
3e init | !init | This command rolls initiative for all people voiced (+v) or opped (+@) in the channel. |
Init help | !init help | Gives you the following init stuff, works in channel or msg. |
Set init modifier | !mod +/-<modifier> | This command sets an iniative mdofier that will be used with your nick whenever 3e init is used, such as +3 or -4. to change it, just tyype !mod followed by a new modifier. |
What's my modifier? | !initname <nick> | Shows the current init modifier for a nick (if any). |
What's the init again? | !remind | Prints out the current init in channel or msg. |
Adding an NPC to init | !npcs on | This adds a special init for NPCs, without any init modifier to it. One might be added in the future. |
Removing an NPC to init | !npcs off | This stops NPCs from being added. |
Adding multiple NPCs to init | !add npcs # | Just type !addnpc, followed by a number, such as !addnpc 5 to add 5 npcs to the init. |
Removing those NPCs | !removenpc | Removes 'em. |
Adding multiple NPCs as names | !addnpcnicks <nick> <nick> etc. | This adds npcs, like above, but as nicks, not just numbers. So !addnpcnicks Bob Linda John would add 3 nicks named that to init. |
Removing those NPCs | !removenpcnicks | Removes 'em. |
Remove DM from init | !nodm | This command removes the DMs nick from init. To return it, just type !nodm again. |
Change DM nick in init | !npcnick on <nick> | This changes the nick the DM is given, to that of an NPC of choice. |
Return DM nick to normal | !npcnick off | Cancels the previous command. Likely because Sparkie has killed said NPC. |
Other Stuff |
Saves | !save <Your Save> <Against what> | Yes, this is a 2e command. This works with !save 13 fire, for example and will tell you if you made your save vs fire or not. |
Stats | Stats(#) With the # being from 1 to 9 | This command gives you the D&D stat options from 1-9. 5 is the 3rd edition standard and this command works in msg or channel. |
Thac0 attack modifer | Thac0/ Thaco <your modified THAC0> <Your foes Armour Class> | Another 2nd edition comand, this works with you typing Thaco <your modified THAC0> <Your foes Armour class> So a Thac0 13 5 would be a thaco of 13 trying to hit an AC of 5. |
3rd edition Thac0 | !Thac0 <your to hit> <Your foes AC> | Yes, I know 3rd edition d&d doesn't have THAC0. It was written a long time ago. If you ever want to use it, type !Thac0 <your to hit bonus> <Your foes AC> and sparkie will tell you what you rolled and if you hit them or not. |
Search the Kevren Gods | !Kevren <word(s)> | Searches the listing of Kevren gods for your query. |
GM Commands
<Drudwyn> ((DAMN YOU Sparkie!!!))
The gm script isn't really any special commands for a GM (yet -- I plan to add kick and ban options via Sparkie for the GM to use). It mostly tells ppl who is running a game when they join and keeps a log of the game at the time as well as sending the log and recaping it to those who ask.
Action | Command | Result |
Set the GM | set <dm/gm/st> <Channel> <Nick> | This command sets a gm (or dm or st, depending on the game) for a channel. Sparkie will then log the channel using the Gm's name. When the game ends and the gm is removed, the log of the game ends. it wil also tell people who join that channel that the game is in progress. The person to be the gm and sparkie must both be in the channel for Sparkie to give them that status. If Sparkie is opped (@) s/he will be also. |
Remove the GM | remove <dm/gm/st> <Nick> | This command ends the gm running a game and halts the log. |
Who is the GM? | !dm !gm !st | This command will tell the user if a game is being run and if so what kind of game it is. Since Sparkie can set someone as a gm, dm or st it responds to all 3 with the same message. This can be useful to remove a gm. |
Channel Logging |
Recap list | !recap | This shows the list of games sparkie has logged in order to access them. |
Recap session | !recap <Filename> | This command sends the user the last 10 lines of a log in msg format so they know what happenned in the last game ran by that person. |
Recap log | !log | This shows the list of games sparkie has logged for purposes of getting them dcc'ed to you. |
Get log | !log <Filename> | This will send the entire long of one gm's games to whoever asks for them. |
GM Init commands (Also under init) |
Adding an NPC to init | !npcs on | This adds a special init for NPCs, without any init modifier to it. One might be added in the future. |
Removing an NPC to init | !npcs off | This stops NPCs from being added. |
Adding multiple NPCs to init | !add npcs # | Just tyope !addnpc, followed by a number, such as !addnpc 5 to add 5 npcs to the init. |
Removing those NPCs | !removenpc | Removes 'em. |
Adding multiple NPCs as names | !addnpcnicks <nick> <nick> etc. | This adds npcs, like above, but as nicks, not just numbers. So !addnpcnicks Bob Linda John would add 3 nicks named that to init. |
Removing those NPCs | !removenpcnicks | Removes 'em. |
Remove DM from init | !nodm | This command removes the DMs nick from init. To return it, just type !nodm again. |
Change DM nick in init | !npcnick on <nick> | This changes the nick the DM is given, to that of an NPC of choice. |
Return DM nick to normal | !npcnick off | Cancels the previous command. Likely because Sparkie has killed said NPC. |
Game Quotations
<Caltak> Hehe if nothing else, Sparkie is useful for the quotes :)
This section tells you how to access Sparkie's quotes about games and search through them as wel as count the occurence of nicks etc. within the quotes.
Action | Command | Result |
Reading the quotes | quote <#> | By typing a quote and a number, such as quote 3 or quote 2034 and the quote will be returned in channel or msg. Typing quote by itself also gives out smaller, often one line quotes. Sparkie wil do one quote every 10 seconds, to prevent flooding. |
Searching the quotes | !archive <word(s) looked for> !archive1 <word(s) looked for> !archive2 <word(s) looked for> !search <word(s) looked for> | This command looks through the archive (quotes 1-1000) with !archive, the next set of quotes (quotes 1001-2000) with !archive1, the next (2001 to 3000) with !archive2 and the quotes from 3000+ with !search since they are the most recent. It displays the first 300 occurences of the word or words in channel or msg as well as counting the occurences of those words. |
Searching all the quote files | !searchall <word(s) looked for> | This command looks through all the game quotes for the information requested and shows the first 500 occurences of whatever is looked for. |
To count or not to count ... | !count <word(s) to be counted> | This will tell you how many times what you asked about occurered in the entire quotes, such as a nick or something. |
Matching words | !mewsearch <word(s) to be counted>:<word(s) to be counted> | this command searches the entire quotes file for occurences of two searches together, such as !newsearch the end:Jeramias. It tells you what quotes they were in as well as counts the occurences of your search. You must use words longer than 2 characters for both searches. |
How many quotes are there? | !quotes | This tells you how many game quotes Sparkie has total now. |
PCs -Descriptions & Character Sheets
<Robert```> (( Sparkie, you FUCKING SUCK ))
These command (the last of the explicitly game oriented stuff) allows players to add a description of their pc into Sparkie.
Action | Command | Result |
PC Descriptions | Adding a name to the list | !addname <nick> <description> | This adds a nick to sparkie's list of descriptions. Currently it won't replace a nick already there, so if you added one before, ask Alcar to replace it with the new one. |
Reading a name | !name <nick> | This command will show either the description for a nick in channel or msg. |
Character Sheets |
Getting a sheet | !sheet | Sends you Sparkie's 2nd edition character sheet as a .rtf (rich text format) file. It will work in wordpad and most word processing programs. |
| !3e | Sends you Sparkie's 3rd edition character sheet as a .rtf (rich text format) file. It will work in wordpad and most word processing programs. |
IRC Commands
<Bloodheart> are you actually sitting there rolling a die?
Moving right along, these are the basic IRC commands that sparkie responds to. The user level of commands lists "none" if everyone can use the command, + if you needed to be voiced on #game1 by Sparkie normally for it to work and @ if you need to be opped in #game1 for the commands to work. "game1" added to any of those will show commands that only work in #Game1.
Command | User Level | Result |
Basic Help |
!commands | None | This gives whoever asks some of Sparkie's basic commands. |
!opstuff | @Any channel | This command tells an op some of the op-oriented commands for Sparkie. |
!help | None | Sparkie's help file. While not as comprehensive as this page, it gets the job done. |
Command | User Level | Result |
Commands (alphabetically) |
ban <channel> <nick> | @ | Bans someone from the channel named if Sparkie is opped there. |
/ctcp Sparkie ban <channel> <nick> | @ | Bans someone from a channel via ctcp. |
/ctcp Sparkie help | @ | help on the ban, kick and server commands. |
/ctcp Sparkie kick <channel> <nick> | @ | The above, but a nick instead. |
/ctcp Sparkie server <New server> | @ | Sends Sparkie to another server. |
come to <channel> | @ | Causes Sparkie to join a channel without his usual invite message. |
deop <channel> <nick> | @ | Removes someones ops in a channel Spark is opped in if they are there. |
deop me | @ | Removes your ops in a channel if a) you have them and b) Sparkie is opped there. |
devoice <channel> <nick> | @ | Removes someones voice in a channel Sparkie is opped on. |
drop <channel> <nick> | @ | Removes someones ops and vpoces them in a channel Sparkie is opped on. (Are we detected a pattern here?) |
!dm note | None | Just a handy in channel note to players about the game. |
(exit) | @ | Boots Sparkie off of IRC entirely. |
ghost <channel> <nick> | @ | Kicks someone from a channel with a corny message about Spark's 6th sense :) |
hush <channel> <nick> | @ | Removes someones ops, voice and then bans them to shut them up. |
kick <channel> <nick> <kick message> | @ | This kicks a user from a channel if Sparkie is opped there. |
kill <channel> <nick> | @ | This command deops a user. |
!leave | None | Causes Sparkie to leave the channel. |
!leave <channel> | None | Causes Sparkie to leave a channel the bot is currently in. |
!me <channel> <message> | None | Causes Sparkie to say what you asked him to as an action. |
(nick1) | None | Causes Sparkie to change his nick to Sparkie. |
op <channel> <nick> | @ | Ops someone in a channel that (you guessed it) Sparkie is opped in. |
pass | None | Causes Sparkie to identify with nickserv. |
!peak | None | Tells you the current peak for number of people in #Game1. |
!say <channel> <message> | None | Causes Sparkie to say what you asked him to as normal text. |
set nick <new nick> | + | Changes Sparkie's nick name. |
!Shoo | + | Sparkie will part the channel when this command is used. |
!shut up | @ | This moderates the channel and devoices everyone. |
Spark off | @ | Causes Sparkie to deop himself. |
Spark on | None | Causes Sparkie to gain ops, if Sparkie is opped in the channel normally. |
Spark pw | None | Causes Sparkie to identify with nickserv. |
sparkie | None | Causes Spark to reply with one of the (Sparkie) messages. |
transform <channel> <nick> | @ | Removes someones ops and voices them witha corny message. |
unban <channel> <nick> | @ | Unbans someone from a channel Sparkie is opped in. |
voice <channel> <nick> | @ | Voices someone in a channel Sparkie is opped in. |
!voice all | @ | This voices everyone in the channel. |
vop | @ | Ops everyone who is voiced in the channel. |
Command | User Level | Result |
Don't Do This |
fserv | Special game1 | Bans someone for 30 seconds for typing fserv unless they are an op or voiced |
!list | None | This command kicks out anyone who types it and isn't an op or voiced. |
Stupid bot | None | An insult Sparkie will kick you for. Sparkie isn't stupid. |
warez | Special game1 | Bans someone for 30 seconds for typing warez unless they are an op or voiced |
Other Stuff
<Sin{MostlyElsewhere}> you know... having a relationship with sparkie is kinda like having a relationship with Jeffery Dahmer.... you know exactly where it will end :)
There's more?! Well, sadly, yes. But this is mostly Sparkies word definer, wild magic and other quote features. If you just wanted to learn Sparkie's commands you don't need to read this section. However, if you want to impress family and friends, feel free to continue!
Action | Command | Result |
Word Definer |
Get a definition | (Word or words) | This gives a random definition of a word or words, such as (Sparkie). If a definition doesn't exist, none is given. |
Get a specific definition | (Word or words) # | This gives you a specific line (If it exists). So (sparkie) 1 would give the first line of the (sparkie) definition. |
Add a definition | !addword (word or words) definition | This adds a definition to the bots list. |
Stop the definitions, please! | !words off <channel> | This stops spark from reponding to workds in the channel. |
I want 'em back! | !words on <channel> | This allows sparkie to respond to words in () again! |
Other IRC Quotes |
Read quotes | [Quote] {quote #} | [quote] reads pme ramdom quote, [quote #] reads a specific quote, such as [quote 42] |
Search quotes | [search] <Word or words> | Searches the file for you. |
How many are there? | ![quote] | Shows the total words in the irc quotes file. |
Wild Magic |
Using Wild Magic | !wildsurge !wildsurge # | This shows a random wildsurge, or !wildsurge # does a specific one, such as !wildsurge 7006 (the last surge in the last). |
Targeting someone with it | !wildmagic <name of target> | This does a wildsurge, but replaces the caster with you and target with whomever you designate. |
Famous Last Words |
Famous Last Words | !last word !last word # | !last word does a random famous last word, while !last word # does a specific one, such as !lastword 95 |
<Chaos`^> Sparkie couldn't light a fire if he rolled it himself!
Thanks are due first to Warner for the dice script, which can be found here. Also to Sintaqx for general help, to Keith` for the 2e init script and to all of #game1 for putting up with Alcar's testing of Sparkie all the time :p
A script or two might be added later, but as most of spark's scripts (with the exception of the word definer) aren't really "done" that might not happen for a bit. By done, I mean that they'd work for other people without confusing them a lot :)
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