Max Griffon
Fairy Mendicant
Childike Faerie boy, looking no more than 10. He has blonde hair, violet eyes, and dresses in black, with a penchant for Victorian clothes. His pointed ears and obvious Faerie wings (and tiny size) would mark him as one of the Sidhe of this world at a glance. He's generally a kind sort, and quite innocent.
Special Abilities
Major Power
Glamour: See the section on fairies for more info.
Minor Powers
Flight: Whee! I can fly!
Invisbility: Can become invisible.
Guild: Laying on Hands
Defining Traits
Cunning, Friendly, Radiant, Cute, Perceptive
Negative: Tiny, Fragile
Breed: None
Guild: Empathy, First Aid, Negotiation, Scrounging, Survival
Secondary: Sciences (Physics), Stealth
1 Radiant Item (Item with 4 levels of permanent radiance stored in it)
1 Imbued Item (Item with 6 levels of temporary radiance stored in it)
This sheet was originally made using the underworld character generator.
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