Chartacter Knowledge of Verise

Intro §World § Campaign


The Nation of Indar (Also called Durlan because of the Durlan lake and river) ruled most of the area known known as Outer Namdara for just over 1 000 years. In the 1 800 years since Indar fell due to the philosophy of non-violence preached by Felden, the four nations of Burgen, Falket, Murstai and Samdar rose in its place with a scattering of other cities in the area.

Precisely 400 years ago, Namdara expanded north again (as it had in its disatrous attempt to deal with Galrin that wiped out that nation and a good portion of Namdara army over 12 000 years ago. The Namdaran armies burned the Old Keep and in short order the ruling families and much of the 4 nations nobility either surrendered or died. Tarain had warned them of the possibly expansion 40 years ago, but due to rivalries with that nation the words had not been headed soon enough.

The nation of Alden flourished 27 000 years ago, lasting over 8 500 years before Galrin conquered them. Galrin enslaved the dwarves through trickery and was fiannly destroyed for its corruption of the honour Alden had upholded after 7 000 years. Everyone in the area would know of this, and that Alden was, in many ways, the symbol of the worlds honour and its destruction by greed a "sign of the times"


For most people in the north, those of other races are very common sights. Generally speaking, dwarves and humans treat each other as equals, ogres are often seen as the same as are some orcs. Goblins are considered little more than menial servants to most. In some places, even women are regarded higher than goblins. Elves, Gerisau, Hingari and Shadow Demons are often given a sort of wary respect. Weres and vampires are seem as outside the natural oder of things and treated somewhere around the level or orcs.

If you reduced the racial opinions to a class system, the result would be:
Upper Class:Dwarves, Humans
Mid-Upper Class:Ogres, Elves *
Low-Upper Class:Some vampires, Hingari
Upper-Middle Class:All, Orcs, Elves *
Middle Class:Vampires
Low-Middle Class:Weres
Lower Class:Goblins
Unclassed:Gerisau, Shadow Demons
* The social standing of elves is stil dubious because of their foreign upbringing (lack of knowledge of the area) as well as the fact that there are scarely 5,000 elves in Outer Namdara.


If the comment about women being viewed socially higher than goblins didn't clue you off, Verise is very feudal in many ways. The purpose of women is to bear children and raise them, teach them how to live, social graces and other such nonsense. Women fighters are known of but often regarded with amused tolerance by most. Women wishing to step outside of cultural norms often end up dead, thieves or beggars. Female mages are known but most people tend to consider them weaker then men at magical arts, despite the fact that most kids live in fear that the "old witch" down the road will charm them if they misbehave. Female Advocates of the Prime God are the only women considered equal to men, but even so many men will be more insobordinate to a female Advocate than they would ever dream of being to a male one. In short, women are accepted implictily as inferior to men.


Social Class: Socially, only those of the upper classes are taught much beyond basic reading and writing into philosophy, astronomy and the like. Middle clas children are taught letters and numbers and the basic history at the top of the page. Few of them can write, but most knon how to read. Lower class citizens are seldom able to read or write, though the known the history above as oral tradtion. A knowledge(Literacy) skill will make the PC literate, but it must be explained in their history.

Character Class: Thieves and fighters are both looked on as necessary. Politics makes thieves, wars make fighters (and rangers). Paladins are looked on as fanatics and Advocates of the Prime God with respect and fear. Clerics of other deities are looked on as losers (against the Prime God) and with some fear because no one really knows what they are capable of. Mages are generally regarded as eccentrics and looked on warily by most, but seldom with fear. Bards are highly respected in most places as a profession even though individual bards might not be. The same applies to druids. If a barbarian is an Eastern Barbarian they are looked on with some hesitation and often singled out as dangerous foes in battle.


Politics is life. Every person, from the youngest to the oldest, rich or poor, has their own personal political views. In Outer Namdara, everyone has their own views on the Namdaran expansion into Outer Namdara. This, as well as where your character is from, wil determine many NPC reactions towards you. If you're against Namdara, why are you against it? Is it because they are breaking their own historical precedents? Because they might call the Eastern Barbarians down on themselves? Because you view them the way most countries on Earth view the USA and assume they are always in the wrong or too powerful for their own good? Or do you think Outer Namdara should be left alone? In other words, a simple " I'm agaisn't Namdara" won't suffice for most NPCs. They will want to know why you are.

Intro §World § Campaign