Game Premise:
Not done. Pick your classes and races, then I'll tell you. ( The basic character Info on the world is required reading for each PC, no matter what path the plot follows.)
Character Creation:
Make a normal level 1 3e PC. Use the stats method in the PHB (counts as stats(5) for SParie, (stats) for Orrik)). Also, points totalling over 85 is a little much . . be realistic :)
If you're an elf, you begin as level 2 but can't be a spell casting class. (The level was gained travelling through the Western Ruins to the campaign area, a journey elves only recall in their frequent nightmares). The races offered are below as are classes. More detailed class and race information can be found in the races and classes sections.
Also, for those who choose to be mages, there is some info below on magic.
Character information (information EVERY PC is expected to know) is here.
Races of Verise: (Detailed info. on them can be found in the races section.)
Dwarves: Dwarves tend to live far to the north and seldom both to have contact with other races. With the exception of dwarves from Kadre's Falls (Who often refuse to call themselves dwarves), most have no reason or wish to venture out into the world, unless it is to take magical training.
Elves: Verise elves are very different in that they can not begin a game knowing magic. Elves in the game have fled from the western land through the ruins and into the game land (hence their bonus level). The land they are from is ruled by a race known as the Lun Lion and there is no magic there, but a sort of science/alchemy instead.
Gerisau: A race of short, highly magical beings capable of shapeshifting at will into other forms.
Goblins: One of the most proflic races, goblins are often found doing the small and menial jobs no other race would do. They are generally mocked and lauged at by others.
Gnomes: Gnomes are likely an off shoot of dwarves or perhaps a half breed race that have become a race in their own right. Unlike dwarves, they are very friendly and can be found among any lands and people.
Half-breeds: Half breeds tend to be very rare and are often shunned by both parent races. half dwarves, elves, orcs and ogres tend to be common. Halflings, on this world, are a cross betwen humans and gerisau and very rare.
Hingari: A very old race with natural abilities to control to control fire and an inborn need to rule others. They tend to remain in Condrenus and rarely venture out into the world.
Humans: Almost as prolific as goblins, humans tend to be very common in Namdara and surrounding nations but less common the further away from there one travels.
Ogres: This race is entirely female, mating with orcs to get offspring. They tend to despise orcs as being little better than goblins.
Orcs: All orcs are males, the racial mates of ogres. Most orcs tend to be somewhere above goblins in the social heirachy but not much.
Shadow Demons: This is a very secluded race of living shadows whose origin is shrouded in myth.
Vampires: S.e. Not reccomended as pcs.
Weres: Yes, were races (Predominantly werewolves) can be found, but most of them remain in Xaldar and rarely venture out into the world.
Other races, such as lizard folk and vrrgmq* do exist, but due to the campaign location, they are highly unlikely to either meet PCs or be them.
* Vrrgmq are a race VERY far to the south with the ability to cast poly self 1 / day and change self 1 / day / level.
Racial Modifiers:
Dwarves: +2 con, -2 Cha.
Elves: +2 dex, -2 Con, +1 level, can't begin as spell casting class.
Gerisau: -1 con, +1 cha (NPC race).
Goblins: -2 str, +2 dex, -2 Cha. +4 move silently. Large
Gnomes: +2 con, -2 str.
Half dwarf: +2 str, +1 con, -2 int, -1 cha
Half Elf: None.
Halfling: +2 dex, -2 str.
Half Ogre: +4 str, -2 dex, +2 con, -2 int, -4 cha.
Half Orc: +2 str, -2 int, -2 cha.
Hingari: +1 int, -1 wis (NPC race).
Humans: None.
Ogres: +8 str, -2 dex, +4 con, -4 int, -2 wis, -4 cha. Count as Large.
Orcs: +4 str, -2 int, -2 wis, -2 cha.
Shadow Demons: -3 str, +2 dex, +2 con, -3 cha (NPC Race)
Vampires: +3 str, +1 dex, -2 cha, +1 AC
Weres: +2 to dex, str or con, -2 int, -2 wis
Classes: (More info can be found in the classes section.
Clerics (called Advocates of the Prime God unless the PC wants to come from the Holy Lands or be a blasphemer and not worship the Prime God) are very, very rare. Advocates are essentially wandering judges with the authority to impose their judgements on the villages and holdings they pass through. An Advocate PC will have an Advocate NPC with them whoi will be teaching them how to be an Advocate. Being a cleric from the Holy Lands means your pc is a traditional cleric but will be looked at with extreme suspicion by others.
Sorcerers are the most common spell casters. Wizards tend to compromise about 20% of spell casters, while sorcerers are close to 50%. A wizard is rare in that s/he wants to learn magic (for whatever reasons) and isn't born with the blood of the powers the way sorcerers are.
Cleric/Wizards or Cleric/Sorcerers are not allowed. Sorcerer/Wizards are simply impossible.
Druids are allowed, but are nothing compared to the druids of legend.
Verise magic is NOT like the normal "Cast" = "Effect" D&D method. For each spell, the caster must concentrate 1 round per level of the spell [make a dc 10 concentration check], with 0 level spells requiring no check or round concentrating, or face a 5% chance of a magical effect contrary to what they intend -- a wild surge, or the spell might work in reverse or for a less amount of time or do less damage. If they do concentrate and use the right material components, the spell works as normal. Advocates of the Prime God ARE their own magical symbol for their own spells.
More on magic will be added later..