Playing in Alcar's Games

Due to financial constraints, Alcar now feels the time has come to charge for his services as a DM. A fee of $2 per player will be accepted to play in his games, and a special $10 fee can be payed by an entire gaming group for the entire session. This also includes after game reparte, commentary and other valuable information. A monthly fee of $40 for 4 sessions (1 per week) or $60 for 2 sessions a week can be charged. Yearly campaign fees can be dealt with by contacting Alcar at #Game1 on Dalnet in person.

A service charge of 50 cents applies for consultations about payment methods. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.

Alcar Inc.

Name: Address:
City: Sate/Province:
Country: Zipcode:

Please Select Payment Type for game:
Type: Credit Card Cheque Money Order Your Soul

If you choose Credit Card, fill out the credit card info below. Otherwise, fill out the rest of the form and Alcar will send you the address to send your cheque etc. to.

Please Rate the DM for overall performance control purposes:

If you picked Credit card, please enter the information below:
Credit Card Number: Expiration Date:
Card Type: Visa Master Card American Express Radio Shack Card

Peronal Info: To help Alcar plan games, please fill out the following:

Sex:Male Female Both Bot None of your bussiness! Age:
What convinced you to come to this channel?
Why do you play games here?
What game systems do you like the best?

Please Share Your Comments for Games with Alcar:

The introduction #game1 info odds 'n' Ends Contact Alcar here