>This is a log from a d&d game a long time ago. It's rather unique :)
Alcar played Kynan the barbarian
Baliadoc played Kholgaran (the dwarf :))
Marcus_Fenway was Gratch
This log comes from Baliadoc's logging of the game.
<Jeramias> I wish that I was there :)
<Jeramias> That game is really quite infamous
Session Start: Fri Dec 03 01:00:55 1999
*** Now talking in #old_Tales
<Alcar> someone else might be able to join also
<Alcar> nm . .he just came. heh
<Baliadoc> hehe, hi!
<Marcus_Fenway> hi
*** TopazDragon has joined #OLD_Tales
<TopazDragon> Marcus_Fenway Invited me. Type 'System(leave,#OLD_Tales)' to get rid of me
<Marcus_Fenway> 1d20
<TopazDragon> Marcus_Fenway (1d20) : 4
<_ReALiTy_> hey peopole
<Marcus_Fenway> Game?
<_ReALiTy_> game level 3 to 5
<Alcar> hey
<Marcus_Fenway> Do you accept Skills and Powers?
<_ReALiTy_> no chaotic neutrals and ultra boosted characters
<_ReALiTy_> yes
<_ReALiTy_> i do
<Baliadoc> give me a few minutes to roll up a character reality
<_ReALiTy_> skills and powers are the best
<_ReALiTy_> sure
<_ReALiTy_> be quick tho
<_ReALiTy_> some of us have less patience
<_ReALiTy_> :P
<Baliadoc> lol
<Baliadoc> only take a few seconds :)
<Baliadoc> (i hope)
<_ReALiTy_> BTW if any of you have specials characters and such and would like to keep some stuff in privicy to the dm let me know
<Alcar> _ReALiTy_ - sent you an msg
<Baliadoc> hey reality, would you mind a kit?
<Marcus_Fenway> Are we allowed any Magical Items?
<Marcus_Fenway> All My Magical Items are +1's or +2's nothing better then that
<_ReALiTy_> hmm dont know the kits by eart
<_ReALiTy_> by heart if your using AD&D core rulz dont pls
<Baliadoc> hmm??
<Baliadoc> you want me to use s&p?
<_ReALiTy_> marcus .. +2 plate mail no ! + long sword or bow yes
<_ReALiTy_> sure you can as you want
<_ReALiTy_> but no kit pls
<Baliadoc> oh okay
<Baliadoc> i didn't know what you meant about the core rules
<_ReALiTy_> i am not to well accorded with them
<Marcus_Fenway> You have Core Rules and Players Option Rules
<Lord_Daniel> players options are munchie books
<Marcus_Fenway> Core Rules is Players Handbook Players Option is all the other books
<Baliadoc> oh alrighty, i see then :)
<_ReALiTy_> hehe
<Lord_Daniel> I'd hope not to see a level 1 player with this +5 attack and +7 damage garbage
<_ReALiTy_> lord daniel who cares .. its about individuality
<_ReALiTy_> BRB lookihng at some chars
<_ReALiTy_> guys get ready ok
<Alcar> ok
<Baliadoc> i'm almost done
<Alcar> Lord_Daniel - never seen a level one w/ +5 attacks, +7 damage myself
<_ReALiTy_> lord daneil give me a char or something
<_ReALiTy_> alcar skills and power permit that
<Lord_Daniel> Look for Elfboy
<Lord_Daniel> he's got one :)
<Lord_Daniel> What levels are you running for?
<Alcar> reality - that's truly sad then :)
<Baliadoc> btw, what's our money status?
<_ReALiTy_> 3 to 5
<_ReALiTy_> you all have 550 GP
<Baliadoc> k
*** Lord_Daniel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<_ReALiTy_> your level 3 to 5 so your not poor
<Baliadoc> right, just wanted to see how much we wound up with :)
<Alcar> heheh
<_ReALiTy_> ill be ready soon checking chars to see if everything is ok
<_ReALiTy_> guys how about you get the CD core rule demo
<_ReALiTy_> at the TSR site on the net
<_ReALiTy_> its like 9 megs
<_ReALiTy_> if you guys have cable it should be fast
<_ReALiTy_> you can choose items and skills etc.. with nice AD&D sheets
* Alcar could get that in an hour and a half, at best :)
<Baliadoc> lol, i could do that, but i'm almost done as it is :)
<Alcar> 3d6 - charisma
<TopazDragon> Alcar (3d6) : 10
<_ReALiTy_> 4d6
<TopazDragon> _ReALiTy_ (4d6) : 11
<Alcar> heh
<_ReALiTy_> bali you almost done ?
<Baliadoc> just about
<_ReALiTy_> oky doky
<_ReALiTy_> ok peopole all fighters of the group get maximum hp for there level ok
<_ReALiTy_> timora was with you :)
* Alcar nods
<Baliadoc> woohoo!
<Baliadoc> here i come reality
<Alcar> hope we have at least one non-fighter. heh/
<_ReALiTy_> hmm ....
<Marcus_Fenway> <Baliadoc> here i come reality ??? Where have you been Bali?
<Baliadoc> LOL!
<Baliadoc> don't ask Marcus, don't ask
<_ReALiTy_> i wont egnoledge alignement ok
<Alcar> hhahah!
<Alcar> reality - ok
<_ReALiTy_> you play as you see fit ... to those who wish to play dirty and ruin the fun of others ... elminster will deal of them
<Marcus_Fenway> Alignment whats that?
<Baliadoc> what are you playing marcus, just out of curiousity?
<Alcar> heheh
* Marcus_Fenway Strings his Bow
<Baliadoc> hmm... this could mean trouble... ;)
* Marcus_Fenway Takes aim and Shoots the Apple off Baliadoc's Head from a Quartermile away
<Baliadoc> we're all fighters!
* Baliadoc loads his crossbow and shoots the arrow out of the air before it reaches him
<Baliadoc> j/k marcus ;)
<Alcar> uh oh
<Alcar> all fighters. hmm
<Baliadoc> don't think of switching though alcar... me and marcus are long range ;)
* Alcar grins
<Marcus_Fenway> Disadvantages
<Marcus_Fenway> Bad Tempered - Character must make a Wisdom/Willpower check when insulted. If check fails, the chracter will insult the person back.
<Marcus_Fenway> Irritating Personality - A sucessful Wisdom/Willpower check is required in social situations, or the character must roleplay their irritating personality qualities.
<Marcus_Fenway> ... Is that a good Combo?
<Baliadoc> lol
<_ReALiTy_> no
<_ReALiTy_> its not
<Alcar> hehehheheheehehe
<Baliadoc> so that's what alamar did for Brak!
<_ReALiTy_> guys i dont know about you but i wanna play soon ...
<Marcus_Fenway> I knew I got Jipped
<Alcar> LOL bali
<Baliadoc> did you get my character sheet reality?
* Alcar is ready, i think
<_ReALiTy_> if you brieng up chars that have devil blood or something its not a good char
<_ReALiTy_> this is a FRIENDLY game made to play for 2 to 3 hours
*** Alcar is now known as Kynan
<_ReALiTy_> or more
<Baliadoc> is this gonna become a campaign? or just a one shot?
*** Baliadoc is now known as Kholgaran
<_ReALiTy_> but .. if you have evil characters its pain
*** _ReALiTy_ is now known as DM
<Marcus_Fenway> "Mwahahahah!!!" :P~"
<Kynan> "heh"
*** DM is now known as Guest21008
*** Guest21008 is now known as GM
<GM> fucking server
*** GM is now known as dungeonMaster
*** dungeonMaster is now known as dungeon_Master
*** dungeon_Master is now known as _dungeon_Master_
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> you guys get ready and ill start in 2 sec'S chekcing characters
<_dungeon_Master_> if you would pls change your nicks to your characters
* Marcus_Fenway is now known as Marcus_Fenway
<Marcus_Fenway> oppsss
<Marcus_Fenway> ;)
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe
<Kynan> lol
*** Marcus_Fenway is now known as Grach
<_dungeon_Master_> marcus i think your evil and maybe irritating in your real nature thats why you want to play a character as such
<_dungeon_Master_> :P
<Grach> Grrr...
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
* Grach fails his Wisdom Check and attacks the DM
<Kynan> hehhe
<Grach> BBin5 <Need Soda>
<_dungeon_Master_> ok guys .... starting in 2
<Kynan> (ok)
<Kholgaran> (ready to go)
<Kynan> (yep)
<Grach> (_( Lock and Load! )_)
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe
<Kynan> (heh)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok peopole ...
<_dungeon_Master_> you start in the woods of near shadow dale
<_dungeon_Master_> youve just destroyed an small orc city in constrution
<_dungeon_Master_> witch would explain why you have 550 gold pieces each
<Kholgaran> (hehe)
<Kynan> (nice)
<_dungeon_Master_> you all know each other
<_dungeon_Master_> well
<_dungeon_Master_> brb
* Kynan nods to his good companions
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ... you have killed them all except 2
* Grach Whisles as he leans against a tree polishing his bow
<_dungeon_Master_> witch disapeared and ran off
<_dungeon_Master_> well as you would suspect
<_dungeon_Master_> youve laid camp in one of the biggest houses of the orc incampement
<_dungeon_Master_> its morning and you wake
<_dungeon_Master_> ......
* Kynan stretches and looks around
<_dungeon_Master_> its a sunny day
* Kholgaran sits up, yawning
<_dungeon_Master_> (guys its your turn)
<Kynan> "Sleepy ones. Get up or I cook."
<Kholgaran> "I'll deal with it. I went to bed too late chasing that one orc down" *yawns again*
* Grach has been awake for a while (since he doesn't sleep much)
<_dungeon_Master_> you notice that everything is very very silent around the camp
<_dungeon_Master_> the building that you have slept in is 2 stories high
* Kynan looks around carefully
<Kholgaran> "Awfully quiet for a sunny morning... i guess the birds are still too scared to come back"
<Kynan> (any birds singing or asnything?)
* Kholgaran gets up and walks around, getting his muscles moving
<Kynan> "or someone is close by."
<_dungeon_Master_> when you look around kynan you notice that the pile of orc bodies is indeed lighter
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan well bird will always sing :P
* Kynan frowns and walks over to them
<Kholgaran> (you two call me Cole, btw) :)
<Kynan> ((hehehe. if one were, somethine was disturbing them, like a threat))
<Kynan> ((one = none))
<_dungeon_Master_> you notice that all the corspes have been striped
<Kholgaran> "What? This is strange... who on earth would have come by in the middle of the night?"
<Kynan> "Guys! Someone looted the dead while we were sleeping."
<_dungeon_Master_> as if someone was looking for something
* Kynan looks for recent tracks in the ground
<Grach> "I told you guys we should have tourched them last night, but No I don't wanna smell it all night long."
<Kholgaran> "Well i didn't... orcs smell disgusting"
<Kholgaran> "As it is"
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you find tracks that lead a far enought path
<_dungeon_Master_> theres 2 distinc diffente steps
*** Beldorn has joined #old_tales
* Kynan looks up 1 "Guys. Tracks over here. different kinds also."
<Beldorn> BY the way guys Beldorn is you friend
<Beldorn> hes the reason why you haven needed much reast to mend your wounds :P
* Kholgaran gets his things and walks over to Kynan
<Kynan> (heh)
<Kholgaran> "What is it?"
<Kynan> "Whoever robbed the dead, I assume."
<_dungeon_Master_> ok the tracks show that they are in fact orc foot print
<Kynan> ((how big are tracks, numver of setc etc.))
<Kynan> sets i meant
* Grach Strings his bow and walks to the others
<_dungeon_Master_> (the tracks are orcish for they are everywhere from the battle but you notice tease to be the freeshest !
* Kynan loosens his sword in his sheathe, looking around warily
<Kholgaran> "Those two that got away last night?"
<Grach> "Who ever they are lets find 'em"
<Kynan> *grunt* "Likely. Should've killed them."
<_dungeon_Master_> btw you guys havent had time to completely search the camp
<_dungeon_Master_> youve fought and found gold on the bodies
* Kynan shrugs
<Grach> "They might have a Second Instellation under construction near by"
<Kynan> "Eat first. Then go."
<_dungeon_Master_> theres 6 houses
<Kholgaran> "Shouldn't we finish searching the place too?"
<Beldorn> well whatever it is ... there searching for something
* Kholgaran nods
<Beldorn> or somewhere
<Kynan> 'or someonoe perhaps."
<Beldorn> we could start by the place weve slept
<Kholgaran> "I'll go search some of the houses, why don't you start cooking Kynan?"
<Grach> "I'll keep watchs" *looks to the tallest Building* "from up there, you search the towne"
<Beldorn> since its the only place they might have not search cuz of our campement
* Kynan nods and begins cooking some food
<_dungeon_Master_> (BTW grach you left a nice arrow in one of the fleeing orcs :)
* Kholgaran moves on to one of the other houses, going in and looking around, crossbow cocked and ready
<Kynan> ((options from his cooking are burnt or extra burnt with dirt on the top))
* Grach finds the highest point he can to watch the towne
<_dungeon_Master_> ok khol .. yo u search the hoouse
<Kholgaran> (can i get mine without dirt?)
* Kynan is quickly burning the food . . .
<Kynan> (ok)
* Grach mumbles about losing a perfectly good arrow on a worthless orc
<Kynan> (picky)
<Kholgaran> (thanks... just haven't perfected the formula in game yet ;) )
<_dungeon_Master_> (ok guys let me tell the stori hehe)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok khol as you go in the house ... you see nothing apparant
* Kholgaran moves through each room, looking for ways downwards
<_dungeon_Master_> but while marching arround .. you feel the ground in a part of the room to be quite feeble
<Kholgaran> "Ah ha..."
* Kholgaran sets his crossbow down, feeling around
<_dungeon_Master_> grach you see nothing
<_dungeon_Master_> khol .. you see a mat made of some vile creature
* Kynan burns breakfast and eats his share
* Kholgaran throws the mat aside
* Grach Polishes his bow, waits, and watches
<_dungeon_Master_> khol .. beldorn is with you ...
<_dungeon_Master_> you see a hatch door
<Kynan> (after eating, check our camp to see if anythign was disturbed by the orcs)
<_dungeon_Master_> its locked in a misterious way
<Kholgaran> "Hmm... go tell the others Beldorn, i'm going to study this lock"
* Kholgaran studies the lock :)
<_dungeon_Master_> the lock is somewhat made of a skull of some creature
* Kholgaran bends over the lock, checking it out, seeing how it opens
* Beldorn walks toward kynan .. go tell grach weve found something
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran .. its magic
* Kynan nods, offers Bel some . .thing . .that is burnt and heads over to where Grach is
* Kholgaran blinks, wondering how it's going to open
<_dungeon_Master_> you notice some metal where the eyes should be
<_dungeon_Master_> places for 2 keys
<_dungeon_Master_> one for each eye socket
* Kholgaran groans
<Kholgaran> "Perfect"
<Beldorn> no thanks kynan i dont like fried orc
* Grach looks down at Kynan
<Beldorn> i had my lunch .. nothing better then a dried ration
<Kynan> "It is bacon."
<Kynan> "Or it was . . ."
* Kynan walks over to gratch
<Kynan> "Gratch, they found something in one of the buildings."
<_dungeon_Master_> khol ok ... theres 2 locks one in each eye socket what do you do ?
<Grach> "k."
<Kholgaran> (wait for the others, to tell them what we're looking for)
* Kynan heads over to the building (after tiding camp, locking money up etc)
* Beldorn goes back to khol
<Beldorn> khol what have you found mate ?
<Kholgaran> "Bah... a blasted lock. It needs two keys, one for each of these eye sockets... check the rest of this house and the others, see what you can find"
<Beldorn> ok
<Kholgaran> "But that's obviously what our two friends were looking for"
<Beldorn> hmmm
<Beldorn> you goes upstairs
* Kynan comes into the home 1 "What did you find?"
* Kholgaran points to the lock
<Kynan> "Huh."
<Beldorn> comes down
<Beldorn> i got it !
<Kynan> "Odd."
<Kholgaran> "A strange lock, it needs two keys. I figure it's what our friends were looking for"
* Kholgaran looks at Bel
<Kholgaran> "You've got them?"
<Kynan> "Could we break it?"
<Beldorn> theres someting in this skull but it has magic also
<Grach> (_( do I see anything? Any Birds Game Movement in the Trees? )_)
<Beldorn> i found this other skull
<Beldorn> there seam to be something in it
<Kholgaran> "What is it?"
<_dungeon_Master_> grach
<_dungeon_Master_> well not really
<Kynan> "Where is it?"
<_dungeon_Master_> but the way the air outside is .. its not to good
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn sets the second skull on the table and mutters a couple of words and moves is hands
* Kholgaran watches
<_dungeon_Master_> all of a sudden you see the skull open with a white flash
<Beldorn> AHA ! at last
<Kholgaran> "Hmm... what's inside?"
* Kynan has hand on his sword, alert for anything
<Beldorn> ok mates ... theres the keys ... now be cautious .. orcs have malicious magic
<Kynan> "Poison, i bet:
<Beldorn> this door could be traped
<Kholgaran> "Here, let me see them, i'll open the door, you guys stand back"
<_dungeon_Master_> theres 2 keys in teh skull
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn hands you over the keys
* Kholgaran waits for them to either get of the room, or at least back off a ways
* Kynan backs up, sword out and ready
<Beldorn> beldorn says ill stay with ya mate
* Kholgaran shrugs
<Kholgaran> "It's your life friend"
<Kynan> (still in room)
* Kholgaran sticks the keys in the eye sockets, turning them
* Kholgaran slowly lifts the door, listening for any traps that might trigger
* Kynan fidgets nervously
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> nothign hapends
<_dungeon_Master_> but theres stairs
* Kholgaran throws the door aside
<_dungeon_Master_> (guyys ill say beldorn when i want to refer to him ok
* Kynan coughs, frowns
<Kholgaran> "I'll check it out, be back in a moment"
<_dungeon_Master_> a bit a dust
<Kynan> "I'll come with you, if you want."
<_dungeon_Master_> (waiting)
* Kholgaran heads down the stairway, looking around for any heat, his eyes once again adjusting to the familiar darkness of the underground
* Kynan heads towards the stairs
<Kynan> ((how dark are they, any torches or?))
<_dungeon_Master_> yes theres torshes
<Kholgaran> ((lit?))
<_dungeon_Master_> no
* Kholgaran turns to kynan
* Grach Climbs down to see whats taking so long
<_dungeon_Master_> theres set in the wall
<Kholgaran> "I'll start lighting these, go get Grach"
<Kynan> "All right"
<_dungeon_Master_> you see grach coming down
* Kynan looks up.
* Kholgaran takes out flint and steel, lighting the torches, moving down the hall slowly and carefully
<Kynan> "No luck outside, Grach?"
<Grach> "Got bored."
<Kynan> "We opened this door. Have no idea what's down there yet."
* Kynan shrugs and follws the dwarf down the stairs
<_dungeon_Master_> the torshes are lit
<_dungeon_Master_> you can now see a room
* Kholgaran waits for everyone to come downstairs before moving on
<Kynan> quietly "See anything yet?"
<_dungeon_Master_> its full of weapons
<Kholgaran> "A room... the motherload!"
* Kynan hurries down
<_dungeon_Master_> But wait , you see a wooden incrusted tomb
<_dungeon_Master_> with a weird writing on it
<Kholgaran> "A tomb??? This is strange... an armory and a tomb"
* Kynan shrugs
* Kholgaran walks up to the tomb, inspecting the writing"
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn looks at it
<Kynan> "Maybe an orcish hero?"
<_dungeon_Master_> its only orcish giberish he says
<_dungeon_Master_> open it kholgaran
* Kholgaran blinks, shrugging
<_dungeon_Master_> with your sword he says
<Kholgaran> (i take it there are some swords around?)
* Kynan waits close to the tomb (any wooden stakes close by?)
<_dungeon_Master_> yes khol
* Kholgaran grabs a sword from off a wall, or rack, or whatever, and jams it under the lid
<Kholgaran> (i can only use a couple servers...)
<Kynan> ((which one?))
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> (name one guys)
<Kholgaran> (i'm on webbernet right now)
<_dungeon_Master_> DALnet: CA, AB, Alberta
<Kynan> webbernet, since Kholgaran is on it?
<_dungeon_Master_> edit a new server ok
<Kholgaran> (and with all the K-lines, it's either this one or splitrock)
<_dungeon_Master_> that was description
<_dungeon_Master_> raptor.dal.net
<Kynan> ((can you get on raptor, khol?))
<_dungeon_Master_> that one was irc server
<_dungeon_Master_> 7000 ... this is the port
<_dungeon_Master_> and dalnet is the type of server
<Kholgaran> let me see if i can get on it
<Kholgaran> brb guys
<_dungeon_Master_> just edit it
<_dungeon_Master_> hey grach ...
<Kholgaran> sorry, i can't get on it... not with my proxy server
<Kholgaran> am i lagged?
<Kynan> 2 secs right now
<Kynan> by mine
<Kholgaran> okay... good enough i guess
<Kholgaran> ready to continue?
* Kynan is ready
<Kholgaran> (grach? dm?)
<Kynan> (hmmmmm)
<Kynan> hello?
-> [_dungeon_Master_] PING
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> sorry
<Kholgaran> alrighty then
<Kynan> np . . though you'd been frozen :)
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm grach is either fucking around or something
* Kholgaran looks to the others, making sure they're ready
<Kynan> ((with orcs?! :p))
<Kynan> (do i find a stake and mallet?)
<_dungeon_Master_> OK PEOPOLE !!! you find all types of weapons .. but the main even is the tomb
<_dungeon_Master_> once khol opens it with the hild you notice its glitters with prizes
* Kynan lifts up the stake and nods to Cole. "Ready."
<_dungeon_Master_> indeed this was a fine orc
* Kholgaran pushes hard, openning the tomb
<_dungeon_Master_> one who had mastered is time
<Kholgaran> "Well i'll be!"
* Kynan approaches carefully
<Kynan> "What in?!"
<Kholgaran> this guy was certianly rich
<_dungeon_Master_> IN treasure terms .. you see 2 rings .. one earing ... gaunthlets
<_dungeon_Master_> boots
<_dungeon_Master_> a helm
<_dungeon_Master_> do you get closer ?
* Kholgaran climbs up, standing over the thing
* Kynan throws a stake onto the body, to see if anything happens
<Kynan> (just toss the wood, basically)
<_dungeon_Master_> when you get a bit closer to the tomb
<_dungeon_Master_> well if you touch around you see that its a well made coffin
<_dungeon_Master_> quite a bit to big for its occupent
* Kynan comes closer, ignoring the stake and getting his sword ready
<_dungeon_Master_> guys ?
<Kynan> "False bottom perhaps?"
<Kholgaran> "I'll pull him out, see if there's anything underneath, okay?"
<_dungeon_Master_> do you search kynan ?
* Kynan nods "ok'
<Kholgaran> "Get all the stuff off of him, like the rings and such"
<Kynan> (waiting until we remove the body)
* Kholgaran reaches in, lifting the body out
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .. you can remove it now
* Kynan looks under the body . . .anything?
<_dungeon_Master_> welll do you peck around with your hands ?
* Kynan pokes it lightly with his sword, trying not to damage anything
* Kholgaran begins taking off the rings, the earing, everything
<_dungeon_Master_> well the bottom is quite hard but you notice a little hatch behind the orc's head
<_dungeon_Master_> and you see a little leaver
<_dungeon_Master_> it doesent seem to be traped at all
* Kynan takes a dagger and presses the lever
<_dungeon_Master_> once you open the leaver ... you notice another hatch opens outside the coffin this time
<Kynan> (assumign it can)
* Kholgaran looks at the hatch
<Kynan> "Hmm . . . found something, cole."
<Kholgaran> "Hmm... interesting so far"
<Kholgaran> "Would you like to take some of this stuff? How about you Bel?)
<Kholgaran> "
* Kholgaran is holding all the stuff
<Kholgaran> ((sorry about that everyone))
<Kynan> wb
<_dungeon_Master_> its ok
<_dungeon_Master_> the room is filled with all kinds of coins
<_dungeon_Master_> and riches
<_dungeon_Master_> you find this quite weird for a new town to have all of this
* Kholgaran grins, beaming with happiness
<Kholgaran> "For the love of the gods!!"
<_dungeon_Master_> perhaps it is possible this could of been a lost city
<Kynan> "NO wonder the orcs wanted this . . ."
* Kholgaran runs in, jumping on the piles of gold
<Kholgaran> "It must have been the ruins of an old city of theirs!"
* Kynan heads in cautiously, still suspecting some kind of trap
<_dungeon_Master_> you see all kinds of swords
<_dungeon_Master_> shield .. armors ..
<_dungeon_Master_> some black with zentil markings on them
* Kholgaran looks at the armors, seeing if any would fit him
<_dungeon_Master_> boots of all kind
<Kynan> "but why are the weapons harmed in the other room and not here? and who's the dead orc . ."
<Kholgaran> (what are zentil markings?)
* Kynan shaeks his head, frusterated
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn says why dont we keep this camp .. this treasure is just to big to move
<Kholgaran> "Perhaps all this treasure is actual treasure... magic stuff"
<_dungeon_Master_> zentil are a guild that pray on evil in the AD&D
<Kynan> "Hmm . . you think they'd have known about it . .or suspected enough to have some kind of other god . ."
<Kynan> "Hmm . . you think they'd have known about it . .or suspected enough to have some kind of other protectionm . ."
<_dungeon_Master_> well i guess since most of it is shining
<Kynan> (it should be)
* Kholgaran shrugs
<_dungeon_Master_> and wizzing with a light wisp sound
* Kynan looks for anything out of place or strange
<Kholgaran> "What's that annoying noise?"
<_dungeon_Master_> one of the blades
<_dungeon_Master_> its blue
* Kynan shrugs "Our death, I think." ((Yes, he is an optimist))
* Kholgaran looks at the blade
<_dungeon_Master_> and you find the noice less and lesser anoying as you look at the blade
* Kynan touches his sword to the blue one
<Kholgaran> "You wanna check that thing out??"
<_dungeon_Master_> nothing hapends
<Kynan> "Hmm . . ."
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn says back up guys
* Kholgaran begins inspecting armors, seeing which ones might fit him
<Kynan> "If i start chanting in orc, kill me"
<_dungeon_Master_> let me scan this room before you guys start touching everything
* Kholgaran nods
* Kynan looks at bel and nods, backing up
* Kholgaran aims his crossbow, taking the time to get it right in the head
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorns starst shooting words .. of the god Moradin ... MORADIN reveal thy magic ..from thy treasure
* Kholgaran waits
<_dungeon_Master_> when you look at beldorn .. you see him SMILE with a face youve never seen him with b4
* Kynan looks around curiously
* Kynan looks uneasy "what?"
<Kholgaran> "You okay, Bel?"
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn shouts BY MORADIN'S HAMMER !
<_dungeon_Master_> WE ARE RICH !
<Kholgaran> "Is everything okay?"
<Kynan> "Something should be guardng this . . "
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn: all this stuff is magic .. even some of the coins bear magical attributs
* Kynan looks around still nervous
<_dungeon_Master_> theres potions and elixirs .. books
<Kholgaran> "Are they evil?"
* Kynan stares at him "ALL of it?!"
<_dungeon_Master_> no no .. the coins are gold and coppers and silvers
<_dungeon_Master_> but some of them might countain spells
<_dungeon_Master_> that once discarted , a spell may come
<Kynan> "Who spells coins? Different."
<_dungeon_Master_> quite usefull for a fighter
<Kynan> (nice)
<_dungeon_Master_> well one of my mage friends had coins that once tossed would unleash a fireball or a lightning
<Kynan> ((some thief drops steals your money pouch and drops it . . by by thief))
<_dungeon_Master_> heheeh
<Kholgaran> "Well, i guess it's alright to start picking things out, eh?"
<_dungeon_Master_> well actualy you need to pronounce the name of the spell :P
<_dungeon_Master_> thats if you can read it
* Kynan looks at bel "What's the sword do?"
<Kynan> ((drat :) ))
<_dungeon_Master_> BY THE WAY you guys start thinking .. that maybe getting a mule or 2 to carry a bit of the stuff would help
<Kholgaran> ((nah... i've got a better idea))
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn says .. witch one mate ?
<Kynan> "The blue one"
* Kynan points to it
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm witch blue one .. the hissing one ? o yeah well i dont know id have to read its magic
<_dungeon_Master_> we have to start by the basics mates
<Kynan> "Could you? It makes me nervous>"
<_dungeon_Master_> first rule .. dont put on any weapons or armor or rings ok
<_dungeon_Master_> i have to idea them before
* Kholgaran nods, still just inspecting them
* Kynan is still looking for some creature to try and kill us, worried
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn says that he will have to loose alot of is war spells just to identifie thease items
<Kholgaran> "Bah, it's worth it friend! We'll protect you"
<_dungeon_Master_> (BTW guys GRACH is gone ..
<Kynan> "True. We might need to get some other wizards in . . . perhaps a school of them . .test spells, remove cursess . ."
<Kholgaran> (okay, probably got bored)
* Kynan looks behind him
<Kynan> "Grach, you ok?"
<_dungeon_Master_> hmmm he starst looking a this one wand .... is start incanting
<_dungeon_Master_> ill play grach ok guys ?
* Kynan figured Grach fainted at seeing the richs :)
<Kynan> (ok)
<Kholgaran> "I say we go to town, get some wagons and bring them back, then start filling them"
<_dungeon_Master_> Grach says that maybe telling about this to no one would be a good idea
<Kynan> "How do we prevent others from robbning our loot in our absence . .those 2 orcs might have known something . .."
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn suggest building a tower not far from shadow dale
<_dungeon_Master_> EUREKA says beldorn ... just what we needed !
<Kholgaran> "What is it?"
<Kynan> "Might as well build the tower right here."
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn says: this wand contains the power to identifie all tease rich'S
<Kynan> "We've got buildings etc. already."
<Kholgaran> "Well let's get to work then! That way we'll know what to take!"
<Kynan> "Nice . . .. assuming it's not a cursed wan . ."
<Kynan> wand
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn stand still and and look at the roof of the place
<_dungeon_Master_> grach climbs up the stairs
<_dungeon_Master_> in a hurry
<Kholgaran> "What is it?"
<_dungeon_Master_> you ear him say GUYS !!! AT ARMS !
<Kholgaran> "Blast! ID some of this stuff Bel! Now!!"
* Kynan curses, looks at bel. "What's the blue sword do? quickly!"
* Kholgaran watches out the door, looking for trouble
* Kynan looks for a wand of tarrasque summoning (j/k)
<Kynan> yells :"Grach, how many?"
<_dungeon_Master_> nah ... beldorn says .. khol its outside something ...
<_dungeon_Master_> lets get up there said beldorn
<Kynan> (how wids the door to this room?)
<Kholgaran> "Why don't you just id the stuff Bel!?"
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn says ... take the sword its good by me .. quite good if i might add
<_dungeon_Master_> its 3 feet by 3 feet
* Kynan grabs the blue sword and sprints up the stairs
<Kholgaran> "Anything i might be able to use??"
<Kynan> "Someone stay in rear . . if it gets bad, that door is easy to defend!" as i run
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn says .. khol while your at it .. take tease gauntlets put them on now !
* Kholgaran blinks and slides the gauntlets on, letting the other stuff from the orc fall to the floor
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn .. not if we are locked in ... kynan
<Kholgaran> "What do they do??"
* Kynan is busy trying to run to Grach
<Kynan> (Do I see who's attacking?)
* Kholgaran grins, flexing, and runs up topside, setting his crossbow down in the room
<Kholgaran> "Coming Bel?"
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you see 3 tall creatures
<_dungeon_Master_> 3 beings ogress
<_dungeon_Master_> and 2 more being the orc's that fleed yesterday
* Kynan curses soflty, yells a war cry, then "Ogres" back to the others
<Kynan> attack them
*** Sparkie` has joined #old_tales
<Sparkie`> I can do dice
<Kholgaran> "Are you coming Bel??!"
<_dungeon_Master_> yes yes
*** Sparkie` has quit IRC (Quit: ...each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late. - Thomas Sowell)
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn rushes upstairs .. takign another wand this time as he climbs up
<Kynan> (spark is changing servers)
*** Sparkie` has joined #old_tales
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .. your now all upstairs
<_dungeon_Master_> you can see clearly the 3 ogres
* Kholgaran moves upstairs, loooking around
<_dungeon_Master_> there quite big for ogres
* Kynan attacks the closest one
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn goes outside as if a huge fight to go about
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan the ogres about about 50 meters from you
<Kynan> (roll attack, or init first?_)
<Kynan> ok/
* Kynan strings his long bow and aims at them
<Kynan> "Come no further!"
<_dungeon_Master_> you see GRach fireing 2 of is arrows in a blast ! the 2 of them impaling one of the orcs
* Kholgaran holds his crossbow out, ready to fire
<_dungeon_Master_> BTW the other orc left is floating in mid air :P
<Kynan> (ok)
<_dungeon_Master_> as you see the orc dying with the pain of the arrows .. the 3 ogres rush towards you ...
* Kynan reloads his bow, looking for cover
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the other orc moving is hands .. as if to cast a spell !
* Kynan shoots again
* Kholgaran fires on the mage
<_dungeon_Master_> roll touch khol
<Kynan> (I shot at an ogre . .didn't see the mage)
<_dungeon_Master_> and kynan roll touch
<Kynan> touch?
<_dungeon_Master_> .... initiative ... touch=dice 20 .. then damage ..
<_dungeon_Master_> but since there still far you can shoot away
<_dungeon_Master_> so roll touch
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan rolls 1d20: ( 2 )
<TopazDragon> Kynan (1d20) : 17
<Kynan> hmmmm
<Kholgaran> kick spark?
<Sparkie`> i leave now . .sorry for the bad roll. ignore it
*** Sparkie` has left #old_tales
<Kynan> (definitely :))
<Kholgaran> (awww... poor spark!)
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<TopazDragon> Kholgaran (1d20) : 20
<_dungeon_Master_> hahaha kynan
<_dungeon_Master_> ouch
* Kynan grins
<Kholgaran> uh... did i hit?
<Kynan> (heh)
<Kholgaran> 1d6
* Kynan definitely missed
<TopazDragon> Kholgaran (1d6) : 6
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ... first off you see the orc hurling in pain as blood clatters on the ogres !
<Kholgaran> 14 dmg
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<_dungeon_Master_> khol you have a critical hit bTW
<Kholgaran> right, so i double it
<Kholgaran> or do you do something different?
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you see the mage burst in blood ... and falls to the ground ... but is not dead
<_dungeon_Master_> hes in quite alot of pain tho
<Kynan> (Do I have time to fire another volley?)
<_dungeon_Master_> actualy a critical hit means 2 times the amount od damage .. did you calculate that khol ?
<Kholgaran> yeah, it's right
* Kholgaran grins, setting his bow gently aside, and pulls out a dagger
<_dungeon_Master_> as for you kynan whats you damage ?
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz you did hit the ogre
<Kynan> (got a 2 missed)
<Kynan> (oh? ok then)
<_dungeon_Master_> no no .. topaz gave you a 17
<_dungeon_Master_> fuck that sparkie
<Kynan> 1d8+4
<TopazDragon> Kynan (1d8+4) : 7
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ..
<_dungeon_Master_> one of the ogres slows down as it is struck in the leg
<_dungeon_Master_> the second are now at 30 meters away
<_dungeon_Master_> time to fire .. for those who can
<Kholgaran> ((takes a round to reload for me))
<Kynan> 1d20 - firing
<TopazDragon> Kynan (1d20) : 8
<_dungeon_Master_> you see beldorn shout !!! BE blind o TALL monster of evil ... by moradins will !
<Kynan> (thaco 15, hit?)
<_dungeon_Master_> and one of the ogres turns on is self in foly
<_dungeon_Master_> yes you do hit
<_dungeon_Master_> you see grach 2 arrows finish the job that kholgaran didint finish
<Kynan> 1d8+4
<TopazDragon> Kynan (1d8+4) : 9
<_dungeon_Master_> the orc falls dead on the ground
<_dungeon_Master_> (remember to tell me if you fire at ogre 1 or 2 or 3 ok
<_dungeon_Master_> ogre 2 is hurt in the leg ... ogre 3 is blinded
<Kynan> (all shots Ogre 2)
<Kholgaran> (so there's an orc and two ogres now?)
<_dungeon_Master_> 4d8+1
<TopazDragon> _dungeon_Master_ (4d8+1) : 14
<_dungeon_Master_> 4d8+1
<TopazDragon> _dungeon_Master_ (4d8+1) : 14
<_dungeon_Master_> 4d8+1
<TopazDragon> _dungeon_Master_ (4d8+1) : 20
<Kynan> (3 Ogres i think)
<_dungeon_Master_> 4d8+1
<TopazDragon> _dungeon_Master_ (4d8+1) : 13
<Kholgaran> (oh okay, misread that)
<Kynan> (their attack?)
<_dungeon_Master_> wait wait guys 2 secs
<_dungeon_Master_> no no .. theres 3 ogres and 2 dead orcs
<Kholgaran> gotcha
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ..
<_dungeon_Master_> you hit the ogre in the shoulder
<_dungeon_Master_> hes now wounded in teh shoulder and in the leg
<_dungeon_Master_> ogre 3 is still in folly hes the biggest of them might i add
<_dungeon_Master_> the first one is now at 25 metters
* Kynan calls out "Why do you attack us?"
* Kynan fires his bow again
<Kynan> 1d20 - ogre1
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> you khol ?
<Kholgaran> sure, i'll fire
<Kynan> hmm . .bot lagged?
* Kynan can get sparkie, if you want
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you have to type 1d20 alone
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Kynan> 1d20
<_dungeon_Master_> or not hehe
<Kholgaran> nah, it's lagged
<Kynan> (bot's lagged . . no ping reply yet)
<Kynan> (want spark or?)
<_dungeon_Master_> well i guess so for now
*** Sparkie` has joined #OLD_Tales
<_dungeon_Master_> roll
* Sparkie` DOES want an apology for the "fuck that sparkie" comment first :p
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan rolls 1d20: ( 2 )
<Kynan> (Hit? :p)
<Kholgaran> 1d20 - ogre1
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran rolls 1d20: ( 6 ) - ogre1
* Kynan sighs
<_dungeon_Master_> thats why i said fuck sparkie !
<Kholgaran> did i hit?
<_dungeon_Master_> hes a very unlucky bot
<_dungeon_Master_> nope
<_dungeon_Master_> none of you did
<Kholgaran> okay
* Kholgaran now he sets down his bow and waits, making sure it's safely off to the side
* Kholgaran grabs his dagger again
<_dungeon_Master_> ... ok you see grach miss as well
<_dungeon_Master_> his 2 arrows went awire !
<_dungeon_Master_> khol the ogre is 25 metters away .. its a bit far to use your dagger
* Kynan tosses his bow aside and lifts the blue sword "If you want death, come and I will gladly give it to you!"
<Kynan> "Or flee this place now!"
* Kholgaran is waiting for the thing to get here, shouldn't take long
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the ogre waving around to now finaly apear as a huge tree trunk in is hand
<Kynan> "Uh oh."
* Kholgaran grins
<_dungeon_Master_> grach says not if my arrows have anything to say about it
<Kholgaran> "That's the way i like em"
<_dungeon_Master_> you see 2 more arrows hitting the ogre that is rushing at you
* Kynan prays to any convenient god(s)
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
rolls 1d20: ( 6 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
rolls 1d20: ( 10 )
<Kynan> ((it's getting higher at least . . .))
<_dungeon_Master_> you see one of grach arrows hit the tree in the ogres hand .. and the other .. hit the ogre right in the arm
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+4
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
rolls 1d8+4: ( 10 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the ogres arm gushing wiht blood
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .. the ogre 1 is now at 15 meters of you
* Kynan grins, eyes glinting with pleasure and heads to attack the closest one
<_dungeon_Master_> ogre 3 is freaking out big time
<_dungeon_Master_> and the second one is wincing at his new wounds
<_dungeon_Master_> still coming at you of course
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .. initiative
<Kynan> (init)
<Sparkie`> 3(3)6 _dungeon_Master_
<Kholgaran> lol
<Kynan> (have to be voiced or opped)
<_dungeon_Master_> (init)
<Sparkie`> 3(10)6 _dungeon_Master_
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you attack first .. the ogres are at 10 meters now
<_dungeon_Master_> what do you do ?
* Kynan attacks the cloest one w/ his new blue sword
<Kynan> (if I can reach him, that is)
<_dungeon_Master_> well you have to advance
<_dungeon_Master_> thats what i need to know
<_dungeon_Master_> who does what
* Kholgaran moves forward to fight
* Kynan pauses, says "Uh, ok" for no reason and continues forward
* Kynan is heading for lucky ogre1
<_dungeon_Master_> your now in front of the ogre ..
<_dungeon_Master_> swing away
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 11 )
<Kynan> (hit?)
<_dungeon_Master_> yes you hit ...
<Kynan> 1d10+4
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+4: ( 10 )
<Kynan> ( plus whatever the sword does)
<Kynan> (shoud actually be 12, sp in longsword)
<_dungeon_Master_> you cut the ogres arm right off ..
<_dungeon_Master_> the arm with nothing in it !
<Kynan> "Wow!"
<Kholgaran> "Nice!"
* Kynan looks at his sword. "I'm impressed!"
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogre is in fury
* Kholgaran moves forward to have his turn at the ogre
<Kynan> Grin at it and say sweetly: "You can surrender now?'
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogre bashes in desperation !
<_dungeon_Master_> ok khol go
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 10 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you hit
* Sparkie` won't roll higher than 11 until he gets that apology . ..
<_dungeon_Master_> i apolo.... the hell with it !
<Kholgaran> lol
<Kynan> heh
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you see khol sink is dagger deep in the ogres leg ...
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogres swings
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 16 )
<Kholgaran> ouch for me!
<Kynan> ((spark . .dindn't want the high rolls YET!))
<_dungeon_Master_> nah hes hiting kynan
<Kynan> ouch
<Kholgaran> ohhh
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d10+8
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d10+8: ( 10 )
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan the ogre swings to hit you
<_dungeon_Master_> but you parry the hit ... with a swift movement
* Kynan grunts in pain "Bet *umph* that didn't hurt as much as your arm did"
<Kynan> (oh, ok then)
<_dungeon_Master_> at that same time
<_dungeon_Master_> you ear a horn ...
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you suffered 3 points of damage
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> a tree is still to big to totaly parry
<Kynan> (heh)
<_dungeon_Master_> ... ok next round ... you see the ogre is spilling alot of blood
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn hacks at it
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 12 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d6+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d6+5: ( 9 )
* Kynan waits until he has an opening, then swings with his neat sword
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogre is screaming ... with hell fury
<_dungeon_Master_> .. kynan do your next attack
<Kynan> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
2#1d20: ( 7 11 )
<_dungeon_Master_> if your a master .. you have 2 attacks per round
<Kynan> (sp . .3/2)
<Kynan> (i hit i think)
<Kynan> 1d10+6 - annoying ogre
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 12 ) - annoying ogre
<_dungeon_Master_> you cut the poor ogre head off .. with a neet inscision
<_dungeon_Master_> the headless ogre falls to its doom
* Kynan stops to stare at his sword, obviously impressed
<Kynan> 'Wow. Do you do laundry also?"
<_dungeon_Master_> but the second ogre is right next to beldorn
* Kholgaran nods appreciatively
<Kholgaran> "Nice... oops! More ogres!"
<_dungeon_Master_> and garch shot 2 arrows in the blind ogre
<Kynan> (hey, his closes ARE covered in blood . .)
<Kynan> clothes
<_dungeon_Master_> witch is holding a horn blowing in it !
* Kholgaran runs over to the one on Bel
* Kynan looks to see if any one (or thing) came to the sound of the horn
<Kholgaran> "DAMN! I'll get that one then!"
* Kholgaran charges towards the blind one
* Kynan attacks the seeing one
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> ini
<_dungeon_Master_> (ini_
<_dungeon_Master_> (ini)
<_dungeon_Master_> (init)
<Sparkie`> 3(3)6 _dungeon_Master_
<_dungeon_Master_> your turn guys
<Kynan> ((Kholgaran wins but the National Institute for the Blind hunts him down))
<Kynan> 1d20 - attacking seeing ord near bel
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 11 ) - attacking seeing ord near bel
<Kholgaran> ((LOL))
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 8 )
<Kynan> ((well, it could happen . .))
<_dungeon_Master_> WOW !
<_dungeon_Master_> i said initialtive
<Kholgaran> hmm?
<Kynan> oops :)
<Kynan> 1d10 - init
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 1 ) - init
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 6 )
<Kynan> still go first :) use attack above?
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ... kynan roll hit dice
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 15 )
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 10 )
* Kynan carves into the ogre with a lunge
<_dungeon_Master_> first .. you see .. BEldorn hit the arrow on the ogres leg .. driving the shalf deep in the leg .. and the ogre is hurling in pain
* Kynan smiles coldly
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan this ogre is quite bigger then that other one ... you lunge at it and brieng you sword deep into it .. but your sword seem to be stuck in it
* Kynan utters an oath that blisters the air and tries to yank the sword out
<Kynan> "Sword, come out!"
<Kynan> (hoping that does something)
<_dungeon_Master_> *MOMENT* all of sudden you see the ogre crackle in pain ... as lightening fills is body ... unleashed by the sword kynan is holding
<_dungeon_Master_> khol your turn
* Kynan blinks. "UH . . . I guess you can stay if you want to .. . uhm, god sword?"
<Kholgaran> 1d20 - blind hornblower
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 20 ) - blind hornblower
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
* Kynan is holding the sword, dumbfounded, byut mentally offering it a nice polishing later
<Kholgaran> (now that's what happens when you treat spark kindly)
<Kholgaran> 1d3
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3: ( 2 )
<Kholgaran> 10
<Kynan> (heh)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .. you slit the ogres troat ... from side to side ..
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogre hold's is troat and swings is arm from arm
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 5 )
* Kholgaran lands on the ground, grinning
<_dungeon_Master_> the arms passes right by you
<_dungeon_Master_> almost smaking you
* Kynan is too busy watching his swords light show to notice
<_dungeon_Master_> his hand is about one meter big so ... it would of hurt
<Kholgaran> bah, nothin' i can't handle
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan .. your sword only gave electricity for 3 seconds ;P
<Kynan> (ok)
<Kynan> (I pull it out then)
<Kynan> (carefully)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok kynan your sword comes out quite easely
<_dungeon_Master_> and kholgaran ... you can do your other attack
<Kynan> (new round?)
<_dungeon_Master_> ..dont roll to hit
<_dungeon_Master_> its an automatic hit .. hes blind
<_dungeon_Master_> and hes bleeding to death
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 19 )
<Kholgaran> oh sorry
<Kholgaran> nm
<Kynan> ((LOL))
<_dungeon_Master_> hmmm
<Kholgaran> (thanks though spark :) )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok damage
<Kholgaran> 1d3+7
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+7: ( 8 )
<Kholgaran> (forgot str)
* Sparkie` notes that Kholgaran is his friend . .DM's on the other hand, are rarely
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe
* Kholgaran grins
<Kynan> ((I keep a running total of important NPC's sparkie kills . .))
<_dungeon_Master_> the ogre falls to its knees and ... wimperes
<_dungeon_Master_> for is life is leaving him
* Kholgaran crushes the horn under his foot and kicks the ogre
<_dungeon_Master_> as you look at the ogre .. you feel a strong pulse in the ground
<_dungeon_Master_> you feel as if something very very big was advancing
<Kynan> (like an army of ogres?)
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz you can see the trees if the forest in front of you brushing away as if twigs
<_dungeon_Master_> ... you dont know
* Kholgaran looks around
<Kholgaran> "Uh oh... i don't like this"
<Kynan> (can I attack the onyl living orge now?)
<_dungeon_Master_> when the trees .. brake away you see .. a huge creature with 2 heads
<Kholgaran> "What on earth....."
<_dungeon_Master_> its very big .. next to it .. theres 2 hill giants
<_dungeon_Master_> on the 2 headed creature you see an orc riding it
<Kholgaran> "Holy crap! Bel! I need some more weaponry... please!?"
<_dungeon_Master_> as if a horse but the 2 headed creature ... BELDORN shouts .. AN ETTIN !!!!!! DAMNIT !
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the beast rushing at you at 15 meters a shot
<Kynan> ((trip it!))
<_dungeon_Master_> what do you do
<Kholgaran> "BEL! Get me anything! Please!!"
<_dungeon_Master_> its 300 meters away
<Kholgaran> (well the gauntlets aren't powerful enough)
* Kholgaran waits for the thing, hoping to get an idea
<Kholgaran> (how big are the trees?)
<_dungeon_Master_> lets fight them ... says beldorn thats all we can do for now
<Kynan> (should I kill that ogre, or did the lightning char broil him to perefection?)
<Kynan> 'We can always run back inside the builing . .find a magical item ot hurt them."
<Kynan> "It would tell them a while to enter at any rate:
<Kynan> "
* Kholgaran nods, still looking at the trees
* Kynan looks at the size of them "I hope"
<_dungeon_Master_> well the ettin is about 14 meters hight
<Kholgaran> (more specifically, how thick and big are the branches?)
<_dungeon_Master_> the 2 other giants on its side are about 5 metter high
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn says ... kynan use your head damnit .. if we go back inside .. we will be stuck in there for them to do anythign at us
<_dungeon_Master_> did you see his hands ! he can destroy the house in one shot !
* Kholgaran gets trampled over and is turned into dwarven pancake
<Kynan> "better to find an item of magic to use than die against them"
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn grins at kynan youve seen nothing of me yet friend
<Kynan> 'Fine. How about you run back and find something destructive. We'll try and hold them here"
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin and giant are now 250 meters away
* Kholgaran pulls out a yo-yo, waiting
<_dungeon_Master_> how about using your bows GRAch says ... ???
<Kholgaran> (one small question... how big are the branches on the trees around here?)
<_dungeon_Master_> 5d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
5d20: ( 58 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 3 )
* Kynan sighs andgoes back, getting his bow
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 15 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 14 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 16 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 18 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you see grach unleash ... 6 arrows one after the other
<_dungeon_Master_> in a fast fire rate
<_dungeon_Master_> the first one misses the ettin .. the second one hits. . the 3rd hits .. 4rth hits .. fifth misses and the last hits
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 10 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 10 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the ettin impaled with 4 arrows in is chest
<_dungeon_Master_> ... your turn ?
* Kholgaran is staring at the branches of the trees, wondering how long and thick they are, but unable to tell yet
* Kynan picks his bow up and is heading w/ in firing range
<_dungeon_Master_> well kholgaran the branchs are not in the town of orcs
* Kynan is runing back, stringing the bow at the same time
<_dungeon_Master_> so you would guess that the closes are near the ettin and his giant friends are quite big in site ...
<_dungeon_Master_> ok roll attacks ...
<_dungeon_Master_> attack#1 and #2
* Kholgaran goes to his pack fast, taking his rope out
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 12 )
<Kynan> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
2#1d20: ( 2 17 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you hit
<Kynan> 2 hit, i guess?
<_dungeon_Master_> both times
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> damage ?
<Kynan> 1d10+2
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+2: ( 6 )
<Kynan> 1d10+2
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+2: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin is slowing down .. but remember theres someone on is hide
* Kholgaran runs to the trees, making a lasso
<_dungeon_Master_> teh ettin is now 150 metters away and the giants are 200 metters away
* Kynan fires again
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 14 )
<Kynan> 1d10+2
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+2: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> (kholgaran sorry bud but you cant ... the trees a quite far away ... where the ettin showed up a while back you would have to run toward the ettin and the giant to do some kind of trick
* Kynan looks at the amount of arrows he has left, and asks if Grach has a few extra
<_dungeon_Master_> you hit once
<_dungeon_Master_> grach smiks ... sure sure .. now shoot damnit
<Kholgaran> (yeah i know... that's what i'm trying to do, is go near the ettin and the giants...)
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20 .. 1d20 .. 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 5 ) .. 1d20 .. 1d20
<Kholgaran> it's 3#1d20
<_dungeon_Master_> #2 1d20
<_dungeon_Master_> 5# 1d20
<Kholgaran> no space :)
<Kynan> no space
<_dungeon_Master_> 5#1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
5#1d20: ( 11 17 10 3 1 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you see grach .. miss all is shots but 2 arrows on is 6 shots
<_dungeon_Master_> 2#1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
2#1d8+5: ( 11 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin is screaming like hell !!!
<_dungeon_Master_> hes now running !
* Kynan calls out "Nice going!"
<_dungeon_Master_> hes about 30 metters away ... (SHOOT FIRST kynan .. hes running towards you not running away_
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 9 )
* Kholgaran throws the rope down, sighing
<Kynan> (hit?)
<_dungeon_Master_> BTW guys called shots do exist in the world of AD&D
<_dungeon_Master_> no you miss
<_dungeon_Master_> second attack ?
<Kynan> 1d20 - anotehr arrow
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 10 ) - anotehr arrow
<Kholgaran> that they do, haven't needed to make one yet :)
<Kynan> (I never do called shots w/ spark . . . it's asking for trouble :))
<_dungeon_Master_> you miss
<_dungeon_Master_> heeh
<_dungeon_Master_> and you kholgaran what ya doing in this round bfore its over ?
* Kholgaran moves off to the side, watching the ettin come running through
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin is weilding a huge flail the size for a caridge
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin charges at you kholgaran
<_dungeon_Master_> and the 2 giants .. are now at 100 meters away ..
<Kholgaran> the ettin has a flail? i thought it was just a riding beast...
<_dungeon_Master_> no no .. an ettin is a humanoid ... that has 2 heads
<Kholgaran> ohhh okay
* Kynan shoots arrow at the giants then
<_dungeon_Master_> but is huge !
* Kholgaran takes on the ettin
<_dungeon_Master_> before you know it
<_dungeon_Master_> 6d6
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
6d6: ( 15 )
<_dungeon_Master_> a fireball comes straight at you and khol and kynan
<Kynan> ((Juast realised i had a thaco of 13 all along w bow . .sigh))
<Kynan> 1d20 - save like mad
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 4 ) - save like mad
<Kholgaran> 1d20 - save too
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 6 ) - save too
<Kholgaran> is this spell?
<Kynan> uhm, i did save SAVE LIKE MAD!
<_dungeon_Master_> you get 15 damage each ... and you feel alot of pain ..
* Kholgaran groans
<_dungeon_Master_> but your happy cuz the ball didint burn you for some reason
* Kholgaran rolls around real quick to put out the fire
<_dungeon_Master_> it just dealt alot of impach
<Kholgaran> (nm)
* Kynan falls back with a grunt of pain
<Kynan> "Blasted magic!"
* Kholgaran wonders if this bel guy knows any helpful spells, or is just all talk
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettins swings at you kholgaran
* Kynan aims his arrow at the ettin's rider
<Kynan> (thjere was one, right?)
<Kynan> (if so i fire at it now)
<Kynan> 1d20 - called shot to head
<Kholgaran> (yeah, the orc)
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 14 ) - called shot to head
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch
<Kynan> 13 thaco, -6 for head i think
<Kholgaran> (-4)
<_dungeon_Master_> i know i know
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch
<Kynan> (-4 then)
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<Kynan> 1d10 +2
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 7 ) +2
<Kynan> 9
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the orc fall right off ettin
<_dungeon_Master_> before the orc falls on the ground the ettin grabs the orc and shoves it in its huge mouth
* Kynan smiles
* Kholgaran watches
<Kynan> 'One for my side."
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm
<_dungeon_Master_> (guys the ettin is before you and you watch ?
* Kynan watches the giants, backs awat from ettin
* Kholgaran walks to his crossbow, deciding to load it and try to take this thing out
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin is in attack range for melee weapons
* Kynan shrugs, swings his sword nocholantly
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 3 )
<Kynan> hmm . . . hit by accident?
<Kynan> (Hit ac 10!)
<_dungeon_Master_> the sword misses but lets out a huge graseling ball of fire right in the creatures stomach
* Kholgaran picks up his bow and loads it, aiming at the things eye
<_dungeon_Master_> 6d6
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
6d6: ( 17 )
* Kynan stares incredeously at the sword
<Kynan> "Uh, having fun?"
<Kynan> 1d20 0- dex
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 19 ) 0- dex
<_dungeon_Master_> ok make your damage
* Kynan drops the sword in shock :)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok kholgran your done reloading it
* Kynan fumbles for it on the ground, wary
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe ...
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 15 )
<_dungeon_Master_> the ettin swings at khol
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d12+7
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d12+7: ( 19 )
<_dungeon_Master_> khol if you dont fire your freaking crossbolt 19 damage is awaiting you
* Kholgaran is knocked to the side, but gets up and aims incredibly fast, taking a well aimed shot at the things eye
<Kholgaran> (attack now?)
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran the ettin as about 20 arrows in it :P
<_dungeon_Master_> yes
<Kholgaran> 1d20 - eye shot
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 16 ) - eye shot
<Kynan> (nice!)
<_dungeon_Master_> whats your thacho !
<Kholgaran> 12
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm
<Kynan> hit ac 4 w/ eye shot i think
<Kholgaran> yup yup
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<Kholgaran> 1d6+2
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d6+2: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran .. the ettin hits you for 10 points of damage with its flail
* Kholgaran smiles, taking a solid shot and sending his crossbow bolt sinking into it's eye
<_dungeon_Master_> forget the 19 damage before ok
<Kholgaran> oh okay
<_dungeon_Master_> it was to get your attention
<_dungeon_Master_> heh
<Kholgaran> lol, sure
<Kholgaran> now the thing just had a bolt go through its' eye... hope it's not planning on being alive much longer :)
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran before you know it the new pain you had felt is now gone .. and you see beldorn grining
<Kholgaran> "Many thanks friend"
<_dungeon_Master_> youve noticed that one of the ettins head is fallen dead
<_dungeon_Master_> but the other head remains
* Kynan swing his sword at it again
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 11 )
* Kholgaran picks up another bolt, calmly reloading
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 11 )
<_dungeon_Master_> as kynan sword is about to hit it ... .. you see 1 arrow going right trought the others ones head !
<_dungeon_Master_> going straight trought
<Kholgaran> "Wow, that some power!"
* Kholgaran walks past the ettin as it's falling, getting a better shot at the giants
<_dungeon_Master_> the now huge ettin dead ... and standing ... well falling down .. you might try and take a run for its falling on you guys at a fast rate .. make a dex check
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 20 )
<Kholgaran> lol
<_dungeon_Master_> Grach grins and says haha it was nothing
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 11 )
<Kholgaran> (thanks spark, that was a good high roll, kinda bad timing though... oh well, no worries :) )
<Kynan> dex 13 . .made by a little bit
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran make another dex check
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 20 )
<Kholgaran> (spark, that's too funny!)
<Kynan> (LOL)
<Sparkie`> 3 I live to amuse you all at 5 am . .
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan run past the cadaver
<_dungeon_Master_> oupsy
* Kholgaran falls to the ground, more than likely crushing his crossbow, and knocking himself unconcious
<_dungeon_Master_> (taking out the kynan message out ok )
<Kynan> (hmm?)
<Kholgaran> hmm?
<_dungeon_Master_> as the ettin is falling ... kynan strikes his blow of 11 damage to the ettins leg .. witch severs it severly
<_dungeon_Master_> witch unbalances it
<Kynan> uhm, the 11 was a dex check
<_dungeon_Master_> and kholagaran only gets 15 damage from the ettins arm falling on you
<Kynan> oh! the previous 11! nm :)
<_dungeon_Master_> hmmm kynan <Sparkie`> Kynan rolls 1d10+6: ( 11 )
<Kholgaran> ((what else happens? i got two 20's after all))
<_dungeon_Master_> well kholgaran ... the first ment that you didint run fast enought
<Kholgaran> ((theoretically, i should've fallen and broken my weapon and been totally crushed))
<_dungeon_Master_> the second ment how well you where gonna take the damage
<Kholgaran> ((ahhh))
<Kholgaran> i see
<_dungeon_Master_> and now make a 3rd roll to see if your getting outa there :P haha
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 17 )
<_dungeon_Master_> gets out quite fast
<_dungeon_Master_> GRach yells at kynan ... HMM get your ass over here ... the hill GIANTS !
* Kynan sighs
<Kynan> "Work work work . . ."
<_dungeon_Master_> you see beldorn ... BY MORADIN'S POWER HEAL THY FRIEND with all thy might !
* Kynan picks up his bow and fires at a hill giant, aiming for an eye
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 8 )
* Kholgaran picks himself up and brushes himself off, retrieving his crossbow and making sure it's alright
<Kynan> uhm, 0.
<Kynan> heh
<Kynan> i thinks i just shot myself . .
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran forget the cross bow
<Kholgaran> why?
<_dungeon_Master_> its somewhere you cant reach not in this hour
<Kynan> hour?
<Kholgaran> what?
<Kholgaran> wouldn't it have just fallen out of my grasp?
<_dungeon_Master_> no
<Kholgaran> where is it?
<_dungeon_Master_> the 20 of dex check .. made you fumble big time
<_dungeon_Master_> its under the cadaver
<Kynan> (did i shoot myself w/ the 0 or?)
<_dungeon_Master_> the 10 ton cadaver
<Kholgaran> okay, i figured it would be... you shoulda mentioned something
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you rolled an 8 not a 0
<_dungeon_Master_> and no you didint shoot yourself
<Kholgaran> yeah, modified doesn't count
<Kynan> -8
<Kynan> called shot to its eye
<Kholgaran> you just horribly miss is all
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> a ok
<Kholgaran> you miss on an 8, not a 0 :)
<_dungeon_Master_> nah nah
<_dungeon_Master_> its never a fumble .. only when you roll a 1 is it a fumble
* Kynan nods
<_dungeon_Master_> hmmm the hill giants are 50 metters away guys
<_dungeon_Master_> theres 2 and there comming at you hard
* Kholgaran runs at them with a dagger, not having any other weapons
<Kholgaran> anymore
* Kynan fires another eye shot, praying to any available god(s)
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 14 )
* Kholgaran is crying and enraged, for the loss of his crossbow!
<Kynan> ac 12 . . .hit ac 6
<Kynan> i think it is
<Kynan> thaco 12 i meant
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm you touch .. but not the eye ...
<Kynan> ok
<Kynan> 1d10+2
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+2: ( 12 )
* Kynan thanks the Undying Ones
<_dungeon_Master_> you shoot it right in its jaw ... witch leaves is gurgling in its blood
<_dungeon_Master_> grach fires !
<_dungeon_Master_> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
2#1d20: ( 5 2 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 12 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you see grach arrow hit the ettin twice
<Kholgaran> why?
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 13 )
<Kholgaran> the ettin's dead
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 11 )
<_dungeon_Master_> i mean the giant oupsy
<Kholgaran> hehe, okay
<_dungeon_Master_> its 5:00 after all
<Kynan> ok :)
<Kynan> yep
<Kholgaran> that it is
<Kholgaran> so can i attack now?
<_dungeon_Master_> yes sure
* Kholgaran jumps at the one that isn't hurt, stabbing hard
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 19 )
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn cries out ! STAND BACK !
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
* Kholgaran drives his dagger deep into the things chest, pulling out and ready to go again
* Kynan leaps backwards, wondering of bel has a kill them all spell ready . . .
<_dungeon_Master_> hehehehe
* Kynan grins
<_dungeon_Master_> BY MORADIN HAMMER !!!!!!!! STICKS TO SNAKE !
<_dungeon_Master_> you see Beldorn unless sticks .. that once they touch the ground .. unleash 5 snakes that are going towards the giants !
<_dungeon_Master_> i mean unleash !
* Kynan yawns, unimpressed . .after his nutty sword, most magic is dull and boring :)
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the 5 snakes biting at the hill giant that is full of arrows
* Kholgaran stabs into the giant again, wanting blood
<Kholgaran> "This's for my crossbow!"
<_dungeon_Master_> you also see beldorn shoting GET BACK !
<_dungeon_Master_> (what do you guys do)
* Kholgaran stabs again
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 13 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 4 )
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 12 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+5
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+5: ( 6 )
* Kynan is getting back
* Kholgaran misses the thing, falling and jumping right back at him
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran roll your attack
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 16 )
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<Kholgaran> yes!
<_dungeon_Master_> guys BTW the hill giants are very tall creatures
<_dungeon_Master_> very bulky
<_dungeon_Master_> theres much bigger then ogres
<Kholgaran> yup yup
* Kynan nods
<_dungeon_Master_> there actualy 16 meters high
* Kholgaran is taking this things leg apart big time
<_dungeon_Master_> ok 1d20
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 13 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 19 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ouch
<Kholgaran> these attacks on me?
<_dungeon_Master_> roll a dice 20 for for critical hit
<_dungeon_Master_> no kynan
<_dungeon_Master_> and the other one you
<Kholgaran> huh? i'm lost
<Sparkie`> 1d20
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 1 )
<Kynan> LOL
<_dungeon_Master_> ok the hill giants ... sorry my bad
<_dungeon_Master_> the hill giants are actualy one is hiting at you kholgaran and the other at the snakes bitting him
<Kholgaran> okay
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you backed up so your way out of reach
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn yells again GET BACK !
<Kholgaran> how much damage do i take? any?
<Kynan> (ok)
* Kynan strings his bow again, waiting for an opening
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d6+7
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d6+7: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ..
<_dungeon_Master_> roll for cretical damage khol
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 16 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you take 18 points of damage
<_dungeon_Master_> the creature ... smaked you .. and your all of sudden glidding on the ground
* Kholgaran glides
<Kynan> (can i fire bow now?)
<_dungeon_Master_> you EAR BELDORN SHOUT ! about time ... By moradin power and mighty hammer of might ! i call down lighting !
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan no .. its still the same round
<Kynan> (ok)
<_dungeon_Master_> you cant pick up the bow and fire
<_dungeon_Master_> 6d6
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
6d6: ( 20 )
* Kholgaran lies there and watches the lightning
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you see the biggest of the hill giants
<Kynan> ( .. By moradin power and mighty hammer of might ! i call down lighting ! -- can bel call down his god if his grammer isn't correct? ))
<_dungeon_Master_> hurl blood from is mouth its gushing out of is body
<_dungeon_Master_> and creams .. YOU will die human for this !
* Kholgaran is amazed the thing can stream with blood coming out like that
<_dungeon_Master_> he tosses the other giant with is arm and rushes at beldorn
<_dungeon_Master_> well actualy it got hit by lightining ... from the sky
* Kholgaran gets up, making a slice for the things achilles tendon
<_dungeon_Master_> and it started to gurgle blood out of its mouth !
* Kynan sighs ., . ."Giant, it is "You will die for this, human" If you're going to insult us, do it with respect for common, please?"
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm kholgaran .. man you can berly get up and your far away from it
<_dungeon_Master_> youve glidded easely 20 feet away
<Kholgaran> and it must be coming towards me
* Kynan walks over to Kholgaran. "Need a hand up?"
<_dungeon_Master_> NEXT ROUND
<Kholgaran> can i make an endurance check?
<Kholgaran> i've still got plenty of life after all :)
<Kynan> (It's still alive?)
<_dungeon_Master_> the giants sais hahaha human .. or should i say barbarian .. ill make tasty treats of your remains
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran make a strenght test
<Kholgaran> str? okay...
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 4 )
<Kholgaran> by 12
<Kynan> ok. fire 23 arrows,a t eyes
<Kynan> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
2#1d20: ( 20 6 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you can get up
<Kholgaran> lol
<Kynan> wow!
<Kynan> think i hit the eye . ..
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ..
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch the eye
<Kynan> 1d10 +2
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 9 ) +2
<_dungeon_Master_> shoot for damage
* Kholgaran runs at the thing, slicing at its' achilles' tendon
<_dungeon_Master_> witch one where you shooting ?
<Kynan> (the one that looks healthiest
<Kholgaran> (probably the one charging?)
<Kynan> (yep)
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran yoll get an attack the next round ... (your not rolle playing well friend .. you just got 19 damage in one shot and fleew on the ground and you get up that fast)
<Kholgaran> (isn't that the str check?)
<_dungeon_Master_> (the str was to see if you would get up
* Kholgaran gets up, huffing and spitting out some blood, which is trickling into his beard
<_dungeon_Master_> if you would get slaped by a 3 meters big hand .. you know as well as i that you wouldent get up like if you just woke up
* Kholgaran shrugs
* Kynan smiles at the giant "Is oo hurtsie-wurtise. Does little giany wants his mommy?"
<Kynan> (hopefully that'll tick it off)
<Kholgaran> (bah, you just ran it through the eye, it doesn't need a ticking off ;) )
<_dungeon_Master_> I PRAY BY MY GOD MORADIN ! USE thy hands to smite thee !
<_dungeon_Master_> well the giant got an arrow in its eye ok .. but its not dead :)
<Kynan> (tryue)
<Kynan> (on a 20 through the eye and not dead? impressive)
<_dungeon_Master_> ... well the creature does have a think skull :) and is head is about 2 meter bigs
<Kholgaran> (20 damage to the eye is ugly)
<_dungeon_Master_> so a 1 foot arrow is not nearly enought to kill it
<_dungeon_Master_> MEANWILE !
<_dungeon_Master_> you see BEldorn raise is hands !
<Kholgaran> (yeah, but the 20 damage is at least doubled going through the eye into the brain... there's no skull in the way)
<_dungeon_Master_> huge lights come from the sky
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran i know this ... would you die if i shot a tooth pick in your brain ?
* Kynan looks up, afraid ((remmebering his ufo encounter . .(j/k)))
<_dungeon_Master_> i saw a guy on tv with a hunting knife in his head and he was ok
<Kholgaran> (if you shot a tooth pick doing up to 60 damage, yes i would
<Kynan> (depends on spot, true. *shrug*))
<_dungeon_Master_> you see the light opening the clouds ...and a huge dwarven hand .. pick up the one eyed hill giant !
* Kynan looks over at Beldorn, covered in giant blood "Why couldn't you have done that earlier?!"
* Kholgaran stumbles over, broken and bleeding, getting ready to fight either of the giants if they're left
<_dungeon_Master_> and crushes it in its hand ... before letting it fall helpless to the ground
* Kynan glares at beldorn "Saving that for some grand trick, were we! Look at Kholgaran! He's beat!"
* Kholgaran grins toothily, heading to the one being attacked by snakes, ready to take him out
<_dungeon_Master_> the other hill giants is running at you ... you see grach is uncousious
<_dungeon_Master_> the hill giant as a nice grim on its face
* Kynan looks at Beldorn. "What was that spell?! Bigby's hand, the final frontier?"
* Kholgaran heads towards the hill giant, a nice grin on his face too
<_dungeon_Master_> you can see the hill giants is covered in green blood
<_dungeon_Master_> initiative
* Kynan fires an arrow into it's eye also
<Kynan> 1d10 - me
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 9 ) - me
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 8 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d10 not me
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d10: ( 2 ) not me
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 20 )
<_dungeon_Master_> hahaha
<_dungeon_Master_> ouch !
<_dungeon_Master_> it swings at kynan
* Kholgaran stares in disbelief
<Kholgaran> "Kynan! NOO!!!"
* Kynan ducks?
* Kholgaran begins running, wishing he had a bloody axe
<Kynan> damage?
<Kynan> and where?
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d8+7
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d8+7: ( 13 )
<Kynan> 14
<_dungeon_Master_> roll for critical hit
<Kynan> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 17 )
<Kynan> where hit?
<_dungeon_Master_> the hand slaps you for 20 damage
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> you can ear beldorn cursing ... !
* Kholgaran flies at the thing, his small dagger ready to hurt it
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you lost your attack
* Kynan staggers back, feeling worse than when his mom slapped him when he was younger . . s[its out a few teeth
<Kholgaran> "DIE FIEND!!!"
<Kynan> spits out teeth i ment
<_dungeon_Master_> roll attack
* Kynan orders his sword to kill it
<Kholgaran> (lol)
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 11 )
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan do you pick up your sword or something ?
<Kynan> "Giant, leave now! You're friends are dead!"
* Kynan picks up sword . .and his teeth
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz i have to tell you .. dropped your bow fast
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok .... guys .. pay attention
<Kholgaran> yes?
<_dungeon_Master_> let me explain what appends next
<Kholgaran> ok
<Kynan> it suffers a massive heart attack from exertion>
<Kynan> ?
<_dungeon_Master_> .. kynan .. kholgaran .. beldorn ... have noticed that grach was laying down ...
<Kynan> "Sleeping . .the lazy sot . ."
<Kholgaran> believes itself to be a shapeshifter, and decides the only way to kill it is to cut out it's heart, bury it, then cut off it's own head?
<_dungeon_Master_> you also noticed once kynan lifted the sword that there was a white sphere that flew out of the sword to meet someting unseen
<_dungeon_Master_> LET ME TALK !
<_dungeon_Master_> and al of a sudden
<_dungeon_Master_> a skeletal form reveals itself
<_dungeon_Master_> one witch looks like the orchish lord
<_dungeon_Master_> the one you have stolen is its remains
* Kynan sighs "Knew i shoudl hacve found some holy water"
<_dungeon_Master_> *skeletal orc warrior says ... prepare .. for your sword may have uncovered my invisibility but it will not my blade !
<_dungeon_Master_> Die by Cyric's power ...
* Kholgaran looks at it
<_dungeon_Master_> its in full plate
<_dungeon_Master_> full field plate
<Kholgaran> "Come again? It didn't uncover your invisible blade?"
<_dungeon_Master_> it has a huge fiery sword
* Kynan sighs . . looks at the dead body of Grach .. . ."How about we just let by gones be bygones?"
* Kholgaran looks at the giant
<_dungeon_Master_> no no khol .. the creature was invisible ok .. and kynan blade made a reveal invisibilty .. so he said you maybe can see me know but you cant face my blade
<_dungeon_Master_> etc....
<Kholgaran> ahhhhh
* Kholgaran smiles at the giant
<Kholgaran> "You can have this one tiger"
<Kynan> "How about my sword removes your sword from body also?"
<Kynan> ((LOL))
<_dungeon_Master_> you see at the same time another lightning falling from the sky to hit the giant
<_dungeon_Master_> 6d6+3
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
6d6+3: ( 21 )
* Kynan wondes where this bloody storm is coming from and looks warily at the orc
<Kynan> orc-lih-whatever thing
<_dungeon_Master_> .... hahaha humans .. this cleric of yours will do no good fighting me !
* Kynan prays to his deity for divine aid, hoping . . .
* Kynan looks at Beldorn "Got another of those bigby's hands?"
<_dungeon_Master_> the orc skeleton warrior is walking at a fast pace towards you .. hes about 30 feet away
<_dungeon_Master_> what do you do for the next round ?
<Kholgaran> (is the giant dead?)
<_dungeon_Master_> no ..
<_dungeon_Master_> hes in quite alot of pain tho
* Kynan stares at skeleton foe, looks at thenothers "We run now?"
<_dungeon_Master_> that giant is special
<_dungeon_Master_> hes got 2 earings and 1 nose rings
<_dungeon_Master_> plus a nice belt
<Kholgaran> "Run Kynan! I shall save you!!"
<Kholgaran> "Go now friends! It's the last hope we have!"
* Kynan shrugs."nah. This sword has to have a use"
* Kynan charges the skeleton
<_dungeon_Master_> initiative
* Kholgaran joins the charge, discarding the knife
<Kynan> "Feel the wrath of . . .The Unnamed Sword!"
<Kynan> 1d10 - kynan
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 7 ) - kynan
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 2 )
<Kholgaran> "I shall avenge my crossbows demise!"
<Kynan> ((LOL))
<_dungeon_Master_> trought tin hair you see a huge hammer
<Sparkie`> it attacks first or?
<_dungeon_Master_> fly trought the air and hit the skeletal orc
<Kynan> trought tin hair?
<_dungeon_Master_> it backs up a bit and recharges
<_dungeon_Master_> yes
<_dungeon_Master_> it apeared out of nowhere
<Kynan> can we attack it now?
<_dungeon_Master_> well the giant is still next to you ...
<_dungeon_Master_> did you still wanna charge ?
<Kholgaran> (but the all encompassing evil is a bit more to worry about)
<Kynan> yes . .skeletal orcs are more of a threat
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<Kynan> plus, the sword has to have a use
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 12 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 3 )
* Kholgaran lets loose with a double fisted attack
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d6+8
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d6+8: ( 11 )
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you get 11 points of damage by the hill giant
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> for leaving to run away on another mather
<Kholgaran> lol
<Kynan> ah
<Kholgaran> "You okay friend? Then lets nail him!"
<_dungeon_Master_> at the same time guys
<Kholgaran> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
2#1d20: ( 12 2 )
<Kynan> 2#1d20 - swrod
<Sparkie`> Kynan
2#1d20: ( 15 10 ) - swrod
<_dungeon_Master_> you see a pack of skeletons rise up
<_dungeon_Master_> i mean a pack of dogs
* Kynan looks at bel "Turn them!"
<_dungeon_Master_> facing the skeleton warrior
<Kynan> oh? Dogs so thin they look skeletal or just dogs? :)
<_dungeon_Master_> the dogs are running at the skeleton warrior getting there before you
* Kynan stares "where diod THEY come from . ."
<_dungeon_Master_> in all there about 10 of them
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn start to laught
* Kholgaran stops, doing the dwarven dance of bounteous dog summoning
<_dungeon_Master_> that should take care of him
<Kynan> "Are they looking for bones to bury?"
<_dungeon_Master_> the skeleton warrios slashes at them
* Kholgaran looks at kynan and takes out his ACME catalog, ordering a large portable hole to take care of the hill giant
<_dungeon_Master_> but you guys have never seen this before
<Kynan> ((Not at 6 am, no.))
<_dungeon_Master_> the skeletal warrior is killing on dog after another
<Kholgaran> ((all encompassing evil being attacked by hungry dogs? i've NEVER seen that alcar!))
* Kynan looks at the catalogue
<_dungeon_Master_> slashing at them
<Kynan> ((shush, you!))
<_dungeon_Master_> cutting heads
<_dungeon_Master_> with precissness
<_dungeon_Master_> cutting away .. carving
<Kholgaran> "Hmmm.. the dogs seem to be losing... let's help them out friend, the portable hole is on the way"
<_dungeon_Master_> 6 out of the 10 dogs are left
<_dungeon_Master_> the hill giants remains
<_dungeon_Master_> the hill giant swings again
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 4 )
<Kynan> ((worst i did was the turkey god at 3:30 am!))
* Kholgaran watches the large fist of the giant crash into the earth, then charges again at the orc
<_dungeon_Master_> the hill giant now behind you misses with all the cuts and blisters he has can berly stand still while fighting
<Kholgaran> (can i attack?)
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran .. theres 6 dogs surounding the skeleton warrior ok .. the skeleton warrior is covered with a purpolish fog on is sword ... and you remember that your master always told you that fighting a skeleton warrior with bare hands is stupid ! just plain stupid
<Kholgaran> not with gauntlets... much easier to bash this way
<Kholgaran> you're forgetting my hands are now magical weapons :)
<_dungeon_Master_> btw your master never told you that hehe but i am sure hed slap you around knowing what your about to do
* Kynan is charging our frined w/ the dieting problem (the skeleton)
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ...
<Kholgaran> so do i get my attacks?
<Kynan> can i kill it now, pretty please?
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn ... casts .... o greatflames of MORADIN fury ! take thy creature in the abyzz of bhaal !
<_dungeon_Master_> right out of no where a great .. huge .. very huge light apears in the back of you and its very very hot ..
<_dungeon_Master_> you can see theres ah uge light in your back
<_dungeon_Master_> youll have to wait another round kynan the dogs are still on it
* Kynan is busy charging the skeleton . . no time for petty distractions
<Kynan> (ok)
<_dungeon_Master_> unless you wanna take the dogs off him ?
* Kholgaran sees the ACME van coming down the road
<Kynan> (sure)
* Kholgaran watches the giant roast
<_dungeon_Master_> a huge roaring flames and a burst of screaming sounds are herd everywhere from the hill giant that was !
<_dungeon_Master_> 10d6
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
10d6: ( 34 )
<_dungeon_Master_> *ok guys ... memorie check both of you got a fireball in the ass ... had a hill giant swingning in your back while looking at dogs attacking a skeletal warrior ... while your friend might be still alive .. waisting away
<Kholgaran> "Cooked to perfection"
<Kynan> ./mes attacking the skeleton . .biggest threat
<_dungeon_Master_> you both got slapped HARD TIME ! and are hacking
<Kynan> dogs are dying too fast to hurt it
<_dungeon_Master_> perhaps regrouping could be wise ?
* Kholgaran helps Kynan out
* Kholgaran nods, moving around the back in a wide arc, to come at the thing and crush its' skull
* Kynan is, char wise, too ticked at the skeleton thing . .ignoring pain . . + time to regroup, we could all be kikked
<Kynan> killed
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<Kholgaran> (bah, same thing... the way servers are these days)
* Kholgaran is a tough warrior who can take a beating
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d100
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d100: ( 94 )
<_dungeon_Master_> omg
<_dungeon_Master_> 10d6
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
10d6: ( 39 )
<Kholgaran> (the god himself pays us a visit, eh?)
<Kynan> ((again?!))
<_dungeon_Master_> ....ok
<_dungeon_Master_> this is what hapends
<Kholgaran> ((nah, we haven't seen him yet, but now he's stopping by... he has a part time job of delivering for ACME :) ))
<_dungeon_Master_> as you are about to charge the skeleton
<Kynan> (heh)
<_dungeon_Master_> the creature itself as killed all the dogs but one
<_dungeon_Master_> but is hurled back as the flaming roar hits the skeleton warrior
<_dungeon_Master_> the skeleton dances in agony !
<_dungeon_Master_> whatever flesh dried out it had .. is not ash
<_dungeon_Master_> the armor it has is also darkned
<_dungeon_Master_> and its suffered alot
<Kynan> did it die?
* Kholgaran prepares a plate of finely cooked Hill Giant for Kynan, garnishing it with ettin guts
<_dungeon_Master_> you can ear beldorn shouting ... THANKS MORADIN !!!!!!!!!!!
<_dungeon_Master_> ok next round
<_dungeon_Master_> all dogs are gone
* Kynan mutters something about mordin and clerics who waste spells and why the hell did he even near our help under his breath
* Kynan kills the skeleton
<Kynan> 1d20 - bony thing
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 16 ) - bony thing
<_dungeon_Master_> roll ini
<Kynan> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 9 )
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 2 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d10
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d10: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok you guys hit first
<Kholgaran> "Super Head Crusher!"
* Kholgaran runs up and balls his fists, crushing into the things temples
<_dungeon_Master_> attack rolls guy you know the drill
<Kholgaran> 2#1d20
<Kynan> 1d20 - kill it
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d20: ( 12 ) - kill it
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
2#1d20: ( 13 4 )
<Kynan> hit
<Kholgaran> me too
<Kholgaran> once
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 11 )
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 7 )
<Kynan> and whatever bonus the sword has . . .. a wish spell maybe?
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran you miss
* Kynan wishes the skeleton dead
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you touch
* Kynan didn't touch . . hit it with sword . .touching skeletons is not a good thing . .
* Kholgaran flies over the skeleton thing
<Kynan> ok. Is it hurt or?
<_dungeon_Master_> yes
<_dungeon_Master_> you hurt it alright
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 10 )
* Kynan looks back to see where the cleric is
<Kynan> did it die?
* Kholgaran yawns and strikes a pose, waiting for Moridan to make an appearance again
<_dungeon_Master_> wait
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> need to check ..what attack it has
* Kynan admires Kholgaran's pose while waiting for it to die
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d12+3
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d12+3: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you get hit for 7 hit point
<Kynan> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> ok anymore attacks
<_dungeon_Master_> ?
<Kholgaran> nope, that's it
<_dungeon_Master_> ini
<Kynan> (how close is the cleric?)
<Kynan> 1d10
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10: ( 6 )
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d10
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d10: ( 6 )
<_dungeon_Master_> the cleric is resting on one knee
<_dungeon_Master_> not to far
<Kynan> (ok)
<_dungeon_Master_> about 10 meters away from the skeleton
<_dungeon_Master_> and 9 meters from you
<Kynan> ok
<Kynan> 2#1d20 - attacking
<Sparkie`> Kynan
2#1d20: ( 19 19 ) - attacking
<Kholgaran> (woo!!)
<Kynan> uhm ,. . . .
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ...
<_dungeon_Master_> go
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Kynan> 1d10+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 15 )
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d10+6: ( 16 )
<Kynan> it hurt
<_dungeon_Master_> you hack at it
<_dungeon_Master_> the bones shatter under the swords you wields power
* Kynan smiles grimly
<_dungeon_Master_> but the skeletons is regenerating
<_dungeon_Master_> fast too
* Kholgaran begins stepping on the bones, crushing them
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm the skeleton didint fall dead guys
* Kynan sings soflty "The ankle bone is connected to the . .shin bone. The shin bone is connected to the . .thigh bone . . The thigh bone . ." as he hacks away cheerfully
<_dungeon_Master_> he just got his chest shatered
<Kholgaran> (didn't he fall though?)
<_dungeon_Master_> no ..
<_dungeon_Master_> he just got his chest shattered
* Kynan sighs. "Well, that was that then"
<Kynan> "Sword, do something special"
* Kholgaran reaches through the gaping hole in his chest, pulling apart
* Kynan points sword at it
<_dungeon_Master_> is eyes are now flashing red !
* Kynan recommends a good eye-doctor . ..
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran make your attack roll
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 5 )
<Kholgaran> doh!
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 16 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d12+3
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d12+3: ( 13 )
* Kholgaran goes too far and climbs through the hole to the other side
<Kholgaran> "Whoops... missed"
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you get hit for 13 damage
<Kynan> ok
* Kynan gasps out "It's a far, far better thing i do, than i have ever done, tis a far, far better place i go, than I have ever been"
* Kynan falls over
* Kholgaran blinks
<Kholgaran> "Kynan...? Kynan.... NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
* Kholgaran grabs the sword, lifting it
<_dungeon_Master_> guys shut up
<_dungeon_Master_> stop with the fucking jokes !
<Kynan> ((quote those dying words blast it! I want to me immortalised by poets!))
* Kynan is dead
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan .. die you put the maximum hp like i told you to ?
<Kynan> yep
<Kholgaran> "You'll pay now, fiend!"
<_dungeon_Master_> hmm you would have had 60 hp or so
<Kynan> 30 damage at once hurt . .rest kind of added on
<Kynan> 58
<_dungeon_Master_> still !
<_dungeon_Master_> its 60 !
<Kynan> taken 69 damage :)
<_dungeon_Master_> i know you can do that !
<_dungeon_Master_> HAHAHA you will join your friend soon enought adventurer .. the skeleton looking at kholgaran !
<Kholgaran> "I don't think so, scum"
* Kholgaran screams, swinging the sword with all his might
<Kholgaran> "For HumanBoy!"
<Kholgaran> (attack?)
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan ... 5x10 ok .. 5 times 2 for your bonus of constitution
<_dungeon_Master_> makes 60 !
<_dungeon_Master_> so your minus-9 is that so ?
<_dungeon_Master_> yes
<Kholgaran> 1d20 - swing of hope and might
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 14 ) - swing of hope and might
<Kynan> ah! -9 then ok
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<Kholgaran> (what's the damage? a d8?)
<_dungeon_Master_> no
<_dungeon_Master_> fists are 1d2
<_dungeon_Master_> plus str damage
<Kholgaran> i'm using the sword though... to avenge my fallen comrades death...
<_dungeon_Master_> i mean str bonuses
<Kynan> (or near death)
<Kholgaran> true
<Kholgaran> but still
<Kholgaran> dead enough for me
<_dungeon_Master_> you are sure you want to pick up the sword
<Kholgaran> yup yup
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz youll loose your round then
<Kholgaran> why?
<Kynan> ((What do you roll to see if you have a NDE?))
<Kholgaran> it's maybe a -1 modifier
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz .. how can you swing if you pick up the sword ?
<Kholgaran> it's a -1 modifier to initiative to pick up the sword and swing it
<Kholgaran> it takes maybe two extra seconds
<_dungeon_Master_> *think about it .... your friend still has it in his hands ... lying down .. you would have to go on you friend open is hand .. and take it in front of the skeleton warrior
<_dungeon_Master_> do you wish to do so ?
<_dungeon_Master_> risking a free attack by the skeleton ?
<Kholgaran> why would i open his hands? it probably dropped from his grip when he say... passed out?
<_dungeon_Master_> yes if the sword was lying in your scabard
<_dungeon_Master_> nah he kept it hard in his hands
<Kholgaran> ah okay
<_dungeon_Master_> for reasons me and him know
<Kholgaran> "Super Fist Smasher!"
<Kholgaran> 2#1d20 - from behind!
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
2#1d20: ( 13 1 ) - from behind!
<_dungeon_Master_> you touch with the fists
<_dungeon_Master_> roll damage
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> fuck your lucky with the number 9 you
<Kholgaran> yup
<Kholgaran> spark likes me
* Kholgaran twists his arm out of place, but connects solidly with one of the blows
<_dungeon_Master_> ok ... when you hit the skeleton with your fist attacked .. you felt 2 point of damamge on your fists !
<_dungeon_Master_> your hands are hurting like hell
<_dungeon_Master_> hitting a full field plate filled with bones !
<Kholgaran> (no, head shot)
<Kholgaran> (only place not protected)
<_dungeon_Master_> hmmm kholgaran with 13 believe me bud ...you didint touch is face
<_dungeon_Master_> you rolled 13 :P
<Kholgaran> alright then, no hit
* Kholgaran shrugs
<_dungeon_Master_> no hit ?
<Kholgaran> yeah, two misses
<Kholgaran> i was going for the head
<Kholgaran> init?
* Kynan sees a white light . . hsi lfie flashes before his eyes (which would be quirte interesting, since he's had a long and varied life, but he can't get it ot stop where he wants it to)
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe
<_dungeon_Master_> yes
<Kholgaran> 1d10
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d10: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d10
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d10: ( 5 )
<_dungeon_Master_> 1d20
<Sparkie`> _dungeon_Master_
1d20: ( 4 )
<_dungeon_Master_> the skeleton warrior misses !
* Kholgaran is shocked!
<_dungeon_Master_> it SHALL NOT BE THE END OF ME YET HUMAN !
* Kholgaran stops dead... glaring at the thing
<Kholgaran> "What did you call me?"
<Kynan> LOL
* Kholgaran his voice is colder than anything imaginable
<Kholgaran> "Speak up and correct your mistake now, fiend"
* Kynan opens hisn eyes slwoly, damned vonfused
<_dungeon_Master_> *moment* after the skeleton warrior said this .. he weaved a hand ... making himself double
<_dungeon_Master_> you know see 2 skeletons warriors
<_dungeon_Master_> make an intel check
<Kholgaran> 1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d20: ( 18 )
<Kynan> "Uhhh . . . . sumpin' tells this this ain't the elysian fields . . . not even reincarnation . . ."
<Kholgaran> (how many attacks does this thing get!?)
<_dungeon_Master_> hehe :) check the manual :)
<_dungeon_Master_> your lucky this guys is a orc skeleton warrior
* Kholgaran lunges at the one on the right, going for the head again
* Kynan looks up blearily. "2 of em?" shakes head "It breeds!"
<_dungeon_Master_> ok
<_dungeon_Master_> roll
<Kholgaran> 2#1d20
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
2#1d20: ( 14 12 )
<Kholgaran> (both hit?)
<_dungeon_Master_> nope
<_dungeon_Master_> the 14 is a hit
* Kynan manages to raise his head, turns and sees the cleric. "World . .spining . . .damn .dying . .worse . .than all . .week . .drinking . .binge"
<_dungeon_Master_> but you dont touch it in the head
* Kholgaran plants a fist into his exposed chest, screaming
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<_dungeon_Master_> hey fuck
<_dungeon_Master_> someone shis cheating or whaT ?
<_dungeon_Master_> again a 9 ?
<Kynan> lol
<Kholgaran> nah... i've just been doing it all night
<Kholgaran> one in three chance after all
<Kynan> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kynan
1d3+6: ( 7 )
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran rolls 1d3+6
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Kynan> see?
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 9 )
<Kynan> lol
<_dungeon_Master_> hahahaha
<_dungeon_Master_> fuckers ;P
<Kholgaran> like i said, sparkie and i are friends
<_dungeon_Master_> cheatign are we ?
* Kholgaran blasts the thing in the chest
<Kynan> pardon?
<Kholgaran> (did i hurt it at all?)
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran .. reroll without cheating
<Kholgaran> 1d3+6
<Sparkie`> Kholgaran
1d3+6: ( 7 )
<Kynan> if i were to cheat, you .. . .it would be with the damned hti, not damage!
<Kholgaran> so which one counts? my original nine, the next one, or this one because it's lower?
<_dungeon_Master_> no the 7
* Kynan gets up slowly, weak and dazed
<Kynan> "Whst happens>:
<_dungeon_Master_> yes but you hit thin air
* Kholgaran hits the thing, then feels the power that was in the gloves fizzle out
<_dungeon_Master_> you do hit ...
* Kholgaran touches Kynan's fist
* Kynan moves over to the cleric "
<_dungeon_Master_> but you hit the one that was not him
<Kholgaran> "WONDER TWINS... UNITE!"
<Kynan> Wut's,wromng?"
<_dungeon_Master_> beldorn has is hands over his eyes
<Kynan> 'Was wonrg?"
<_dungeon_Master_> ... the skeleton ... the skeleton is to powerfull ! ...... hes scaring me !
<Kynan> ((btw, does bali have the sword or do I still have it?))
<Kholgaran> ((you do, mr. irongrip))
<_dungeon_Master_> you have it in your hands
<Kynan> (ok))
<_dungeon_Master_> hahaha khol :P
<_dungeon_Master_> ok situation theres now 2 skeleton warriors in front of you
<_dungeon_Master_> one witch is not the true one
<_dungeon_Master_> and the other that is
<Kynan> Hissed: "Beldorn, you fool. You called divine power, slaughtered the enemies without our help and now you're afraid?!?!"
<_dungeon_Master_> blows are givin each side
<_dungeon_Master_> none touch
* Kynan bends over the prone cleric
<_dungeon_Master_> Beldorn says leave me alone ...
<_dungeon_Master_> hes gonna kill us all
<Kynan> "Oh, I shall, you tratior . ."
<_dungeon_Master_> aid yourself why you still can ...
* Kynan swings his sword and carves his head off for being a coward
* Kholgaran dances the tango of death with the skeleton king
<Kynan> ((nearly dead, raised to wake some winmpy cleric . .he's not in his right mind at all right now . .. ))
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan ... TECNICLY YOU CANT DO THAT !
<Kynan> uhm, why not?
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz your sword wont let you ...
<Kynan> unmoving target. anythign you want works on them
<Kholgaran> officially though, working without a head is damn near impossible
* Kynan glares at the sword
* Kholgaran tosses Kynan a dagger
<Kholgaran> "Now strike, my friend! Strike!!"
* Kynan tosses the sword aside, since it would kill him . . .a gift that cannot be returned is no gift, but curse
<Kynan> ((does Bel wake now?))
* Kynan pulls his own dagger out, slowly
<_dungeon_Master_> ok back to the stor yheheh
<_dungeon_Master_> ... can you guys take a coffe and stop fucking around ?
* Kynan points the dagger at the clerics throat "Get up and fight or I kill you now."
<_dungeon_Master_> cheating is one thing but turning into dumb asses is another
<Kynan> ((no one cheated))
<Kholgaran> you're the one who called us cheaters
<Kholgaran> besides, what have we done? the cleric's killed everything so far
<_dungeon_Master_> I FUCKING KNOW ! but your a fucking level 5 fighter you know why hes fucking scared .. damn .. yo uguys been trought alot more then just this fight
<Kynan> yew
<Kholgaran> aye, which is why we have iron wills
<_dungeon_Master_> know about the spelll TERROR ??? know about the spell holdperson ?
<Kholgaran> and my dwarven pride wouldn't allow this evil to ravage the land for sure
<Kynan> and my fighter is neasrly deasd, was raised by some voice to wake up a cleric who, for all intents and purposes, is being a coward
<_dungeon_Master_> know about all those spells yes ye do at level 5 !
<Kynan> My CHARACTER is not a wizard, he likely does not know, or care, about much magic
<Kynan> he nas't seen it use any on him yet, for one thing
* Kholgaran knows nothing of the ways of magic, for dwarves seldom trust in it or care for it
<_dungeon_Master_> DAMNIT IT WAS TO HELP your fighting friend not the fucking cleric
<_dungeon_Master_> if you think 2 seconds .. the cleric is ok .. hes not dying is he ? how about your friend fighting the skeleton hes surely gonna die with all the blows he suffered why in fucking hell would you think i was talking about the damn cleric ?
<Kynan> look at it realistically, if you're nearly dead and broughht back to see TWO of the thing that killed you - -it uhharmed and regenerating -- you wouldn't be sane either
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan .. thats not the point ... every fighter thats been up to level 5 has been .. paralized once at least .. holded with a hold person ... or know about spells that can render ones senses to be scared
<Kynan> plus, as i said, he doesn't know much about magic . . . likely never had the spell cast on him, for one thing.
<_dungeon_Master_> thats what i am talking about COMENT SENSE !
<Kholgaran> lol, why would you assume that?
<_dungeon_Master_> i mean COMEN SENSE
<Kholgaran> you mean COMMON SENSE
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz i would have told you guys you had but you guys are always fucking talking ... making jokes about ACME and shit
* Kholgaran looks at Kynan
<Kholgaran> what wasn't funny about that?
<_dungeon_Master_> at 6 am i dont want you guys to fucking fall asleep so i try to type as fast as i can
<Kynan> look, DM, i'm merely role playing how I think a barbarian would react to a cleric, who he thinks he beinga wimp, would react to be raised from the dead
<Kynan> with no hope of winning
<Kynan> against the foe
<Kynan> ((he's naturally a pessimist, obviously))
<Kynan> ((and threteneting someone w/ imminent death si a good way to get their attention
<_dungeon_Master_> all i know is that your wrongly role playing .. first off ..
<Kynan> ((he has NO clue how to break magical holds, besides killing the caster -- which seems to be immpossible
<Kholgaran> it has nothing to do with how fast you type, it has to do with the fact that we haven't been responsible for the deaths of anything above an orc or ogre maybe
<_dungeon_Master_> you know your right in front of the fucking skeleton warrior .. ok .. your right in front of it .. you fell to your doom right beneth it ...you got up and walked to the cleric ??
<Kynan> ((so the obvious thing to so is kill the cleric, sionce he can't help him and the cleric said we'd all die./
<_dungeon_Master_> you call that role playing ?
<Kynan> ((a mercy killing))
<Kholgaran> what should he have done?
<Kholgaran> and if you want to talk about role playing
<Kynan> ((I call it role playing a character, driven to insanity . .he was told to GO TO THE CLERIC so he did . . pain aside))
<Kholgaran> that's a whole different subject altogether
<_dungeon_Master_> CUZZ if you really must know ... THE CLERIC WAS hit by a terror spell ! he will say anything .. just cuz hes scared to death
<Kynan> well, my CHARCTER didn't know that
<_dungeon_Master_> no he was not
<Kynan> and that, in role playing, is what counts
<_dungeon_Master_> i told you to help your friend that was fighting .. the cleric wasent even fighting
<_dungeon_Master_> you ASUMEED
<Kynan> thus rthe reaction of a barabarian wass perfectly normal
<Kynan> assumption is the basis for everything
<_dungeon_Master_> you guys keep asuming all the time ... when i said the bones shatered .. you guys tought the creature was dead ..
<_dungeon_Master_> and many other things too
<Kynan> if I don't know something, ergo my character can't
<Kholgaran> lol, i din't think he was dead
<Kynan> that is what our character would have thought . . . .csn't characters assume things?
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan that's where common sense comes in .. if you friend is fighting a creature ok ... and your next to it .. BTW you didint know he wasent about to kill it .. you feel uncousious ... and then the talking was done
<Kholgaran> you need to realize that characters don't have all the knowledge that their players do
<_dungeon_Master_> not really SINCE I AM THE DM ! and i tell you what you see
<_dungeon_Master_> if you see the skeleton standing tall in front of you fighting why would you think its on the ground ?
<Kynan> oif clourse not, which is why he did NOT know of a terror spell . . sees two of what killed him, the cleric saying we'll all die = we're doomed
<Kynan> generally, when you smash a skeletons chest apart, it BREAKS. to regernate takes TIME, and getting the peives back together, for one thing
<_dungeon_Master_> talk about role playing ... when kholgaran said ill stab the hill giant in the chest ... the fucking hill giants chest is like 13 meters high ... i dont think he was tinking straight what about you ?
<Kholgaran> hey, you said he fell back, i figured the impact sent him to the ground
<Kholgaran> you're the one who told me they were 8 meters tall at first, which i thought was weird
<Kholgaran> but still
<Kholgaran> you told me it
<_dungeon_Master_> HE SAID THAT AFTER WHEN you walked to him after coming back to life ...
<Kholgaran> then when you corrected it, i said "boy, i've shown this guys leg a thing or two" or something like that
<_dungeon_Master_> not before passing to almost death
*** Sparkie` has quit IRC (Quit: It is doubtful if the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and power- power to oppress others. The oppressed want above all to imitate their oppressors; they want to retaliate. - Eric Hoffer)
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan the skeleton has a plate on ...i said he was regenerating to tell you about the other wound he was inflicted before
<Kynan> regardless of it all, and it IS all beside the poitn, i think very little of ANY Dm who accuses players of cheating, regardless of the time. If we wanted to bloodty cheat, we'd do it in damage!
<_dungeon_Master_> still can your character jump to hit it in the chest at 8 meters hight ?
<Kynan> ormin how much hp we lost
<Kholgaran> yeah, i didn't take too kindly to that myself
<Kynan> then you, the DM, shoudl have NOT allowed it.
<Kynan> simple logic
<Kholgaran> actually, yes i could
<Kynan> 1) Neither of us cheated
<_dungeon_Master_> well fuck i did a check .. and it said .. 9 damamge ... you rolled 8 times in a row 9 damamge and i rolled and i got a 9
<Kynan> 2) we don't like being sidekicks to NPCs
<_dungeon_Master_> your not sidekicks
<Kynan> 3) NPCs are syupposed to have PERSONALITIES, not just call down divine aid
<_dungeon_Master_> ok guys .,..
<_dungeon_Master_> listen 2 secs ok
<_dungeon_Master_> if you want to play AD&D its cool
<_dungeon_Master_> but you have to go along with the story
<Kynan> wrong!
<_dungeon_Master_> dont stand waiting for me to tell you what to do
<Kynan> The palyers CHANGE it!
<Kholgaran> a) the hill giants chest is roughtly 2' below his top height.. this puts it at 6'. With a boosted 18/00, a simple str check will show that i can jump at least a foot and a half straight up, and extend my arm to hit it in the chest
<Kholgaran> we tried to
<_dungeon_Master_> if you see a fireball coming .. do i have to tell you ... huh ...run for cover ???
<_dungeon_Master_> you guys take like 2 minute to anwser
<Kholgaran> every time we tried to fight something, your damn cleric saved the god damn day
<Kynan> ther eis no such thing as PLOT . .any DM knows the players might just leave, and destroy it. The story is EXACTLY what the PLAYERS turn it into, not moulding by the DM
<_dungeon_Master_> leaving the hill giant in your back i bet you tought that was inteligent ????
<_dungeon_Master_> thats why my fucking npc keeps killing everything .. cuz i wanted to play and didint want you guys to get killed
<Kholgaran> what were we supposed to do? we saw a bigger threat
<_dungeon_Master_> i had to tell you guys so many times.. you cant do that .. you cant do this ..
<Kynan> the player does NOT have to follow any plot, the DM has to, and should if s/he is good, make a plot around what we DO not what you WANT us to do
<_dungeon_Master_> kholgaran .. exemple got up ran back to the giant after getting slapped the shit out of him little nothing hapend ... is that RPG to you ?
<Kynan> and, frankly, if a pc dies, he dies. I didn't want kynan to die, but i'd rather him die than be brought back for some idiot reason to help the npc.
<_dungeon_Master_> str check WTF .. you mean agility check ... plus still 6 meters is still to high ... duh
<Kholgaran> yeah it is! I'm a fucking dwarf with endurance, if you wanna play it by stats.. i have 18 con too! i'm a goddamn fifth level fighter, you better believe i can take that
<Kholgaran> lol, try it sometime, you'll be surprised what you can do
<_dungeon_Master_> VERY VERY TRUE but if i would of waiting for you guys to shape the story it would of took forever ..
<_dungeon_Master_> i had to get beldorn in the story just to tell you to search for the keys
<Kholgaran> no it wouldn't... we were doing what we wanted with what you gave us
<Kholgaran> no you didn't!! i was going to look for them right away!
<Kholgaran> and how would i have known that lock was magic?
<Kynan> if you want a plot pcs follow, you give them a reaso to . .frankly, after gettiong 500 gold i would NOT leave it at camp and explore buildings i'd head to the cloest city and deposit it
<Kholgaran> hell, i'd go party
<_dungeon_Master_> kynan you fucking stupid or what ???? i fucking told you 10 times ... you had to HELP KHOL not beldorn ! i told you this 10 times already GET IT TROUGHT your head !
<Kholgaran> bah. he's just not listening... i need to get to bed
*** Kholgaran is now known as Baliadoc
<Kynan> i ddid NOT have to do anytinig . . the character does what he or she wants, NOT what the DM demands
<Kynan> bye
*** Kynan has left #Old_Tales
<_dungeon_Master_> bottom line is says what you see
<_dungeon_Master_> thats the point
<Baliadoc> what?
<_dungeon_Master_> if you guys fucking start killing every pc or npc
<_dungeon_Master_> theres no point in continuying a game at all
<Baliadoc> that can happen... not all people are going to get along
<Baliadoc> in a group
<_dungeon_Master_> well the game whent along just great
<Baliadoc> you need to realize that... real characters act like real people
<_dungeon_Master_> until fucking kynan wanted to kill the cleric
<Baliadoc> in the future, i suggest not making your npc's so powerful
<Baliadoc> why wouldn't he? then maybe we could do something
<_dungeon_Master_> o and your telling me that real peopole will go to kill a cleric before helping his friend in battle ??
<_dungeon_Master_> thats seams logic
<_dungeon_Master_> bottom line is i brought him back to help you .. the sword did actualy and he started to fucking go nuts
<Baliadoc> dude, he was pissed that you made us his flunky
<_dungeon_Master_> well like i said .. can you look at the time ?
<Baliadoc> lol, so why'd you keep the game going?
<Baliadoc> if you were too tired, why bother?
<Baliadoc> we're not having any fun if the damn npc's do all the killing
<_dungeon_Master_> its 7 am .. would i have not helped it would be 10 am and you guys would still be looking around teh camp
<_dungeon_Master_> baliadoc .. patience is a virtue ... the cleric doesent have 2000 spells ..
<Baliadoc> the cleric has 2000 spells to cast?
<Baliadoc> per day?
<_dungeon_Master_> btw .. the cleric is not stupid he will not have is friends slautered
<Baliadoc> there's a difference
<_dungeon_Master_> I just sAID DOESENT ...
<_dungeon_Master_> damn you going it on perpahs
<Baliadoc> we could have killed the giants, the ettin (sorry, didn't see the doesn't) and stuff without the cleric's help, and not all his spells are of the divine intervention caliber
<_dungeon_Master_> he has like 5 spells of each level witch means 5 spells
<_dungeon_Master_> i know what you mean ..
<Baliadoc> yeah, and they were all 20th level spells
<_dungeon_Master_> not really
<_dungeon_Master_> flmae strick is level 5
<Baliadoc> and the hand from heaven? the bolts of doom? those were all pretty damn powerful
<_dungeon_Master_> the bigby hands was with the wand he found inside that i did mention
<Baliadoc> and came in just in time to interrupt our attacks
<_dungeon_Master_> bolts of doom are merly call down lightning
<_dungeon_Master_> a simple druid and cleric spell
<Baliadoc> yeah, but just at the right times
<Baliadoc> so we couldn't finish them off
<Baliadoc> it was kinda said being a lackey for no reason
<_dungeon_Master_> yes... he didint want you guys to get killed
<Baliadoc> said=sad
<_dungeon_Master_> why the fuck do you think i made him go in terror at the end
<_dungeon_Master_> i wanted to you guys to get the near death experience
<Baliadoc> so you could waste our time? i expected him to kill the thing anyway, so i wasn't really trying
<_dungeon_Master_> but no ... kynan had to fucking ruin it
<Baliadoc> don't blame him, blame yourself, you have a lot to learn
<_dungeon_Master_> if you guys wanted to fight the fucking monsters alone why kill the cleric when more pressing mathers are going on with you almost getting killed
<Baliadoc> right now, he's a far superior dm to yourself, and presents a much better atmosphere for roleplaying
<_dungeon_Master_> i have alot to learn wTF
<Baliadoc> you do
<Baliadoc> you're just not that good
<_dungeon_Master_> baliadoc ... well ... think what you wish
<Baliadoc> with time you'll learn that games aren't just hack and slash and gore
<Baliadoc> but it's all good
<_dungeon_Master_> today was not a good dm game to play
<_dungeon_Master_> nah this game was suposed to be much more
* Baliadoc shrugs
<_dungeon_Master_> but grach left
<_dungeon_Master_> and he was the fucking moron type
<Baliadoc> well sorry we had thoughts
<_dungeon_Master_> so right off the bat i made this game hack and slash
<_dungeon_Master_> plus i said the game was 2 hours to 3 hours top
<_dungeon_Master_> and it lasted over 6 hours
<Baliadoc> why didn't you stop then?
<Baliadoc> you're the idiot
<_dungeon_Master_> no ...
<_dungeon_Master_> cuz i wanted to get fun too
<Baliadoc> i'm tired off my ass, i should've left hours ago
<_dungeon_Master_> and you guys took 3 times more time then you should of had
<_dungeon_Master_> no you guys rock
<_dungeon_Master_> your so funny to watch and stuff
<Baliadoc> i mean, you have to realize that we were the roleplaying type, and that your characters hardly talked, and certainly not the monsters
<_dungeon_Master_> but ... fuck .. when you get tired you loose it big time
<Baliadoc> nah, we were just getting tired of having the cleric do all the work
<Baliadoc> it was getting pointless
<_dungeon_Master_> well ... i know i have some to learn but something you gotta learn .. if you want things to hapend dont wait for the dm to make it hapend
<Baliadoc> we weren't
<_dungeon_Master_> you lost the control of the game .. when you waited for me to tell you evertything
<Baliadoc> we were doing what we wanted, and acting how we wanted
<Baliadoc> we didn't though
<Baliadoc> i had questions to ask
<_dungeon_Master_> yes what ?
<_dungeon_Master_> well baliadoc ... this is what i have to say .. i told all of you .. no evils ! no chaotic neutrals etc...
<_dungeon_Master_> and still...
<Baliadoc> i have no idea what you're talking about... should we have been l/g, which means follows the gm's every word?
<Baliadoc> nahhh
<_dungeon_Master_> if you start to act up evil at the end
<_dungeon_Master_> noooo
<Baliadoc> we have to be the characters we want to be
<_dungeon_Master_> look this is what i have to say to you ok
<_dungeon_Master_> the game was totaly in your control ... you could of said .. fuck the loot we go to shadowdale or fucking myth drannor
<_dungeon_Master_> i would of led you there
<_dungeon_Master_> step by step
<Baliadoc> yeah, but we chose not to
<Baliadoc> we chose to explore, because you mentioned we hadn't yet
<_dungeon_Master_> just telling you that you had awakenend .. i had to tell you 3 times it was a sunny day
<Baliadoc> you said that 3 times for no apparent reason
<Baliadoc> that was your own dumb choice
<Baliadoc> we knew what kinda day it was after the first one
<_dungeon_Master_> well fuck whats the point of me dming at all if your gonna fucking stand still i can do that myself
<_dungeon_Master_> my dumb choice
<_dungeon_Master_> i was waiting for over 5 minutes doing dick
<Baliadoc> dude, patience is a virtue
<Baliadoc> we had to roleplay
<_dungeon_Master_> plus grach was complaining about fucking being bored
<Baliadoc> nm... you just don't get it
<Baliadoc> it's okay though
<Baliadoc> i don't hold it against you
<_dungeon_Master_> i dont get it ?
<Baliadoc> you just don't understand
<Baliadoc> good roleplaying takes a little time
<_dungeon_Master_> What fucking planet you come from ? no one was writhing anything .. so how could you role play when nothing is written ?
<_dungeon_Master_> dont try to fool me or con me and shit
<Baliadoc> we would have gotten going if you had just shut up and let us talk, instead of repeating 3 times that the day was sunny
<_dungeon_Master_> i am not fucking stupid ... i notice things fast and real fast
<Baliadoc> that's cool
<_dungeon_Master_> ived dm'ed a couple of games this one was crappy i admit
<Baliadoc> very true
<_dungeon_Master_> ive done alot better
<_dungeon_Master_> but next time if there is a next time ... try to take charge
<_dungeon_Master_> i am not gonna fucking turn my tumbs while you guys wait for me to just sit there and wait for you guys to wake up and salute and shit
<_dungeon_Master_> hahahaha AS IF i was the one making it hard for you to roleplay cuz of my sunny day comments
* Baliadoc shrugs
<_dungeon_Master_> a GOOD dm always fucking decribes the scene
<Baliadoc> you just wouldn't shut up is all i know
<Baliadoc> we coudln't get a word in edgewise, then we started doing stuff and things went fine
<_dungeon_Master_> baliadoc a good player is one that can act out in any situations
<Baliadoc> anyway, you just don't understand what i'm saying, so i need to go to bed
<_dungeon_Master_> thats teh bottom line
<Baliadoc> goodbye, good luck
<Baliadoc> etc, etc
<_dungeon_Master_> what ?
<Baliadoc> goodbye, good luck
<_dungeon_Master_> what is it i dont understand ?
<Baliadoc> etc, etc
<_dungeon_Master_> you tell me ?
<Baliadoc> why? you don't understand it
<_dungeon_Master_> go on tell me ?
<_dungeon_Master_> i am the learning type ?
<Baliadoc> i've been trying
<_dungeon_Master_> well you tell me
<Baliadoc> i hope you are, cuz you have some stuff to learn, goodnight
<_dungeon_Master_> all youve told me was that you couldent role play cuz i said it was a sunny day
<Baliadoc> i'm too tired, i've tried, you don't pay attention, so goodnight
<Baliadoc> exactly my point, you just don't listen
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Dec 03 07:26:17 1999