Dragons were lords of the dinosaurs and abused it. They ruled them tyrannically and had no regard for the sanctity of life -- they became the first lords of death, if only in name. Finally, there abuses grew too strong and some of the herbivores decided to use their own magic, instead of repelling predatorsthey summoned The Predator: The metor that wiped their own race out. For this transgression, their spirits barred them from true death and condemned to live forever, supplanting the dragons and become TRUE lords of death -- the vampires.
From the destruction the metor wrought, out of the elements generated by the meteor and the death it brought came beings composed of those elements; the Fey, with the most powerful magic the world has ever known: Glamour. For millenia they and the vampires fought until the fey grew bored and made their own world of pure glamour and left. The price they paid for this desertion was being sundered into the seelie and unseelie counrts, becoming both life and death.
Eventually, from the animals arose the were to continue the ancient battle between life and death. There are also legends of vampire-kin who have gone beyond the war also, like the fey, but far into death, into Unbeing [i.e. khal'kru]
The vampires, being predators and almost without spirit, are forced to feed on the living to sustain themselves, and like any good hunter, they take the form of those they hunt. They were the darkness, the Fey the light. But the Fey, desperate to prevent themselves from giving into evil, made a Child of magic, who was named Lilith and charged her to hold evil from them. This child, seeing that such a request was evil, fled the Fey land into the mortal world, where her magic burned itself brightly and consumed itself, remaking her. From the child, certain apes changed. Humans evolved further than they already were, and faster. Wary of new light, the vampires struck them, possessed them and eventually became them, hunters hunting hunters.
In humans, then, there was a balance between both light and dark, good and evil. The cold of death and and the fire of life. In them is the war of life and death personified. But with the fey gone, the gods of the time were forced to act, and followed the plan of the Fey, but turned animals into humans and humans to animals, moulding more fire into them and making the weres.
As more humans died, their spirits changed in death, becoming light or dark and only returning to this world at high cost. Realising the dangers this presented, the dragons dreamed the spirit world into being as they had always known they would. Being linked deep to death, the vampires found themselves able to summon back spirits into the world, creatures made dark by their cold power and capable of slaying the Fey as the vampires weren't as easily able to.
It was then that the Fey truly vanished into their self-made Eden, leaving the world of mortals and demons entirely. This left just the mortal weres to take the mantle of the lords of life in its entirerty, even though they have never understood what that meant. The lords of life -- the were -- are mortal, protecting the humans. White the lords of death, the immortal, are destroying humans. As the vampires turn humans into themselves, the were are immune to many of the vampires powers, a cosmic game of balances and the game keeps going, each side gaining a new skill all the time.. the lords of life are at a low, and now have to wait for their newest skill, for some defense against the vampires powers and corruptions with the Fey gone and the dragons lost.
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