Just a game session of sorts Sintaqx, Chaos`^ and I played one day based on the conversation that precedes it.
<Relax-Singh> whats RPG channel?
<Alcar[away]> (rpg)
<Baliadocs_Friend> RPG? Oh, that's a Really Pathetic Game. You need a new DM.
<Alcar[away]> there we go. Role Playing games. ad&d etc. NOT computer games
<Relax-Singh> geeks
<Chaos`^> (d&d)
<Relax-Singh> you guys are like those D & D freaks
<Alcar[away]> (ad&d)
<Baliadocs_Friend> Advanced Dungeon's and Dragons - An RPG. There, that was a quick explanation, wasn't it?
<Relax-Singh> have some mental problem
<Relax-Singh> believing in reality
<Alcar[away]> uhm . . . ok. sure.
<Alcar[away]> if you really want to get into a debate on various forms of escapism or the nature of reality . .
<Chaos`^> don't do it with alcar, sin, or marcus
<Jeramias_The_Sane> yeah, I have pleanty of mental problems
<Relax-Singh> i dont
<Relax-Singh> u guys have problems
<Alcar[away]> for one thing, reality is. Belief has nothing to do with it. As for ad&d, its a fun hobby, essentially acting, pretending to be someon you're not. Everyone does it, in various forms and degrees
<Jeramias_The_Sane> Do we? OK, sure, I believe you.
<Relax-Singh> thats issues man
<Jeramias_The_Sane> I hope you don't watch TV or read books, because the people that make those are crazy too. Hell you shouldn't even be using a computer!
<Relax-Singh> waste of what u call...time
<Alcar[away]> so's IRC.
<Relax-Singh> but acting shit out
<Alcar[away]> and time well spent (by you) is never wasted.
<Relax-Singh> u might as well play sherades
<Jeramias_The_Sane> Dear god! We are wasting are time, Alcar!!
<Alcar[away]> Why? This is more fun.
<Relax-Singh> corny man
<Relax-Singh> the corny factor is high
<Alcar[away]> To you, yes. But frankly I don't care if you think that or not :)
<Jeramias_The_Sane> I suppose that you coming in here telling us to get lives isn't a waste of your time? It sure must be productive, I bet you get paid to do it too!
<Jeramias_The_Sane> God forbid that we have fun! That would be horible!
<Jeramias_The_Sane> This is me caring that you think I am a geek. "Hi, I'm a geek, and proud of it."
<Alcar[away]> yup. As jer said its about having fun. Others watch tv, or play computer games, or go into chat rooms and tell other people they're corny. We rp.
<Relax-Singh> wow
<Jeramias_The_Sane> I suppose that exercising your imagination is a bad thing, I shall take up my time playing games like "The Sims" because I am sure that they make you think.
<Relax-Singh> its a video game man
<Relax-Singh> dont play games where u have to hold peoples hands and say hey look at me im a warrior
<Jeramias_The_Sane> Is it really? I live under a rock, thanks for telling me.
<Relax-Singh> haha
* Alcar[away] has never held someones hand and said he was a warrior.
<Relax-Singh> u got it?
<Relax-Singh> i dont want to pay 50 bucks for it
<Chaos`^> I haven't eather
*** Chaos`^ is now known as Samon`^
<Jeramias_The_Sane> "Conform conform conform. Resistance is futile." Isn't that right? Lets go do something that is exactly the same as everyone else.
<Alcar[away]> lol Jer
<Samon`^> heh
<Jeramias_The_Sane> That is why I role play.
* Alcar[away] once argued successfully in an essay that exericising was as much as form of escapism as comptuer games and ad&d.
<Samon`^> resistance is futile?
<Jeramias_The_Sane> hehe, Alcar
<Alcar[away]> the prof was a little shocked, but couldn't deny I was right to an extent :)
* Jeramias_The_Sane holds his hands, calls himself a warior, and then kills someone so that he can live up to the media's standerds as an AD&D player.
<Alcar[away]> Well, if you really have to kill someone, pick a politician
<Alcar[away]> You can claim its a humanitarian act
<Relax-Singh> weirdos
*** Relax-Singh has left #game1
<Alcar[away]> 'What? You mean its a crime to kill a politician?!"
<Jeramias_The_Sane> Prison was rough, until they found out that I tried to kill a film critic. You know its not even a crime in Texas.
<Samon`^> lol
<Sintaqx> he called someone here 'wierd'
<Samon`^> he was a freak who called us corny
<Samon`^> and wird
<Samon`^> wierd
* Alcar[away] was tempted to start rping a really nutty character and freak him out. Conform to every stereotype I could think of :)
<Samon`^> he didn't even have good insults... =\
<Samon`^> you shoulda
<Alcar[away]> "I attack the evil Wizard king and kill him with my axe +10 and . . oh, wait, outside . . .there's an orc outside my window!"
<Jeramias_The_Sane> I liked playing an insane ad&d player for him. gotta make him think that we really are what the media tells him
* Alcar[away] goes outside and kills his next door neighbour with his piece of wood +2
<Jeramias_The_Sane> lol
<Sintaqx> "Quick, my friend. Inot the dank abyss beneath the city."
<Sintaqx> "Ugg, what was that I stepped in?"
<Alcar[away]> hehehe sin
<Sintaqx> "Some form of ogre refuse, I gather. WE must be near an evil stronhold (high school)"
<Alcar[away]> "It looks like . . poisoned food. See, the best before date was for last week! Its a trap to kill us!"
<Jeramias_The_Sane> now you are scaring me
<Sintaqx> "Wait, don't we get to roll a save vs poison???"
<Alcar[away]> "Wait, *whinny voice* I can't use this gun. Its not period ./ . can we fudge the rules and make it an arquebus?"
<Alcar[away]> "But it was a twinkie! They're lethal at close range . ."
<Alcar[away]> LOL Jer
<Sintaqx> "A twinkie? opened? yes! and it's still fresh! I cast detect magic on it."
<Alcar[away]> "You detect lots of magic . .though the magic of the filling seems very similar to the magic of toothpaste."
<Sintaqx> "see! the twinkie has an eerie glow about it! It's magic I tell you!"
*** Alcar[away] is now known as Alcar
<Alcar> "Wait, a damsel in distress approaches! Whats my charisma again?"
<Sintaqx> "Darn sewer muck! where's that die roll off to?"
<Alcar> "I don't know . .oh, the flash light died! Guess my light spell was countered . ."
<Sintaqx> "I try to hide in the shadows and sneak around the damsal, looking for the villians.... oh no, Orcs! and they Spotted me! I must have failed my roll."
<Alcar> "Quick, cast invisibility . . no, they spotted us! We have initative . . . and I'm LE today, so I have to kill them all!"
<Sintaqx> "I draw my twinkie and throw it at them, maybe they will fail their morale check and run at such a frightening object."
<Alcar> "Good idea. I get my large metal bar . .Err, my club and prepare to attack the leader!"
<Sintaqx> "Ack! I rolled a 1 on my attack! the twinkie is stuck to my hand!"
<Alcar> 'Oh no! Are you poisoned?!"
<Sintaqx> "*cough, gag*"
<Sintaqx> "quick... give me an antidote! (can of coke)"
<Alcar> 'Evil villians! If you hadn't taught him those complex math equations and made him do them for homework, he would have had time to practise his Twinkie Throwing skills!!!"
<Alcar> "Oh, all I have is warm pepsi . . . I hope its enough"
* Alcar gives Sintaqx warm pepsi :)
<Sintaqx> "No, that's a healing potion. We're out of coke?"
<Alcar> 'I'm afraid do . I have some cherry coke, but I think that counts as poison"
<Sintaqx> "Yes... try pouring it on your clob, maybe it will help us by poisoning the orcs. Ack! the sewer rats are approaching us from behind! RUN!"
<Jeramias_The_Sane> hehe
<Alcar> "But I don't have the running skill! I failed Gym, rememeber?"
<Samon`^> "No worries! I will save thee!" *falls from second story of building with a yard stick* "I will kill them all with a stick of slaying!"
<Alcar> "We need the spell caster! Where's jerry?! Oh, wait,. Wheres Exdreldor tbhe Magnifcent, Mage of the 12 Kingdoms I meant"
<Sintaqx> "I'll try throwing my twinkie again. Look, it worked! the rats are attacking the twinkie! Now's our chance to run away to the supermarket, err, healer and get some potions of neutralize poison!"
* Samon`^ gets up from the ground he fell on
<Alcar> "Quick, to the healers ..say, which has better deals, the a&p or the independant one? I have to pick up some munchies for tonights game . "
<Samon`^> "hurry! before they get you!"
<Sintaqx> "I don't know... probably the independant. I need to stop by my house, err tower and get my gold."
* Samon`^ stumbles swinging his stick at the 'orcs'
* Alcar runs away . . "We need a disgise spell!"
<Sintaqx> "Look, the orcs are distracted some more by that valiant warrior!"
<Alcar> "his sacrifice won't be in vain!"
* Sintaqx pulls out a tin of shoe polish, I mean magical disguise goo
<Samon`^> "Go! Now! I will find you at the Healer later!"
<Sintaqx> "Ow! I stubbed my toe!"
<Samon`^> "Go!
<Alcar> "I have a band-aid . .err, healing salve, I can use on your toe! It won't have to be amputated."
<Sintaqx> "ok... let's hurry to the healers now.. I think I can make it."
<Alcar> "I will hail a passing dragon, with the scroll of summoning"
* Alcar yells "TAXI!"
<Alcar> "Quick, is a yellow and black dragon evil or good?"
<Sintaqx> "Your command word of dragon control worked! here comes a golden dragon!"
* Alcar kisses his lucky dice
<Alcar> "We're saved!"
<Sintaqx> "Wait, do we have enough gold? Gold dragons are motoriously greedy."
<Alcar> "You left yours at the tower . ."
<Sintaqx> "how much do you have?"
<Alcar> 'I have some nickels and penn . .err, silver and copper. Not enough for the dragon . we will have to trick him!"
* Samon`^ runs and jumps in the gold dragon
<Samon`^> "Come now! hurry!"
* Alcar leaps in
<Alcar> "Samon, try and reach us!"
* Sintaqx leaps into the belly of the dragon
* Alcar follows "Wait, its belly has acids! I'm not protected!"
<Samon`^> "Too late the loud white dragon is comming! He will help the orcs I knocked out!"
<Alcar> "Quick, dragon! Take us to Sintaqx's Fort!"
<Alcar> "before the other one catches us"
<Sintaqx> the dragon-mage gives alcar a strange look
<Alcar> "Err, you're out of flight spells?"
<Sintaqx> "quick, the golden dragon cannot help us. we must run for it!"
* Samon`^ opens the door and runs in the road
<Alcar> "it was wounded by the orcs! We must flee on foot, to the forest!"
* Alcar leaps off the dragon and runs into the park, scarring a few children for life :)
<Samon`^> "Hurry! The loud white dragon will be here soon and then the blue dragon!"
* Sintaqx hurries through the forest, running through a village of kobalds and goblins
* Samon`^ runs in the park
* Alcar kicks a few goblins aside, and their pet wolves give chase
<Samon`^> "Watch for the big ones!"
<Alcar> "They are stronger than normal goblins! Hobgoblins parents everywhere . .we've stumbled into a nest of them!"
* Sintaqx throws his 2 remaining cupcakes at the hobgoblins
<Samon`^> "Go! Now! To the spitting pond! It will grant wishes for 1 Silver!"
<Alcar> "I have ny nike air -- err, boots of speed on now! Let us hurry.
<Sintaqx> "I have a Silver for the spitting pond. Let's hurry"
* Samon`^ sprints to the spitting pond
<Sintaqx> "Wait, such a valuable pond will undoubtedly have traps around it."
<Samon`^> "What shall we do then!?"
<Alcar> "The goblins would know of it also . . It might be another trap itself!"
<Sintaqx> "search for traps as you approach it. nbe very careful:
<Samon`^> "Quick! To Sintaqx Tower!"
<Alcar> "Yes! We can hold off an army . .except for the evil LandLord, but he rately invades."
<Sintaqx> "It is nearby, Follow me!"
<Sintaqx> "the river is frozen, so we can cross it, but watch for the giant water insects."
<Samon`^> (this is the best rp'ing i've done in a while, I am usually saying boring things =p)
<Alcar> ((lol!))
<Sintaqx> ((hahaha))
<Alcar> Wait, you're Role playing this?! Oh, right, we are. Silly me . .
<Samon`^> ((Oh.. well let's mosey over to sin's house and see what we can do... well.. I guess we should head out.."))
<Sintaqx> ((hehe...bbl, gotta go find some food.))
<Alcar> ((hehe. same))
<Alcar> that was fun, in an odd way :)