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Dragons are perhaps one of the oldest races the world knows of. Dragon stories have them as the proectors of the dinosaurs, the only members of that varied race with magic. Guardians or order and balance, the dragons failed to understand the nature of thought and personality well enough to realise what could happen and were unable to prevent the destruction of the dinosaurs by the meteor, called to the world by lesser species bitter of the dinosaurs superiority.
As punishment for the death of their people, the dragons survived the darkness by thriving on light and flying above the darkness that killed the rest of their people. No one knows who or what punished them, but the dragons claim to have done it to themselves -- their magic became chaos to balance the order they upheld. This has led to a confusing variety of myths on dragons since each dragosn powers were highly indivudual and could chance yearly, daily or even hourly. Dragons also became powered by the sun and light, so the only true way to kill a dragon was to imprison them in darkness for a very, very long time.
However, a mere five thousand years ago, something changed. Dragons began to die off, killed slowly but surely by their enemies. Too indavidualistic to unite together, the dragons never saw the true threat posed (or perhpas felt that they should die for their old crime) and reacted to late. In 8 AD, over 300 dragons were killed in 2 days by a being known then only as the Reaper. Before the dragons could recover from their collective shock, the human-led Inquisition hunted them down with magics and, by the time of St George, almost no dragons remained in the world. The fact that he, and other who would be called saints, were able to kill dragons alone says that the remaining dragons were very weak, and that George was smart enough to poison the local food, water supply, hsi weapons and likely himself also. It also says that with the kind of other skills George must have had, he should have been named a messiah.
Rumours persist of dragons escaping the slaughters, of taking the form of other species and hiding since them. Most of these legends can easily be ascribed to foolish fantasy, but one fact supports them: On april 23, 1632 AD -- the aniversary of St. George's birth -- the entire Inquisition was slain by a dragon-like thing in Loch Ness, Scotland, in under 3 minutes after trying to wipe it out with very, very powerful spells. The leader of that Inquisition is said to have been the most powerful sorcerer the world had seen since Merlin, with disciples almost as strong.
Other than the occassional myth of dragons trapped in human form and having lost their magics, they have been gone from the world for over 300 years. And the world is a much poorer place for that loss.
And the Dark One looked on the world, and made the Were believe lies about the Vampires, and there was war in the shadows, were Evil thrived. And He was pleased.