
F.A.Q. ~ Players ~ Powers ~ World ~ Main

Whats a F.A.Q.?
Who am I?
     What am I?
     Why am I?
If I exist, what about others?
     Is there magic?
     What is a Lord of Life?
     What myths are true?
What is a pack?
     How do I join one?
     Is pack law higher than human law?
     What about the Road Runner?
General Advice
Character Creation
Last Words

Whats a F.A.Q.?

A FAQ is simple a file of infomation gathered under one page and title to help people use it. Much like this file is one. Simple, eh?

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Who am I?

Get out your ID, and check it. If the ID is covered in blood, it might not be yours. Now get out a mirror. If the ID in the mirror doesn't look like the face in the mirror (using your human face, duh!) then the ID is definately not yours.

If you have to ask this question at all, you are either a) A were
b) insane
c) suffering from memory loss when chaning forms or
d) all of the above.

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What am I?

If you have to ask this and ended up here, you're likely a were. Youre who you always were -- maybe just a little more so. That is, you can become a animal at will and hybrid human/animal form also. You can do tricks with powers that might seem magical at times, have an aura of life that disturbs simple humans and can heal at amazing rates. Thats the good news.

The bad news is that your now a supernatural creature. If you came out of the closet as a were, friends and family would be shocked, horrified and possibly try to shoot you with some nice silver bullets or exorcise you of your demons. While the latter hasn't worked yet to our knowledge, silver is very harmful to you! You heal silver damage at the slow rate humans heal nrmal damage -- this is not a good thing. See parts about the law for other info.

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Why am I?

Ah, the important question at last! But like most important questions, its one we have no answer for. Or at least we've got no official answer. You, as a were, are a Lord of Life. What that means is anyone's guess, but no one recalls a time when it wasn't associated with weres so it must mean something special. Other than this, you exist because at least one ancestor of yours was a were. Since whatever gene(s) make one a were seem to be recessive, it doesn't mean that your parents or aunts or uncles might secretly be weres -- trying to find out often lead to the coming out of the closet effect: "friends and family would be shocked, horrified and possibly try to shoot you with some nice silver bullets or exorcise you of your demons."

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If I exist, what about others?

The fact that you're reading this is proof that we exist. How many of us their are is more debatable. Some humans have been known to have a were's aura, yet never become one. Other were's have lost their ability to change form or die in combat with other weres or creatures. Some weres believe as many as one out of every 100,000 people is a proper were -- thats over 6 million weres in the world! Most of us tend to come out in cities, for whatever reason, and end up in the country, where its easier to be ourselves.

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Is there magic?

Yes. You have some, and those with what we call nature's sight have more. Even some priests have been known to use magic (for for and against weres). People running around tossing fireballs down main street and the like is much rarer, but it does happen on occassion. Some even have inborn magics (such as animating the dead) to use. Weres with magic are extremely rare, but is does happen. Magic is. You've been warned.

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What is a Lord of Life?

You. One of the werefolk. Not much else can be said other than the title means choosing life over death, hope over despair and strength over weakness.

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What myths are true?

The alien ones aren't. There are vampires (the Lords of Death) and they can be very, very dangerous foes. However, like with weres, most of the myths about them are false. Most weres aren't affected by the moon. Most vampires can go out in daylight. Like weres, they tend to have a wide variety of abilities and skills but, fortunately, most weres have a resistance to the vampire's gazer and we're immune to becoming one. As far as other creatures of legend go, centaurs are nothing more than were-horses, mummies and the like are unsubstantiated,and faries are unknown in the modern world.

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What is a pack?

A pack is a collection of weres bound together by loyalty. Most packs have a leader (large packs being led by a pack leader (aka alpha, master were[species] etc.), and few consist of any one species but packs compromising both prey and predators tend to be much rarer. Packs are often a creation of circumstance when were's find each other and sometimes non-were's are permitted into packs (such as spell casters) if they know were's exist.

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How do I join one?

Start looking. Smell out other were's, open yourself to their auras, talk to them if its safe . . but expect to be regarded suspiciously. Without getting into were politics, were's have been known to send spies into other packs, and some vampires have been known to corrupt a were and use him or her as a spy.

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Is pack law higher than human law?

This is where things get tricky. As a were, you may often find yourself doing things that run counter to hman laws -- such as killing vampires (most of them rdevelop legal aliases so, yes, it would be murder to kill one), other weres, or losing control and killing a human. Pack laws often have ways of dealing with that, or enforcing restrictions on weres to prevent such things from occuring. So, obey human laws when you can, but understand you're not human.

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What about the Road Runner?

Predator and prey relations among the were's can be a very tricky business. Prey tend to be really good at hiding and have stronger power, but they never make pack leaders. When approaching prey, a were predator had best be calm and make sure he or she has alredy eaten for the day. When approaching predators openly, prey had better hope the above is true!

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General Advice

"I experience strange transformations whenever i get angry, and i end up eating my friends and family members. What should i do?"
- Confused in CA

Dear Confused: Well, you can either stop attending those family reunions or accept your a were and need help. Generally, eating your first human tends to be a traumatic experience, and some weres kill themselves, hate themselves, or find they like it and have to learn to control themselves.

Dear Abby: "I find myself haivng strange dreams and waking up with feathers in my mouth at night. The neighbours budgee is missing. What can I do?"

Be glad it was only the budgee, and not the neighbour.

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Character Creation

This is in the FAQ because this is a good place for it.

To make a pc, use any stats method (final stats are subject to Dm approval -- but generally having more than 75 points in 6 stats is really overkill).

Make a 2nd edition pc (skills and powers allowed) between 13 and 25 years old (Young weres). Use skills with common sense in mind and feel freel to update them or invent modern versions of them if you wish. For weapons, use the same. A pistol is equal to an arquebus, without the rate of fire limits. No pc starts out with a better weapon than a pistol.

Look at the powers section and pick some. Over 20 points in powers is rather overkill, but keep in mind that you can reverse powers (anti aura would make it really hard to detect your aura) and even invent your own

Join #Game1 on IRC, using any DALnet server and find out when the next game is and if there are openings for pcs. Then show up :)

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Last Words

None yet. Just -- be careful, kids. There are good reasons we hide. Control your beast and remember . . its an jungle out there.

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F.A.Q. ~ Players ~ Powers ~ World ~ Main