Some stuff on the site not kept on the main page.
Firstly, some helpful advice for players, and info. about clones.
Cheerful Songs Everyone Knows. If this was an RL game, your PCs would be required to sing them. Thank the [deleted for political correctness reasons] that it's not :)
Some more songs, a few being treasonous. Enjoy :)
We were joking about political correctness. We just wanted to delete something.
Connections outside the Network
This is a quick list of some other Paranoia sites of note.
Paranoia-0 has a lot of nice goodies, including the 2nd edition PC generation information we link to.
Paranoia Live has some good advice in the start here section, and some of the game transcripts in the downloads section are very, very funny (the sector USS stuff is just great - I have yet to read the others). *reports for termination*
Many other sites link from those, but there is also a very neat In Nomine/Paranoia conversion on the net as well.
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If You Think You Are Reading Treasonous Material, Please Kill The Commies.
Your Friend,
The Computer