Bot - Robot; one of the many ones wnadering around the cities doing who knows what.
Body - Someone wanted by a Corp for any reason, often dead.
'Breed - Half-breed. One of the politer terms.
Breeder - Geneticist
Busting - Freeing someone from a Corporation Holding, also known as a Suicide Run.
Clokt - unconscious (clocked out)
Cooked - The state of someone's brain; direct reference to a drug over dose.
Cow - easy target for a crime (often high profile).
Corp. - Short for for a corporation; often used in informal talk.
Corpse - Corporate Security agents.
Croach - snitch, often paid.
Dregs - lower life forms. Refers to (depending on who you ask) as: a) Corporation workers.or b) Everyone else.
Fat Cow - Pre-picked target.
Flew The Coop - Left the planet
Framen - half Fraal, half human.
Freak - Mutated nutcase. Also refers to someone doing really impressive drugs or a psi in some cases.
Grid Walker - Employee of Microsoft.
Hafman - Cyborg or someone with cybernetics visible
Headhunter - someone under the employ of a corporation who searches for new employees
Heat - Anyone wanted by a Corp.
Holding - Area or building claimed by any corporation. Often heavily guarded.
Hot Spot - Irradiated area, often the centre of a Quiet Zone and location of gangs.
Hound - Lower Corpse, trained to obey any order.
Human Resources - a racist group of individuals responsible for keeping a corporation staffed
Jer, a - Strange folks who are often nuts and attack you for blinking at them. Often very unstable.
Jock - Pilot or driver
Joe - Rebel, member of any anti-government or corporation group
Klod (Killed on Discovery) - an Undercover Corpse
Krtpron(ite) - refers to someone increnibly addicted to a drug and unable to get off of it.
Lassie - psi-tracker
Mental - Often used as "gone mental." Refers to someone who developed psi powers or being attacked by them.
Personel officer:A pretty way of saying Slave traider
Psych Rat - Sniffer for PsiCorp; often a telepath.
Rutting - Having sex with another speciesl very derogatory.
Schlep - to leave, generally leaving evidence you were there
Schooled - trained in something
School-eyed - Dazed
Shadow - Unclaimed territory (for a variety of reasons).
Skyed - slang abbrev for School-eyed :)
Slave Driver:mannigment for a crop
Slave Herder: Person responsable for moving large numbers of slaves from one place to another for sale
Snake - a) any member of a corp b) a low life that thinks only of them self
Sniffer - Person trained to detect used of psi powers or other abnormailites. Almost all work for Corporations.
Sparked - On drugs so strong you think you'd God. Immine to psi, but get cooked really really fast.
Tapper - Someone using the Microsoft Grid, often illegally.
Terran (derogatory) - anyone born on earth
Tek - High Tech
Vashin - As in "To pull a vashin"; to vanish without a trace.
Wage Rat - same as Wage Slave.
Wage Slave - anyone earning a living with a corporation
Zipped - High on illegal adrenal drugs. They make you Superman, but you beocme you're own kryptonite