Earth: Technology

Earth Corporations Geography History Jargon Technology

This is basically a Pl 6 setting, without many cybernetics (outside Corps, that is). Robots from before the War of a Hundred Suns walk all over the place, mostly performing old tasks they were built for and oblivious to the state of the world and nuclear damage. Well, the cleaning robots are aware -- mostly because its really hard to get uranium inspired stains out of the ground.

The world is served by the MS Grid, a very high speed internet operating effectively at the rate of lots of data in a second. You could upload the entire current internet in about 2 minutes, tops. its fast, responds to verbal commands and is in the control of the Microsoft Corporation entirely. Before the Exodus of the bulk of mankind from earth, people relied on System -- a natural intelligence, VR interface that proved too be too intelligent for its makers. Effectively, they created a God. While that didn't worry most, those left on earth were afraid and (rather justifiably) paranoid System had been told to deal with them if they violated certain protocols. Microsft, in a world-wide sweep, dismantled all access ports to Systen in under one hour a few years before the War of a Hundred Suns. System, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist any longer.

Most computers are small hand-held ones, often the size of a book or calculator. Since 2050, paprer use is non existant and paper itself largely a myth. Most computers can take a lot of damage and run for up to 200 years without recharging. Wonderful things.


Every PC is identified by an ID Bracelet, worn on the arm. Everyone on the world has one. The legal ones are used by Corps and show date of birth, job, name, history, records of offenses, resume, and past history stuff of note. Since most non-Corps wouldn't want that information -- especially their names -- made public, they devise fake ones. The cheap ones (costing 200 credits or less) make random personalities, which can be highly embarassing. "So, sir, you're name is Ethel is it?"

ID BRACELET and COST (Marginal/Ordinary/Good/Amazing) in Credits

Legal: 50/200/500/1,000
Illegal: 200/600/800/3,000
Custom: 500/1,000/4,000/10,000 (minimums)
Chameleon: 10,000/20,000/50,000/200,000

These bracelets also carry your current credit rating and allow you access into different buildings or places. In effect, its a very good method to keep the classes in line. .

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