Aliens Fraal
The Sesheyan are actually 2 halves of the same race. One race has the Sesheyan sensitivity to bright lights and live on a jungle world of twilight and trees. The other, less numerous, race lives in the next star system three light years away. A world of desert and brilliant light where the sun never truly sets -- since their are six suns. They suffer a fear of the dark. Exactly how and why the Sesheyan -- who are alike in every other aspect -- ended up on two different worlds is unknown. The desert Sesheyan have a legend of the sun taking them to another world, but that is all.
The two races also have a similar, tribal culture. Few of them seek to leave the world of their birth for space and they are perhaps the most intensely religious of the races. Some of the Sesheyan consider the humans -- who made contact with them just after the ghost and Fraal, to be like gods, but this is not a widespread belief. The other races just have a small star port on each home world and try to interfere in the lives of the Sesheyan as little as possible. Unlike the Fraal home world, the Sesheyan ones have no technology that seems to predate them.
The only oddity to their civilisation are their healers. Not shamans, who are basically Sesheyan mind walkers, but healers who can heal wounds and diseases with a touch. Few Sesheyan have this gift, but a surprisingly large number of cross-breeds do. While the healers ability has been proven scientifically, the nature of this gift or how to use it or even its source has not.
HISTORY (as known by humanity): Encountered after the Fraal, this race proved -- next to the "ghosts" -- the most alien race encountered so far. Humans, being seen by some Shesheyan as gods coming from the sky, had the opportunity to rectify some of their first "Columbus error." This has largely resulted in a small outpost on the Shesheyan home world and leaving them alone largely. The few Sheshesyan who have travelled the stars tend to be primitive, but willing to learn about science and other societies.
The Shesheyan have a world about as old as earthers and also proved to be genetically compatible to humans, a fact that required a lot of time to accept. Half-breed Shesheyan and humans are rare since most of them are stillborn. The few who live tend to look too hideous to fit into human culture and incapable of flight for any great distance. However, when raised by Shesheyan mystics, they tend to develop powerful and as yet unexplained healing abilities, but only due to Shesheyan training. There is no polite term for these offspring.