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![]() Campaign Quotes
The CharactersTrey Anderson, military brat & struggling highschool student. Played by: Baliadoc
GM: Alcar/tatterdemalion
<JacobRiis> Trigger events, eh?
<tatterdemalion> wow, over 20% of those npcs may die.
<FirestormZero> alcar ready to gm for me! :) <FirestormZero> there was a bit of question mark in there too <FirestormZero> but the overwhelming excitement took over my punctuation. <FirestormZero> for less controlled fights, i'll see if dawson can get some guys from school to break them up, telling them that if anything happens no more parties, and/or, promising them a hookup with some girls <FirestormZero> and i'll surprise them with Sara! :) <FirestormZero> haha <tatterdemalion> lol <tatterdemalion> "But we've all had her already!" <FirestormZero> <Guys> "But we don't know where Sara's been!" <Dawson> "Yes you do, she's been everywhere!" <tatterdemalion> Sara: "I haven't been to disneyland!" <FirestormZero> <Dawson> "Hun, you give enough rides, you ARE disneyland." Pre-Sesion #4* Dawson would ask the help about the incidents but either 1) they don't know, 2) They are in on a conspiracy 3) I imagined the explosion 4) this happens all the time or some combination<AlcarGM> (( or 5) All of the above )) <Dawson> ((wasn't going to give that...)) <Dawson> ((Didn't want to give you that option)) <AlcarGM> A very pretty blond girl comes up to you as you're getting ready for class. "I heard about the party!" she says, sounding like the words are being fired out ast hyper speed. <Dawson> "Oh, good... what's your name again?" <AlcarGM> The girl grins. "Sara! You're knew here, right?!" <Dawson> "Yeah, just moved in." <Dawson> .oO(Uh oh, a grin...)] <AlcarGM> <Sara> "What's your name?!" <Dawson> "I'm Dawson" <AlcarGM> <Sara> "I'm Sara! You're rather cute!" <AlcarGM> <Sara> "But you're well dressed! You're not gay, are you?! Well, being happy is good, but I meant the other type of gay! Like, with other guys! Not that I mind, if I can join in!"" <Dawson> "Oh... really? Well no I'm not, I just dress nice." <Dawson> ((which makes me half gay.)) <AlcarGM> <Sara> "Dressing nice is good! It means more clothing to remove! Would you like to have sex?" <Dawson> (( I get called it, but don't get any of the benefits!)) <AlcarGM> (( metrosexual, then :p )) <AlcarGM> (( Tho to Sara that would be wanting sex on the subway )) <Dawson> "Well, I'm a bit new here, but their will be a lot of guys at the party... so I'm sure... you could find someone there." <WarezBert> ((the first time she's on a subway, that'll fit <Dawson> ((lol)) <AlcarGM> Sara: "We could have sex then! If you want to! We could wait! Mac wants to wait a year!" <AlcarGM> Laura: "You know the nurse even asked if she had AIDS and Sara said yes?" * Dawson nods reproachfully. <AlcarGM> There is a laugh from beside you as one of the Jocks goes by. "Don't listen to her, party dude. Sara said she had a lot of helpers. I think the nurse had to go have a lie down at that point. And likely sex with Sara." <FirestormZero> The characters feel real, which is nice <FirestormZero> I still fear the butler. <Alcar> lol. <Alcar> He's going to be just plain fun :) <Alcar> Karl worries me, tho :p <FirestormZero> I feel safer at school than I do at home <FirestormZero> All of the bodyguards worry me. <FirestormZero> My worst fear: I call my dad and he says there are no staff there <FirestormZero> and that he doesn't know what I'm talking about <FirestormZero> and then... I open the door <FirestormZero> and they are all standing there <FirestormZero> looking at me <FirestormZero> MADNESS CHECK Pre-Sesion #5<Chaos`^> (( Sheriff != police so the answer on the phone would be sheriff's office ))<Dawson> (( it's a small town.)) <AlcarGM> (( is the local police. 6 of 'em. chief, sergant, 4 others. The couny is around too. )) <Dawson> (( Also i looked it up online, it's a private party and thus i can have up to 1000 people without a license. )) <Chaos`^> (( I LIVE IN a small town in Nebraska, I'm pretty sure i know what's up =p )) <Dawson> (( Ah, but not a small fictional town...)) <Chaos`^> (( I like to wish it was fictional )) <AlcarGM> (( chaos- wanted a local police force ot have issues w/ the county one, basically :) )) <AlcarGM> You finish dinner, and Carol is cleaning up the kitchen when you hear gunshots outside.... <Dawson> And sadly, I'll pick the most suicidal option. I'll jog around the estate. <Dawson> I KNEW IT! <Dawson> "Say, Carol, did you hear something?" <AlcarGM> (( *grins* )) <AlcarGM> Carol: "No, of course not," as she brings the cleaver down on your fingers. <AlcarGM> Or ... <AlcarGM> not :p <Dawson> lol <Dawson> u just terrified me... <Chaos`^> (( I would believe it comming from alcar )) <AlcarGM> (( was half-tempted, but want the pcs to fake a "normal" life first :p )) <Dawson> (( AlcarGM... I've seen boys shot, dogs shot, bodies burried, grenades thrown, words writing themselves, crazed autistic people, and a boy who believes he's god. My life is very normal." )) <AlcarGM> (( oh, good point :p )) <AlcarGM> (( we can rewind and she can do it if you want :) )) <Dawson> (( Oh. I'll pass.)) <Chaos`^> omg <Chaos`^> dawson is the laura croft of UA! <Chaos`^> i just realized that <Chaos`^> sweet! Pre-Sesion #6<FSZTH> I was like....<FSZTH> I'm not inviting alex! <FSZTH> but then I was like... hmmm <FSZTH> Dawson will invite him under condition that he promises not to fight with people :) <alcar> Not even people turning into black, evil dogs? :p <FSZTH> Stop it. <FSZTH> :) <FSZTH> I'm terrified enough as is of my house :) <alcar> but why? You have security! <FSZTH> I just hope the butler is strong enough to fend them off :) <FSZTH> so that Carol can cook me later. <FSZTH> omg. <FSZTH> I bet she cooks people! <Gemm> <AlcarGM> Sara: "We could have sex then! If you want to! We could wait! Mac wants to wait a year!" <alcar> Well, she'll be 18 soon. And may return the dictionary. And ask for sex, of course. <Gemm> lol <Gemm> You are your own drug alcar. <AlcarGM> The woman chuckles, and wags a finger under your nose. "No, no, no. Not everyone really dies. Not everyone is born either. Ask your friend. There's ways, and will, and, if all else fails, there is cutting the head of a rabbit and marinating it in a rose sauce while ripping pages out of Mein Kampf and burning the hair of hitlers dog." <AlcarGM> She looks surprised you asked. "I am Jillian." She frowns. "Or was it Mary? No, It's Jillian. I'm almost sure of that." <AlcarGM> <Jillian> "But names are clothing anyway. Put one on, take another off. We don't change. Not even being a god changes that. Stil afraid, and foolish, and human. Always human.." She trails off and shakes her head. "You ever threw a cat to a floor with a piece of buttered bread on its back? Oldest trick in the book." She smiles. "I believe I'll have alphabet soup," and wanders to the door and outside <Dawson> "Cats don't always land on their feet. The Toast doesn't always land buttered side up. And people can change." <Dawson> "Cause if they can't, we're fucked." * Dawson almost smiles. <AlcarGM> She stops in the doorway and turns. "Oh, but we're already fucked," cheerfully. "We;re well and truly buggered and everyone is just waiting for God to cornhole the world. And flech it after." and leaves <AlcarGM> <Alexander> turns and stares at you. "I've done this stuf. The paints too set to have been done even last night...." his eyes widen. "Or.. it could be writing itself on thedoor behind you," slowly * Dawson writes all of it down in his sketchbook. <Dawson> "Yes, it does that." * Dawson reads it. <AlcarGM> Behind you on the wall is being writtne. "We try to comprehend it, the grieving and the pain, the slaughter of the innocent, who is it stands to gain?" <AlcarGM> (( Good girls suck. Bad girls swallow. Evil girls gargle.<-- didn't disturb you? It did me, and I wrote it :p )) <AlcarGM> They look surprised when you and alex walk over, and one of them grins ."So, what do you think about the walls?!" Eagerly <Dawson> "Looks like Shorbeck is going to go insane..." <Dawson> "I found it kind of crazy myself..." <AlcarGM> <Alexander> "I want to know how it was done..." * Dawson nods. <AlcarGM> "So do I," says Shorbeck from the doorway, his voice as flat as his expression. ,Evne his eyes look calm and still except for the fact that his fists are clenched by his side and he's got them clenched so far his fingers have dug into his palms and blood is dripping onto the floor. "I see twelve suspects right here," in the same eerily calm voice. <AlcarGM> The grade9 students who spoke first turns a dirty shade of white. * Dawson remains calm. <AlcarGM> <Alexander> looks amused. <AlcarGM> <Principal Shorbeck> "You will explain how this happened. Now," in a tone that wil brook no refusal, still very calm though <AlcarGM> One of the students actually whimpers. <Dawson> Well... If Alex looks amused, I'll remain quiet and see what happens. <AlcarGM> <Alexander> "Actually, I was hoping you could tell us," in a cheery tone. "I mean, we just got here, but you're here most nights...." <AlcarGM> <Principal Shorbeck> blinks, then says "You're saying I did this?" * Dawson almost cringes... <AlcarGM> <Alexander> Why are you here? You're rich. You're famly must own dozens of places. Why this town?" <Dawson> "My family is pissed at me for well... causing them some embarassment by sleeping with the daughter of some of their friends..." <Dawson> "Kind of punishment... but there's more. <Dawson> "Those guards at my house, they aren't normal. The place is constructed more like a prison. The guards aren't looking out, they are looking in." <Dawson> "And I could leave here, I have a few hundred thousand stashed... But I want to figure out what's going on here. Maybe stop it." <Dawson> "And.... there's her. I have the feeling if I'm around here, around all of this, I'll find her." <AlcarGM> <Alexander> blinks. "The dogs got me there. I don't know how ... or why." He studies you frankly. "Stopping something like this might be... very hard, on the mind as well. I mean, I'm not used to .. :" he looks at his arm "and odder things happen, sometimes. If we go looking for the weird it would find us... " <AlcarGM> <Alexander> "Oh, a girl." He grins. "That explains it.:" <Dawson> "What can I say, I'm like a hotel swimming pool, deep, but there's always a shallow end." <AlcarGM> (( Yay! Now you fit into Alex's version of the world. Boy Scout he wouldn't buy, doing it for a girl, yes :p )) Session 1<FirestormZero> I might be like... a few minutes late<FirestormZero> dinner with my father... <FirestormZero> who is a bit nutty. <alcar> Just say you have host a party in nebraska and that'll explain everything. <FirestormZero> lol <FirestormZero> yeah <FirestormZero> I have to get back to my estate dad <FirestormZero> I think security is looking for me <FirestormZero> ... Do you have a dog... <FirestormZero> What the hell is that noise.... <FirestormZero> No... don't open the door <FirestormZero> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH <AlcarGM> Okay.. lessee.... <AlcarGM> Centennial High is a dull brick building with plain, small windows, some old trees, no flowers in the beds and beaters scattered in the faculty parking lot like echoes of defeated dreams, the faces of the older teachers looking gaunt and haunted by years of raising idiots and the bitterness of it showing in their faces as the only thing that keeps them going is retirement, and hatred of students. <AlcarGM> The students hanging around the side entrance all have the same dull, weary look on thier faces. Only one more year seems to hang in the air, unmentioned, unvoiced; a miasma of defeated hopes and bitter realizations as the weight of the real world begins to bow shoulders and eyes take on reckless gleams, desperate to find something worth believe in. The C student given voice. <AlcarGM> The new students crowd hallways in eager clumps, bright shining eyes slowly dimming as the mystery of high school peels like the old paint they claim isn't lead-based on the walls and voices become low and, perhaps, sad as the dreams of children about the larger world fail against the reality. <AlcarGM> It's currently 8:45 am Friday, April 23 and students are arriving into the school seeking learning in much the same manner that suicidal lemmings are seeking the sea. The current talk - heck, the only talk aside from the Dieffenbach party tonite that is suppossed to to be *the* party of the year, is the fact that someone spraypainted the school overnight. <BrooklynKnight> (i love how this is all mostly alcar talking to himself. I swear, he could run an entire game with npcs...") <Hubert`> (( yeah, that ability is an awesome one to have when you GM. Its like a controleld multiple personality disorder :P )) <Dawson> (( George = janitor? )) <GeorgeBailey> (( George = student body president! )) <tatterdemalion> (( lol. This is getting funny. )) <Hubert`> (( geez, why does everyone think george is the janitor? )) <Dawson> "And remember, I don't care if you do anything stupid at the party, just have fun... and don't get caught." <AlcarGM> aliens are fun :p <Hubert`> yeah, I jus hope that if it was rooted in actual events, that much of that was distorted. :P <AlcarGM> you can wish that :p <Hubert`> I can *hope* that. <Hubert`> Then again, could always have been the cowtipper-group of the aliens. :P <AlcarGM> alien juvenile delinquents :P <tatterdemalion> Mary dances with George, ignoring his two left feet comment. <GeorgeBailey> "Hey, you're pretty good." <tatterdemalion> Mary: "Mom made me take a course. You're really good..." <tatterdemalion> Mary: "You do this often?" <GeorgeBailey> "Well, not that I'm aware of or anything..." <tatterdemalion> Mary: "Well, there aren't many dances around here." <tatterdemalion> Mary: "I like it here. It's nice and quiet.... what about you, you're goals? Surely this town is too small for you?" <GeorgeBailey> "Well, you know what I've always talked about." <GeorgeBailey> "Go off exploring... build things..." <AlcarGM> Mary: "Me too. I've always wanted to see the world, but I don't think I ever will." <Dawson> "Hey. You're good." <tatterdemalion> Debbie: "Mom made me take a course. You're really good..." * Dawson keeps dancing, movine a little closer... ;) <tatterdemalion> Debbie comes in closer, a little shyly. <Dawson> .oO(Aw, cute.) <tatterdemalion> Debbie: "You do this often?" <Dawson> "Not quite this... but I dance a lot, part of the Boston party scene, and left over habbits from Cotillion." <Dawson> "You?" <tatterdemalion> Debbie: "Well, there aren't many dances around here." <Dawson> "Wouldn't think so..." <Dawson> "Where do you want to live when you're older?" <tatterdemalion> Debbie: "I like it here. It's nice and quiet.... what about you, you're goals? Surely this town is too small for you?" <AlcarGM> Debbie: "I like it here. It's nice and quiet.... what about you, you're goals? Surely this town is too small for you?" <Dawson> "I think I'll travel around the world..." <Dawson> And maybe, just maybe... running into that girl again... <AlcarGM> Debbie: "Me too. I've always wanted to see the world, but I don't think I ever will." <tatterdemalion> George - the .. it looks like a big dog.. is dead, it's head a pulp of blood..... nothing remains to tell yoy parry wasd here except for a piece of bloody shirt and his soccer cleats, oddly untouched. * GeorgeBailey stares. More. <tatterdemalion> Reid looks down at the dead thing, and finally puts his gun away, looks about to speak, sees Georges expresion, and says nothing * Dawson looks down at it. And then to George. <Dawson> "George... maybe..." <Dawson> "There might be something we can do." * GeorgeBailey stares at the shoes and babbles on about the "oh god" etc. <Hubert`> (( "Well, it WAS a good shot." )) <GeorgeBailey> (( woof. )) <Hubert`> (( poor Ol' Yeller. )) <Dawson> (( "On the plus side, if another one comes there's a chance a red fern might grow." )) <Hubert`> d100 <The_Computer> Hubert` d100: 88 <Hubert`> ROFL <Hubert`> (( man, I really hate you. )) <Dawson> Looks like your mind is soup boy! <AlcarGM> (( oh, wow. )) <AlcarGM> (( this should be funny :) )) <Hubert`> (( it was funny for a second, but now im angry and afraid. )) <Dawson> this game is about getting shot at, getting beaten, getting horrified, and being terribly and utterly insane. <Dawson> Not getting hit on, beating people, horrifying people, and acting utterly insane. <RandomNPC> * Hubert` jerks awake. "IT'S IN ME! Its-- the hole, it... *blinks a few times, then shakes his head, and is suddenly calm. He looks at Marc.* <RandomNPC> <AlcarGM> Marc just stares at Hugh intently, completely ignoring dawson. "Zir, Londoh, Lonsa," softly, haltingly, then shakes his head. "I can't... Oh. Oh." He blinks a few times, and notices Dawson. <RandomNPC> ok <RandomNPC> you don't want to see this when walking into a chanell <RandomNPC> seriously <Dawson> "Hugh, what do you know about the paranormal?" <Dawson> (( I AM THE PARANORMAL? )) <Hubert`> "That it's not normal?" *smirks slightly* <Hubert`> "Have you... heard anything about, say, children with black eyes? Just curious." <Dawson> "No. But I know something about the spraypaint. It wrote itself." <Hubert`> "Really." <Dawson> "At school." <Hubert`> "Hmm, that's odd." <Dawson> "Yes, I saw it. It just started appearing on the lockers and walls." <Dawson> "School is built on an indian burial ground... but I have a feeling there's more under the school than that." <Hubert`> "Wow, that's... really cliche." <Dawson> "Yeah. Stephan King does it often." <AlcarGM> (( You mean the Ghost Writer that writes it's novels through him. )) <Hubert`> (( Ghost Writer meaning literal ghost and through him meaning by possessing him, I trust? :P )) <AlcarGM> (( of course :P )) <Dawson> (( It's UA )) <Dawson> (( Can't be normal. That's under the last section of the rules. )) <AlcarGM> (( Tho it could be king possessing the ghost and writing through it. Reverse posession is seldom explored :) )) <Dawson> (( for good reason. )) <Dawson> "You can tell someone has something to hide when they listen. People don't listen nowadays." <Dawson> "Hugh, do you know why I came to this town?" <AlcarGM> (( Because your house is weird, your staff weirder, and security all nuts. )) <Dawson> (( Besides practice for owning a mental hospital. )) <Dawson> "You're a telepath. Are you human?" <Dawson> (( Wow, Dawson just has no time for subtlety right now )) * Hubert` blinks. "That was rather blunt." <Dawson> "Yeah, unlike me." <Dawson> "Long night." * Dawson smiles. <AlcarGM> (( And about to get longer, as something growls in the back seat.... )) <Dawson> ((Dude... alcar... none of that... )) <Hubert`> (( AHH! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH A STICK! )) <Dawson> (( I still have a gun. )) <Hubert`> (( KILL IT WITH A GUN! )) <Dawson> "I'll take that as a no, which is perfectly ok. Being human doesn't seem to mean a whole lot." <Hubert`> "Well, since you're just going to assume whatever, I'll just tell you that frankly, I'm not 100% clear on the details myself. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say no." <Dawson> "Ah, the blunt tactic worked." * Hubert` will attempt meditation to dig about in his own head a bit. <Sparkie> oh, goody <Sparkie> Roll! Roll! Err, wait, Alcar should say that. * Hubert` jabs Sparkie in the eyes with icicles <AlcarGM> Roll :p <Hubert`> d100 <Sparkie> Hubert` d100: 81 <Hubert`> -_- <Hubert`> (( you know what? next time I'll just attempt to throw myself down a flight of stairs, maybe Ill ciritcally fail and gain the ability to fly. )) <Dawson> ((or then the matched success will crop up....)) <Hubert`> (( I mean shit, that wasnt even under my Mind. Im so pissed. :P )) <Dawson> ((it's not complicated with sara, you just say yes, or no, or anything. If she has the handcuffs, it'll just happen)) <Hubert`> (( I have to stop rolling. Its kill me. )) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 hasn't moved, and looks a lot thinner now and is covered in oozing blisters, his whole body twisted painfully. The air inside the house doesn't seem as warm as it normally does.. the faint smell of your foster mothers perfume that seems to linger on after she passed is gone. Boy #2 stops oozing, but the blisters remain. <AlcarGM> The door does close, but for a moment you havean irrational fear your hand is going to go right through it instead. <AlcarGM> Boy #1 lets out a despairing howl. * Hubert` engages the locks and then steps back. <AlcarGM> Your head hurts, a lot..... and Boy #2 is still on the deck, blistered and burning, and not moving. Perhaps he can't, anymore. <Hubert`> (( well I'm gonna wait til morning to scrape him off, thats for sure. )) <Hubert`> (( I swear, if that brat's still all gooey and crispy in the morning, Imma take a bat to him. )) <Dawson> ((it's UA, he won't be there at all.)) <Hubert`> (( well no, thats what they do in real life. )) <AlcarGM> Somehow, tho, perhaps because it's been too damned much today, or you're too tired, or the mind can adapt to anything, you do manage to sleep. You wake in the morning feeling achy and worn out, but you're head isn't hurting anymore <Dawson> ((making you wonder if it was all just a dream. Until you realize he isn't there because he is behind you, with an ax. UA. )) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 is, indeed, on your porch. His feet seem to have melted into it, somehow, and his skin is blistered and raw, like aq bad burn victim. He's trying to cower from the light, shading his eyes, and his hair is falling out in patches, his frechkles standing out sharpy on a too pale face. * Hubert` puts on his shades, and opens the door a bit, making sure the other one's not around. <AlcarGM> The other one is nowhere to be seen. * Hubert` opens it. "I don't know why you hang out with that guy, if he makes you do crap like this." * Hubert` grabs a metal spatula to get this kid's feet off the porch. <Dawson> (( Awww. What a sweetheart. )) <Dawson> ((Unless you plan to cook him)) <Hubert`> (( No, I just dont need a mutilated living scarecrow on my front step. )) <Hubert`> (( though the living part is debatable )) <Dawson> ((Why not, it'd keep sara away... )) <Hubert`> (( unless she decided to sex him up. )) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 doesn't reply. You get nothing coherent except an ache that reaches out, past will or thought, and thena burbling, happy sigh flows through your mind and Boy #2 curls up into a ball under the blanket, sleeping. * Hubert` ponders what to do. * Hubert` would actually want to bring him in, if he weren't afraid he would burst into flame or something... * Hubert` decides to put him on the couch or something, so he isnt touching the floor. But if he starts getting affected, right back out he goes. <AlcarGM> lol. k. <Hubert`> (( its such a bad idea, probably, but I like this one. It seems like his brother's the one who's a jerk. :P )) <AlcarGM> (( you don't know the half of it :P )) <Hubert`> (( and Im sure somehow Child Services will be on my ass later. :P )) Sesion 1.1* alcar is half-tempted to try and pull a Scully for Mac. Somehow, he's not around for weird stuff, or can rationalize it.. would be neat.<Gemm> "What are you talking about Dawson? That can't be real. I didn't see it." <alcar> "Wow, nice contacts Hugh." <alcar> it could be fun for the first few sessions. He's nice and normal and all the other pcs are going into very weird places <Gemm> And then he gets pregnant with an alien child! :P <Brisby> let's compete for the freakiest thing to happen TO a PC, eh? <Brisby> Compete to lose! :) <alcargm> Reid walks towards the house, his voice low "What was that thing?" <Dawson> "A possessed person transformed into a dog through archaic, likely alien, methods." <Dawson> ((That sounds less believable than I thought.)) <Dawson> "Or perhaps even through mental powers or even magic, there was a wizard at the party too if you saw the salt." <alcargm> Reid stops, and stares at you oddly. "And this is, what, normal for you?" <alcargm> Karl looks at you. "You're rather calm over all this. Tortured a few people before?" * Dawson shoots Karl a cold glance. <Dawson> "You're even calmer. You've lost count by now I bet." <alcargm> He returns it impassively, his eyes cold and empty. You've seen eyes like that during training. He could kill you, everyone here, and feel nothing at all. "I never kept count." <Dawson> "I know. You wouldn't have to. You were probably just as good your first time. A natural. Your mom must be proud." <alcargm> (( Karl: "No, she was my first." )) <alcargm> Karl just smiles slightly <Dawson> (( btw LOL and creepy.)) <alcargm> (( could be true :p )) <Dawson> (( That's why it's both. )) * Dawson looks upon the frail Alex, pitying him. <Dawson> "What's that they say? A true friend stabs you in the front?" <Dawson> "This will be less painful. If you don't come back... I'm sorry." * Dawson stabs straight through the heart. <Dawson> Mind check? <alcargm> (( hell yes :p )) <alcargm> Reid comes into the room, watching curiously. * Dawson sighs. <alcargm> (( k, you've got 2 hardened notches in violence by and by :p )) <Dawson> (( Great, on my way to Karl-dom)) <alcargm> <Reid> "it may help if you pull it out." <Dawson> "Right." * Dawson takes out the machete. <alcargm> <Alexander> "I let him kill me because I was afraid to die." <alcargm> <Alexander> "... That sounds really stupid." <Dawson> great session <Dawson> Karl's crazy <Dawson> Reid's Crazy <Dawson> Alex's Crazy <Dawson> and I'm on the way. <Dawson> Wait until I call my dad :) <FirestormZero> LoL I bet this is like a team of sociopathic godwalkers. <alcar> Karl Is useful, tho. If you ever need somethnig really horrible done :P <FirestormZero> I was going to shoot Karl just to see what would happen. <FirestormZero> But decided I liked the game <FirestormZero> and wanted a few more sessions before finding out <alcar> What makes Karl scary is that he's a normal human being. <FirestormZero> you use normal a bit loosely :) <alcar> No demon, never been possessed, never really deal with the unnatural. Just what anyone could become, in the right (well, wrong) circumstances :) <FirestormZero> I think I'll vote socialist just because of that. Sesion 1.2<alcargm> Breakfast is whatever you asked, made well. Carol is currently making lunch for the workers and asks how the party went, wild dog aside.<Dawson> "Party was great... It'll be talked about for ages." <Dawson> "I think I'll just have a few friends over from now on." <alcargm> Carol nods. "That makes sense, dear. It could have gotten out of hand, with the ways kids are these days." <Dawson> ((Lord. How many dead bodies need to crop up before things get out of hand to her?)) <alcargm> (( Best not ask )) <Dawson> (( Do my alphabits spell redrum? )) <Dawson> "That handeled alright?" <Dawson> to Karl. <alcargm> Karl: "Perhaps. He worries me. He has a secret." <alcargm> (( This, from Karl. :p )) * Dawson nods. <Dawson> "He definitely does not wish us well." <alcargm> Karl: "He wants a reason to hurt others. A man without power is more dangerous than one with power, if they gain it." His hand, perhaps unconsciously, strays towards his pistol as he watches Barry. * Dawson nods. "Best to keep that sort from gaining power. Too many cowards have badges, and need them to feel valuable." <tatterdemalion> Karl: "Dead men seldom ask questions." <Dawson> "Sherrifs offices do." <Dawson> "Especially because they know exactly where he's been." <Dawson> (( I have to sleep now... )) <alcargm> Karl: "Did you know that killing a sherrif is less jail time than a deputy sherrif?" <alcargm> And with that, he walks away and we end the session :p Session 2<AlcarGM> Vincent enters and looks around, putting the briefcase on the table. "Don't want to take up much of your time. Was just wondering if you'd kiled your taxes this year."<AlcarGM> (( filed )) <Hugh`-> (( "Yes, I killed them. I buried them in the backyard. Would you like some coffee?" )) <Dawson> (( When alcar makes freudian slips like that you'd best be careful Hugh.)) <AlcarGM> (( The tax forms of death )) <Hugh`-> (( Line 24b: Add up line 12A, C, and 19D to find how many minutes you have to live. )) <Dawson> (( that would be a perfect UA item... )) <GeorgeBailey> "Has Harry come home? I couldn't find him... I think most of the people had a head start on me getting away from the place..." <AlcarGM> Ma gasps in horror. "A giant dog? Don't say the H word! Are you . .are you all right? Did it bite you?" urgently <GeorgeBailey> "I'm... fine, I think, but..." <AlcarGM> Ma: "But what? Surely no one was hurt!" <AlcarGM> Pa: "he wouldn't be banging on our door at this hour if everyone was fine," gravely, dressed in his robe and behind Ma. "Want to come in and talk about it, son?" <GeorgeBailey> "I don't know- there might have been something else- I think Harry was right in the middle of things and I haven't seen him..." <AlcarGM> Pa: "Harry was in the middle of it?" slowly. "What do you mean, son?" <GeorgeBailey> "well... <gulp> He was standing right over where... when people started screaming and running... " <AlcarGM> Ma: "He was what! He never said any such thing! I'm going to tan his hide!" <GeorgeBailey> "What? Huh? Is he here?" <AlcarGM> Pa: "You feeling all right, son? I know they serve alcohol at those parties...." <AlcarGM> Harry grins. "I guess they were there to stop wild dogs, Ma." And his voice is Harry. Everything about him is, but it feels wrong. And the glint in his eyes could be the light, or mockery, or maybe you just need more sleep. <GeorgeBailey> (( I told you it was evil incarnate. :)) <AlcarGM> Vincent nods. "Just glad to be of help, my boy. Esmerelda was a wonderful woman." <AlcarGM> ANd you get a sudden vivid imagine, with sound effects, of both of them in your mothers bed, having sex. There's a knife involved, and silk ropes.... <Hugh`-> (( "And what exactly do you mean by that, huh?" o_O )) <Hugh`-> (( OMG! )) * Hugh`- steps back as if slapped, then trys to ignore it. :P * Hugh`- looks a bit shaken. :P <AlcarGM> You make it to bed ,and eventuallly manage to sleep, having a strange dream about singing children and people scremaing, and Harry slinking into the room and saying "you think I need to shave?" and getting hairy, and hairier, and saying "I'm hairy harry! Get it!" but it's hard ot makie out for the snout and him lunging down for your throat.... <AlcarGM> You wake up from the nightmare and the sun is up, it's say, and you feel exhausted. <AlcarGM> What do you want to do on a lovely Saturday morning? <GeorgeBailey> Breakfast! <GeorgeBailey> and then call Mary... <AlcarGM> Okay, you go down stairs. Annie is doing up dishes, and waves to you. "Good morning, sleepyhead." <GeorgeBailey> "Morning, Annie." <AlcarGM> annie: "What would you like, then? Eggs are out since they were used up by your father. Harry just wanted cereal," with a sigh. "I swear, that boy never changes." <GeorgeBailey> "Oh, just about anything, Annie. What have we got?" <AlcarGM> Anne: "We have bagels, frozen wafffles, and toast." <AlcarGM> She whips you up a quick meal, tsking about the eating habits of kids these days. "Harry needs to eat more, I tell you. More meat in the diet, that's what you kids needs. Get some hair on your chest." <Dawson> "Shotgun." <Dawson> "Oh... wait... yeah." <Mac> ... :P * Dawson gets in the passenger seat. <AlcarGM> With a shotgun? :) <Dawson> Shhh. I don't have guns. :) <AlcarGM> (( "I call shotgun." "Fine, here" *blam* .. would be funny. Or maybe that's just me. )) <Dawson> "I can't blame you... so what's the deal with Sera? She seems fond of you..." * Dawson smiles knowingly... <Mac> "Err... how's about we keep that on a 'don't ask, don't tell' scheme of things, eh?" <Dawson> "Alright, alright." <AlcarGM> (( Que Sara Sara :p )) <Dawson> (( That was really bad Alcar.... )) <Mac> (lol, if only there were a way to kill the GM.) <Dawson> (( I laughed, but i felt cheated of a good pun )) <AlcarGM> Okay, you make eye contact with boy #2 and push. He takes a step back, surprised... you get "?! Where are you? Where..... where?!" and heat, sunlight, burning, weakening ,driving the strength out of him as he tris to get through, past... and other images, of .... you're not sure what. Thoughts, but none you've heard, strange feelings and images, like thoughts if they were overexosed or undeveloped photographs <AlcarGM> . They make sense to him, but youm have no idea who they are, or what. <Hugh`-> "...Different..." <AlcarGM> Boy #2 looks very surprised. You get "I can hear you again!" joyfully, from his mind, but it's still a little hard, and you're the only one keeping the link open. He isn't strong enough to, for whatever reason. <Hugh`-> "Ah, yeah, that is better. Sorry, would've done this sooner, had it occured to me." <AlcarGM> Boy #2: "I never knew anyone could," and his curiousity is very bright. "But you're not like us. You're.....different." <Hugh`-> "Yeah, so far I'm different than just about everyone." <AlcarGM> Boy #2 looks sad. "I thought maybe you weren't. Maybe you were our .... father." <GeorgeBailey> (( having fun with the... aliens? hellspawn? What are they, anywho? :)) <AlcarGM> (( Hugh's kids, of course :P )) <Mac> (Who would be surprised by that one. :P) <AlcarGm> Boy #2: "How is... born? .. done?" <Hugh`-> "What, the way hum-- regular people do it?" <AlcarGm> Boy #2 gives you a blank look. "With hammer and nails?" <Hugh`-> "...either you misunderstood a colloquialism, or someone was fibbing." <AlcarGm> Boy #2 frowns. "Making them. From the ground up. Pouring, and investing effort. Sweat. They sweat. I've seen people do it. The framework, and .... they build them." <Hugh`-> "Really... never seen that before." <AlcarGm> The gypsy looks at you. "Thank you for thre recomendation, young man. What questions do you have?" <GeorgeBailey> "What will be my most memorable accomplishment?" <GeorgeBailey> (mmm, non yes/no questions :) <AlcarGm> (( bad george bailey :p )) <AlcarGm> The Gypsy looks deep into her crystal ball. "You will acheive what you most desire, if you desire only it." <GeorgeBailey> (( ooh )) <GeorgeBailey> (( cryptic Alcar GM )) <Alcar> The question is "Will George follow the Gypsys advice?" :p * GeorgeBailey will see with whom he can arrange a visit to the pound :) <Alcar> LOL! Seriously? :) <Alcar> oh! I know. Biko's corpse :p <Alcar> Already dead, and in the funeral home. And what kind of sicko would sneak into one to take tyhe corpse of a dead dog, I ask you? <GeorgeBailey> A dead dog? No, the dog must be SLAIN. :) Sesion 2.1<AlcarGM> Boy #2 stops and squats in front of the TV, running a hand over the scrren slowly, like petting an animal, almost sensously. Then frowns and smacks the side of the TV with one hand, standing and looking around to the back, clearly confused.* Hugh`- just stands there. <Hugh`-> "Um... don't break it, please; I can't afford a new one right now..." <AlcarGM> He looks at you, then at the TV, as if waiting for something. <AlcarGM> The tv goes back to the Soap Opera. <AlcarGM> He comes back around to the front, looking vexed, then goes to the back. After a few seconds, he unplugs it, and comes back, holding the plug and staring at the blank screen in surprise. <Hugh`-> "The pictures aren't real, if that's what you're thinking. They were all recorded a while ago, and the TV station sends it to the TV through the air." <AlcarGM> then he frowns at the outlet in the wall. <AlcarGM> he drops the plug and gives you a confused look. <AlcarGM> He looks rather relieved and stares at the TV a bit more, then plops down in front of it and watches it curiously, as if he was dissecting it. <AlcarGM> (( Alien EHRYEW makes his report: "Yes, I understand the humans. They are all rich, and betray each other and sleep with each other wives, and hate each other. We must exterminate them. But can we wait until this season ends? I'm dying to know who Glorias mother is." )) <Hugh`-> (( "And many of them have evil twins." )) <AlcarGM> Boy #1 yells in rage, the sound only in your mind, cutting into you like razor wire. <AlcarGM> You swing, again... <FirestormZero> (( Then boy 2's corpse explodes, getting everywhere. And then Boy2 dominates your mind, making you fix his new place )) <Hugh`-> (( Shhh, Im hoping that only counts for special paranormal neck-crushing damage and not chair leg to the face damage. :P )) <AlcarGM> (( roll :p )) <Hugh`-> d100 so close... so very close... <Sparkie> Hugh`- d100: 79 so close... so very close... <Hugh`-> (( ARGH!!! )) <Brisby> (( you're having issues tonight, I see )) <Hugh`-> (( You bastard! You flaming dice rolling bastard! >_< )) <FirestormZero> (( To be honest, I don't see how you could miss... )) <Hugh`-> (( You dont know Sparkie like I know Sparkie. )) <Hugh`-> (( he *finds* a way. )) <Brisby> (( sparkie and AlcarGM, his accomplice :) )) <FirestormZero> (( I always wondered about your relationship )) <Hugh`-> (( I equate Alcar to boy 2 and Sparkie to Boy 1. )) <Hugh`-> (( Alcar really has all the power, but Sparkie makes him do things he doesnt want to. )) <Hugh`-> "Look, I'd be lieing if I said I could understand what you're going through right now, but please, accept that, all in all, what you just did was good. He was your brother, but he abused you. He used you. He didn't really care, about you or anyone else. And you just saved me, and Megan. And I'm eternally grateful." <AlcarGM> Boy #2 backs up some more, his expression closed and empty. From his mind, you get a very quiet, strained "He forgave me." <AlcarGM> (( Boy #1 is really a bastard :p )) <Hugh`-> (( oh that fucker... )) Session 2.2<alcargm> We left off with Megan in the doorway of the library, staring out at you at Boy #2, who is currenly lying in the street, and unconscious. The old town hall accross the road, the one they built before anyone knew the town was the centre of the state, and subsequently built the new one on said site exactly, is now an empty plot of real estate.<Hugh`> (( well, at least its not an empty plot of black hole which was secretly being contained under the building. )) * Hugh` runs out and picks Boy 2 up off the ground, and brings him back inside. * Hugh` shakes head. "No, the one who died was his brother. We don't seem to be related as far as I can tell. I don't think we're the same, whatever we each are. I think the resemblance may be coincidental." <Chaos`^> Hugh shakes head... that doesn't sound right <alcargm> gives would have sounded worse. <Chaos`^> haha <Hugh`> geez, I forget one lousy three-letter word... <alcargm> Megan: "This is... weird, you know? he's talking to you?" * Hugh` looks at Megan, as if just remembering she was there. "Huh? Oh... yes. Sorry, I was talking out loud, wasn't I?" <alcargm> Megan nods. <alcargm> Megan: "You still are." <alcargm> Boy #2: "Their light is ... special. Protected?" He shrugs slightly. "I think some people hurt more, though, but most buildings hurt the same. Escept your house. The demon was bad." <alcargm> Megan: "Couldn't what?" <Hugh`> "Demon?" * Hugh` raises an eyebrow. <alcargm> Boy #2 nods. <alcargm> Megan looks around. "Where?" <Hugh`> "My house is protected by one, apparently." *offhandedly to Megan* <alcargm> Megan stares at you incredulously "And you didn't KNOW?!?!" <Hugh`> "Well, it's not like there's a big red cloven-hoofed giant wandering around and making sandwiches in the kitchen." <Hugh`> (( "Unless he's invisible. Whihc is a possibility." )) <alcargm> Megan: "Maybe it's invisible?" dryly * Hugh` turns back to Boy 2. "Do you have any ideas, then?" <alcargm> Boy #2 looks towards the door, then back at you, and shuffles his feet awkwardly. "Ideas?" <Hugh`> "Of what we can do to get your brother to stop trying to kill me and cause all sorts of other trouble." <alcargm> Boy #2: "Oh, that!" He pauses, pacing again, then looks dejected. "I don't know. I've never.. wanted/been able (the words blur together) to stop him He's smarter. Better. Older." <alcargm> Megan: "Couldn't you call the police? He must be wanted, or something." * Hugh` looks at Megan. After a pause: "...Oh. You weren't joking." <alcargm> Megan: "Hello? He kills people. The police don't like that." <Hugh`> "Well obviously. But 1) its going to be hard to get the police to hang around to wait for the 'freaky black-eyed kid' to show up, and 2) he makes people do things. it's like handing him their guns." Session 3* GeorgeBailey heads over for the caurosel with Mary...<GeorgeBailey> (( maybe I'm paranoid, but I suspect that the caurosel is already possessed :)) <GeorgeBailey> "I don't know... the Romans liked the occult and what-have-you well enough." <AlcarGM> The old woman laughs. "Magic. Hah! No one believes, anyway. The signs all say it's a dead end street, but no one believes. That's magic, that is, watching people cling to their beliefs in the face of reality. You want to know the future, George Bailey?" <GeorgeBailey> "Maybe, if it's being told..." <AlcarGM> She shrugs, drinking back a slug of beer. "Oh, what the hell. To stupdity." <GeorgeBailey> "why? You willing to spill it here? Go ahead; I don't see any reason why not." <AlcarGM> The old woman frowns to herself for a second, then begins reciting softly, in a whisky-dry voice. "Wolfsbane not enough, the dog will bark Warning unheard, sight unseen in the dark. The lure of stuff, the need unsated, What magic word is there to free the fated?" <AlcarGM> "And soon or late, it all comes down to blood, And in the very end, when there is no bud, no bud," she holds up her empty budweiser. "Who will be left to sat the needs of power. It comes down to friends, at the final hour." <AlcarGM> She looks at Shawn. "Another." he pours it, looking bemused. <GeorgeBailey> "Poetic." <AlcarGM> She shrugs. "life is a poem." * GeorgeBailey considers. "I could try to construe it as something that made sense, but perhaps an English major would have better luck." <GeorgeBailey> "But thank you, ma'am, for your poetry. Does thou have any kindly advice that we may take along with it?" <AlcarGM> She shrugs. "Don't get caught." <Mac> "Ah, alright Caddy. What got you into this business?" <AlcarGM> Caddy loooks surprised, then says "My uncle is a mortician, and I saw a few funerals when I was younger, and figured I could help people." <Mac> "Thats good. Giving back to the community eh?" <AlcarGM> Caddy nods. "Of course. Ah. Don't you want to go now?" <Mac> "I guess we've got enough. Thanks for your time Caddy." * Mac leaves through the doors. <AlcarGM> He looks a little relieved when you leave. Maybe he's just anti social. <Mac> (Yeah, and Princess Di loved paprazi. :P) <AlcarGM> It's now late afternoon, close to supper time. The sun is setting, painting the sky in beautifucl colours and the secret message of God, known only to synesthesiacs who can hear the sound the light makes when it hits the ground .... what do you want to do, now? :) <AlcarGM> Megan: "This is, like, something out of a movie. Like ET, if it had been written by Oliver Stone." <Hugh`> "Megan, you don't really need to tag along." <Hugh`> (( "Quick! Make the Bicycle Fly! Oh, wait... I can do that myself." )) <Hugh`> "Ok, so we need to get you invited in, right?" <AlcarGM> Boy #2 looks up and nods. <Hugh`> "Ok then, lets give it a go. *pause* Hmm... need to think up a good reason... Let's see..." *ponders* <AlcarGM> The lights are on, the name on the mailbox says Holly. Simple two-storey affair, not in the best shape. <Hugh`> "Hmm... Ok." * Hugh` walks on up to the door and rings the bell (or knocks, if necessary) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 just waits patiently, the feeling of hunger in him easing since he'll be eating soon. <AlcarGM> Boy #2 comes up to the stairs, but doesn't go up them. <AlcarGM> Okay, after the third knock (the bell is broken) an unshaven, pot-bellied man smelling of beer opens the door, squinting at you. "What do you want?" * Hugh` (( secretly wonders if killing the occupants so hes the only one inside would authorize him to invite people in :P j/k )) <AlcarGM> oh, btw, mac tried to phone while your PC was out. I assumed you had no answering machine :p <Hugh`> Oh... no, probably not./ <Hugh`> Unless the demon answered it. :P <AlcarGM> lol. No. Guardian spirit enslaved, yes. Answering machine is right out of the question :p <Billy`^> I'm really good at stealing a man's girlfriend, don't mess with the billy! <Hugh`> Goat <Hugh`> (( Hmm. I sure hope filling in on Boy 1's role just now doesnt have some weirs unseen metaphysical effect on me or anything. :P )) <AlcarGM> (( you;'re about to discover one of 'em :p )) <Hugh`> (( oh my )) <Hugh`> (( being an accomplace cmes back to bite you, I guess. :P )) <Billy`^> (( Timmy and tommy )) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 stops you about half way to the point, grabbing your hand to slow you down. You're not quitre sure what is coming off of him ..... confusion, need, want... "When do we....?" and you get a very vivid image of you, and him, naked, and touching each other. <Billy`^> (( GAAH! NO! NO! *scratches eyes* MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!! )) * Hugh` jumps back. "Wha??" <Hugh`> (( I may be pale, but Im not Michael Jackson. :P )) <Billy`^> (( no, boy#1 is )) <Billy`^> "I want to talk to you in private anyway." <AlcarGM> sara: "You do?! Why?!" <Billy`^> "I'll tell you when we're in private, how's that sound?" <AlcarGM> Sara: "Okay!" <Billy`^> "Hmm... are your parents home?" <AlcarGM> Sara: "Yes! But they're sleeping! They do that every night," she adds helpfully. <Billy`^> "Really? How odd... Let's go for a walk, then, somewhere private. You lead, you probably know the most secluded places in town." * Billy`^ hmms and leads the way instead... to the fields or some such <Billy`^> "Sarah," He says when we're far away from people, "do you like having sex?" <Billy`^> (( I guess that's like asking if a fish likes to swim )) <AlcarGM> Sara stops, and looks at you oddly. "No!" <AlcarGM> Sara: "I love it!" <AlcarGM> The man goes back into the truck. You get images from his mind,and they're rather ... well. It involves aliens, and his gun, and things you'd never think of doing with a gun, before or after pulling the trigger. He believes that the aleins are hiding in cats, and has killed at least a hundred.... <Hugh`> (( Wow alcar, you really know how to make me hate an NPC both in-character and out-of-character. :P )) <Hugh`> "Haven't even seen any weird fast lights or anything?" <AlcarGM> Marcie: "Randy saw them last night. They were green, and glowing, high up in the air. But they flew down and went through him, and got away. He's currently purifying himself." <AlcarGM> (( best not to wonder what method they use )) <Hugh`> "Any way I can talk to him?" <Hugh`> (( I do. )) <AlcarGM> Marcie: "he's busy," tightly. "And why do you care?" And you get an image, of a bath in salt water, with the skin cut open all over to get the light out, of drinking lots of special tea, and more cutting, and bletting the blood and water burn togehter, and pouring beer on the woulds, since the yeast will grow within and stop the alien infestation <alcargm> She looks confused by that. "She was here." She touches the tree. "I buried her, beneath it., to sleep. Because if kings can sleep under hills, she can too. I could bring her back. I was told how once, in a dream I never had. But she'd never forgive me for doing it." <Billy`^> "Oh? And why is that?" <alcargm> She makes a face. "Angels like their feathers. I'd have to pluck them off, and she'd lose her soul. If we even have those. I'm not sure. Do you have one?" <Billy`^> "I'm not sure sometimes... I think so... Maybe it's something else... Do you think she's an angel now?" <alcargm> She giggles. "Oh, no. You need to be with the gods to become one of those and then carry the dead. She'd say it was too much like work." <Billy`^> "Then why do you say you'd strip her of that?" <alcargm> The girl shakes her head, frowning. "Because it's wrong. There's always prices, for returning. And all of them are more than can be paid. I remember when Yeshua ha Notzri did it. His people died for it. They still are. And he's tortured for each one of them." * alcar finds it rather dtwisted that, in this game, Jesus raised from the dead and doomed the jews as a price, and the holocaust was his fault :p * alcar is obscurely proud of that reasoning. <Chaos`^> You're wierd alcar, you scare me Session 3.1<alcar> Marcie: "We haven't done anything wrong. And we don't need your kind here. Government. Always trying to hide the truth. There are aliens among us!"<alcar> (( this is nicely twisted :p )) <Hugh`> (( "Who told you?! Er *cough* nevermind." )) <alcar> Lance just nods. "I wouldn't be surprised. Lots of immigration, these days." * Hugh` smirks. <alcar> Marcie: "He knows. He was drawn here," and points to you with what looks like a very accusing finger. "Abductees are always drawn back to the scenes, it's part of the programming." <Hugh`> "Hey, I never said I was abducted." <alcar> Marcie: "It's okay. There is no need to be ashamed," in what passes for a gentle tone for her. <Hugh`> "I'm not ashamed, I just don't think I was abducted." (("After all, you have to have been on Earth first to be abducted from it. Arrival doesn't count.")) <alcar> Marcie: "How can anyone be sure? No memory is perfect! They can alter our memories without even trying, look into your heads and read our desires! No one is safe!" and then, in a perfectly normal tone "unless you wear a tin hat." * Hugh` barely prevents himself from laughing out loud. <Hugh`> "did.. did you say a tin hat? Like, tin foil?" *almost snickers* <alcar> Boy #2 does giggle, in your head. <alcar> Marcie: "Aluminium has many properties, including being double-named, and thus protected as all the twice born are." * Hugh` stares. <Hugh`> "oookay.." <alcar> You get something from her head that has confused american and british spellings of the world with celtic twice-born mythology about ppl who die on a tree and come back, and something about odin as a spokesperson for glaad. <alcar> Marcie: "The truth is only hidden if we do not seek it out. Your sunglasses are a sign of it. You blind yourself to the true world," serenely <alcar> Marcie lunges backwards as you hit her arm instead, and feel like you sprained your pinky. Her eyes are wide, and definitely not all ther.e "You're with them," she says in a tone of malice, and raises the can to spray your face :P * Hugh` covers his face and ducks. <alcar> the spray gets you just as you duck, in the hair, and glasses. Luckily you didn't swallow it.. it's very, very potent. Industrial, probably. <alcar> Boy #2 jumps back, alarmed. * Hugh` goes to wipe off his glasses, but decided not to take them off afterall. <alcar> The fireflies scatter away ... but from boy #2,not you any more <Hugh`> "You really need to switch to decaf!" <alcar> Lance: "Put the bug spray down," evenly, in a stern tone. <alcar> Marcie blinks, but he gets through and she lowers it, glaring at you and breathing heavily. "I know what you are!" <Hugh`> "Yeah, a guy with pesticide in his hair." <alcar> He walks over. "I'll need names and addresses, as witnesses to the event. We'll be able ot keep her overnight, at the very least." <Hugh`> "My cousin here will probably be leaving tomarrow, but I can give you my address." <alcar> :Lance: "I'll need his address anyway, and phone number for our records." He looks at Boy #2. "Are you all right, kid?" <Hugh`> (( "Uh... these arent the droids you're looking for?" )) <alcar> Boy #2 regards him warily, not liking the gun smell, and just nods, moving closer to you. <alcar> Lance: "I'll need your name, and where you live." <alcar> (( poor lance :p )) <Hugh`> "He's... mute, unfortunately." <alcar> Lance looks surprised. "Dead as well?" <alcar> .. err.. deaf :p <alcar> (( Lance pulls out his gun. "That wasn't a typo. Damn GMs..." )) <alcar> Boy #2 shakes his head. <Hugh`> (( "Why, yes, actually... if death certificates are to be believed. Which they aren't." )) * Hugh` heads for home, feeling unsatisfied by the lack of aliens. Unless they fireflies really were aliens. In which case I'm sad I didn't get to communicate with them. <alcargm> Okay, Hugh goes to sleep. Sometime around four am boy #2 stops outside the door, stares at it, remembers you're not his brother, and finds some blankets and curls up on the couch, wishing the shadows would stop telling him about his brother and hoping the scuttling noises aren't real. For the first time in his life (that he remembers) he find himself wishing the sun would come up. <alcargm> and - end of session - :p <alcargm> unless you feel like doing sunday morning stuff, or something. <alcargm> Tho you're missing a crow girl in an oak tree. <Hugh`> (( oh wait, you meant the front door, right? )) * alcargm had meant the bedroom one :p <Hugh`> (( with the locking )) <Hugh`> (( cause the bedroom door I leave ajar. )) <Hugh`> (( oh no, Im not smart enough to lock that one. )) <alcargm> Oh, my. Okay, we'll sa he doesn't come in anyway, just because rping the result would be, well, weird :P <Hugh`> (( so feel free to have me be raped to death, or whatever. )) <alcargm> and I have not run attempted sedduction by 10-14 year old boy of a half alien at least 10 years his senior before, tho. And, come to think of it, I never planned on it. Should be weird. <alcargm> TGho, for the sake of collective sanity, this night will be him just wanting comfort while trying to sleep, Normally. <Hugh`> (( so long as we agree cannibalism and beastiality are ok, we're all set. :P and no, I dont know what thats supposed to mean. )) <Hugh`> (( nighty night. )) <Hugh`> (( dont let the Boy 2 bite. )) <alcargm> Just sleeping beside a warm body, for comfort. Rather than other things :) Session 3.2<AlcarGm> Okay.. we left off with Hugh having gone to sleep and not locked the door to his bedroom. For some odd reason, he didn't feel any need to.<AlcarGm> As the GM is feeling benevolent, Hugh is NOT killed in his sleep. Or anything else'd in his sleep, for that matter. <AlcarGm> Hubert Brown wakens from a decent nights sleep to hear some birds chirping, sunlight coming in the bedroom window and most of the sheets on the other half of the bed, in a large lumpy shape curled up next to him. * Hugh` wakes up, and is actually surprised that he's not alone in his bed. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 comes out of the bedroom just as you've finished doing up dishes (or stacking them on the counter to evolve into new lifeforms). <Hugh`> (( cleaning. )) <Hugh`> (( Hugh's tidy. )) <AlcarGm> (( Megan: "I know you're not human. No high school bachelor keeps a clean house!" )) <AlcarGm> Fiona McCall: "George Bailey? Good enough. Joe is .... well, you'll hear soon enough. He's dead, son." <GeminiRai> (( "So he won't be in to fix my window?")) <Billy`^> "He's what? Oh my god! That's terrible! How did he die?" <AlcarGm> Fiona McCall: "We don't know yet. The coroners office is still examing the body." <Billy`^> "Oh... Well I'll watch the paper to see what's happened.. Thank you, goodbye." * Billy`^ hangs up quickly * Billy`^ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) <AlcarGm> Hung up way too quickly. <AlcarGm> Debbie: "What did you do to Marc?", taking a step towards you. Alex grabs her arm and squeezes it warningly as she clenches her fist. <Hugh`> "Oh, Marc. I didn't do anything to him. He started acting strangely at about the same time that wild dog attacked the party." <AlcarGm> Debbie: "A wild dog doesn't cause someone to lock themselves in their bedroom!" <AlcarGm> You notice Alex start slightly at the mention of the dog, almost guiltily (if that's even a word) <Hugh`> "Perhaps he's afraid of dogs? Maybe he's gotten into drugs? ((Maybe he has some weird black hole in his head that almost killed me?)) I don't know, I barely know him." <Billy`^> "Hey, how are you this morning?" <AlcarGm> Jane considers that thoughtfully, then grins. "Alive. It's such a fun feeling." <Billy`^> "Oh, I know how that is... So you weren't alive before?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "Of course. But not awake. It's better, being awake." she waves a hand out to the street. "That's the best thing about the world. We don't matter." <Billy`^> "What's the best thing? Being awake? So you're saying you're asleep? <AlcarGm> Jane grins ."No, knowing that we don't matter. All this. The world, everything. It keeps on going, if we're here or not. It doesn't matter if we live, or die." She smiles slights. "That's the real miracle, you know. The only one. We're allowed to experience being alive." <Billy`^> "Well, actually I don't, but that's ok.. Right? Because I don't matter?" <AlcarGm> Jane frowns. "You don't think you matter?" <Billy`^> "You just told me I don't matter." <AlcarGm> Jane: "But we do matter, in our own stories. But the story goes on without us. We get to be part of it, to add our song to its, to be a spark of being. What else is there?" <AlcarGm> Marc finally manages to pull the bed away, breathing heavily, and looks about to start and stops, looking for the knife in confusion. <Hugh`> "If you're not going to talk to me, I'll have to try to find out whats going on with you the other way. Which is definately a bad idea, but *shrug*" <AlcarGm> Marc holds his hand out for the knife, as if seriously thinking you'd, hand it to him. Blood and sweat have mixed on his face, but if it hurts he's not reacting at all. <Hugh`> "Okay then, have it your way. And if I die this time, I'm blaming you." * Hugh` goes brain-delving. <Hugh`> (( ok, this is bad. Marc is essentially protecting a Very Evil Thing from some other Very Evil Thing. Splendid. )) <AlcarGm> (( Well, the thing in the Hole scared away the Voice. That might be good. )) <AlcarGm> (( and you did kill the Revenant inside your shadow, which ruins a great subplot involving your shadow going out and murdering people :p )) <Hugh`> (( well, it seems a bit scary when the thing you're protecting scares the thing you were protecting it from. )) <Hugh`> (( LOL! )) <Hugh`> (( thats almost as bad as me being a clockwork. )) <Billy`^> "Well, stealing is wrong... But some people do it anyway... *cough*likeme*cough* <AlcarGm> Jane: "it's wrong?" She stops, looking astonished. "Why?" <Billy`^> "Well, because people who have worked for it don't have it anymore. Then they worked for YOUR money... so that makes it wrong, and makes them mad." <AlcarGm> Jane: "But what if they don't work for it, like ... bosses? Or pirates?" <Billy`^> "Well, Pirates steal, and bosses DO work, but it's called easy work..." <AlcarGm> Jane: "But they get paid more than those who do hard work." she frowns. "That is stupid. You're all slaves." <AlcarGm> Jane: "But you have ice cream, so I guess it's all right." <Billy`^> "Yeah, but I'll only buy if you give me the play by play of what happened in the tent with the demon." <AlcarGm> marc is very frusterating NPC wise. This is his idea of being open with someone.... <Billy`^> lol <Billy`^> <AlcarGm> Marc regards you warily, distrustful, then abruptly sits down on the bed, not looking at you. <Billy`^> that's open? <Hugh`> of course <AlcarGm> for him, yeah :P <AlcarGm> He's an introverts introvert :) * Billy`^ shrugs "I mean... I didn't really ask for the gorey details, I just want to know how you knew there was a demon.. and when it came.. and what it did... I don't care what it looked like.." <AlcarGm> Jane: "Oh, that's easy. Demons always want bodies. It's their fetish. And she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Jane shrugs lightly. "it could have been something else, I guess." * Billy`^ shrugs <Billy`^> "That's half of what I wanted... So maybe i'll get you half an ice cream." <AlcarGm> Jane: "That's just silly. I've never understood the human drive for answers. Why can't you ever understand that sometimes there is no answer, that the world would be boring if everything was known and explained?" <Billy`^> "Well... The other half was when did this happen, I mean... Whatever... You don't have to get pissy." * Billy`^ walks over to the ice cream guy and orders a sundae <AlcarGm> Jane sticks out her tongue at you. "I didn't know, because I didn't want to. I don't want want a demon invading my personal life either." <AlcarGm> The ice cream guy nods sagely. "I had an ex wife like that." * Billy`^ takes the ice cream and give it to Jane <Billy`^> "Where to next?" <AlcarGm> Jane takes it, licking it off carefully. "Wow! Oh, wow!" * Billy`^ sits down and waits for Jane to finish <AlcarGm> Jane: "This is ..... and baskin robbins have over 30 flavours?!" incredeously. "Why do you people look for enlightenment when it's right here. This is good!" <Billy`^> "And you yell at me for wondering too much." <AlcarGm> Jane: "30 flavours. What more is there to need?" .. and you're not sure if she is joking :p <Billy`^> "Let's go on the faris wheel, I wanted to try that out last night, never been on one before." <AlcarGm> Jane: "That sounds fun, though it might be a letdown after heaven. Why didn't you get one?" * Billy`^ shrugs "I'm not sure." <AlcarGm> Jane: "The ferris wheel can wait," firmly. <Billy`^> "I guess I'm trying to watch my figure. If you indulge yourself too much you could end up like that." Pointing to a fat woman walking by "People don't tend to like that. You have that hourglass figure right now, so You gotta watch out." <AlcarGm> Jane: "but she's pretty. She's full of life." * Billy`^ shrugs "'These humans' as you put them, only see her body." <AlcarGm> Jane: "What else are you suppossed to see?" * Billy`^ shrugs <Billy`^> "They have different tastes than you, and it can hinder your abilities too, letting yourself go." * Billy`^ gets up and orders a sundae for himself <Billy`^> "The real trick is pacing... If you go too fast your heaven can turn into hell like" snaps fingers "That." <AlcarGm> Nope, Alex is outside, waiting at the car .. and talking to Lance, of all people. Alex looks annoyed. * Hugh` curses inwardly. * Hugh` tries to slip away down the street without getting spotted. <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> turns, as if feeling your presence, and smiles. It's not a nice smile. "Ah! Hubert. I tried to call you eariler, but the line wasn't working. Oddly enough, I had a friend at the grocery store call and he got through just fine." He looks at Alex. "You'd best have witnesses to say you were at the party Friday, Mr. Anderson. Good day." He walks over to you. "How is your.. cousin?" <Hugh`> "Ah, he was a bit shaken up afterward, but he ended up sleeping fine." <Hugh`> (( "In my bed." *cough* )) <AlcarGm> (( best not go there :p )) <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> nods. "I've been meaning to come by your place and ask you some questions about early last night. I can give you a lift, if you'd like." <Hugh`> (( grr... it sucks how trying to knock him unconscious with a rock would probably go over badly. )) <Billy`^> when'd you guys start... nine? <Billy`^> we've gone 6 so far <Billy`^> another 12 would be 18 >< <tatterdemalion> yeah :p <Billy`^> omg <Billy`^> Let's do it <Billy`^> When'd this start? Anybody keep a time log? <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> "When will your cousin be available to ... answer more questions?" <Hugh`> "He won't. His parents picked him up this morning. I told them about it, but they said they didn't want to get involved." <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> raises an eyebrown. "That's against the law, you know," calmly. "Do you have a number I can reach them at, or do you want to be brought in for aiding and abetting?" <AlcarGm> (( *snickers* )) <Hugh`> (( ok, police hate has been reinstated. )) <AlcarGm> The ferris wheel has a long lineup, naturally, mostly older couples. <AlcarGm> One old man is saying somethig about "$5 for a ferris wheel ride? Since when did nostalgia become so expensive?!" * Billy`^ looks in his pocket for <AlcarGm> His wife pats his arm. "Inflation, dear." <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> "You know, I'm starting to believe there are no parents," very calmly, with that creepy smile on his face again. "Something was off about him, you know. Black eyes." * Hugh` folds his arms. "Who?" <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> "He had black eyes," with the same unnerving smile. "And he looked afraid. So, I'm left to wonder if he's homeless, and alone, and you're a kind stranger who beats him, to get the black eyes, and keeps him at your place." * Hugh` smiles condesendingly. "You're eyes don't literally turn black if someone hits you, they get purply around the edges." <AlcarGm> <Lance Christensen> "That's what I was referring to," carefully. <Hugh`> "So, that whols theory is preposterous." <Hugh`> "...Oh." <AlcarGm> (( and somewhere, the GM laughs very evilly )) <Hugh`> (( bastard! )) <tatterdemalion> Jane kisses you again, on the lips, when you reach the top of te wheel. It's a rather hesitant, unsure kiss, and she pulls bck from it to watch your reaction worriedly * Billy`^ smiles at her "Well, you're getting there." warmly <tatterdemalion> Jane: "Could we ask her for tips?" looking down at a seat 2 chairs behind you. * Billy`^ doesn't look "Sara is special." <Billy`^> "You could ask, but you'll get a more straight answer than you want..." <tatterdemalion> Sara is there, with an ex-football player, making out. ... <Hugh`> (( I'll just kill him later. )) <Hugh`> (( rather than here on the street. )) <tatterdemalion> (( he's harfd to kill. Witness his many incarnations throughout worlds :P )) <Hugh`> (( that just makes him an archetype of sorts )) <Hugh`> (( not necessarily hard to kill )) <tatterdemalion> (( masterless man, so would be. j/k )) <Hugh`> (( I want my next pc to be Masterless Man )) <tatterdemalion> <Lance Christensen> 's smile widens, almost shark like. "Very well. But, on gronds of ethnic neutrality, I'd say that you can't wear shades in the room answering the questions we give you. Reading eyes is always important. So, we can do it this way, or you can take me to him and we do it the easy way. Either way is fine by me, boy." <Hugh`> "Fine. But not right now. Is 6pm fine by you?" *with more than a hint of malice* <tatterdemalion> <Lance Christensen> "Why then?" <Hugh`> "Because I'm busy." <tatterdemalion> <Lance Christensen> "Doing what, hiding evidence?" <Hugh`> "That's my business. 6pm, take it or leave it." <tatterdemalion> <Lance Christensen> stares at you carefully, then nods once. "So be it." <tatterdemalion> He calmly waks away, humming "We are the champions" to himself. * Hugh` wishes for a sniper rifle. <AlcarGm> <Alexander> pulls down your road, heading towards your place. "What about you? being alone can't be healthy, unless you're a mad bomber?" <Hugh`> (( "Damn, you figured it out... Hey, what's your address again?" )) <AlcarGm> (( hehe )) * Hugh` shrugs. "I'm used to it." <AlcarGm> <Alexander> "Sure you are." <AlcarGm> <Alexander> pulls to a halt at your driveway. <AlcarGm> <Alexander> "When you're ready to join the human race, give a call." <Hugh`> "Thanks." *jumps out* * Hugh` (( makes a note to call him up later and ask to be taken to their leader. :P )) <AlcarGm> The bar is not too crowded, since it's noon and most people wait until later to have drinks. Jillian is there, and drinking some imported beer from Magonia, wherever that is. <AlcarGm> Shawn O'Malley is there, serving drinks to some regulars from the normal bar, talking to strangers cheerfully, and refusing, firmly, to serve drinks to a young kid who looks a bit like George and you place as his younger brother, Harry, after a bit. * Billy`^ walks over to her, and sits infront of her <Billy`^> "So do you charge anything?" <AlcarGm> Jillian: "The liver is evil. It must be punished. Have a drink." * Billy`^ goes to the kitchen and fixes lunch thinking * Billy`^ goes to his room and gets in his best looking outfit <AlcarGm> You make lunch easily, without dice rolls. You eat, answer natures calls. And then you get dressed, put on your best vest. You look very nice. Like extreme rice. * Billy`^ goes to Jill's work <AlcarGm> (( the last part of that was an obscure Jer tribute few would know about ;) )) <AlcarGm> What does Jill do for work? Does she work hard or shirk? <AlcarGm> You know I'm drifting when I'm trying to do everything as rhyming. <AlcarGm> You find Sara at the fair with ease. She's still at the Ferris Wheel, others would call her a tease. There's a lineup a quarter mile long and lots of laughter at love's siren song. * Billy`^ looks at sara... "FUCK.." <AlcarGm> Sara is on the ferris wheel, with half the football team. It's kind of surreal. She's the me in team, it seems. <Billy`^> ok alcar <Billy`^> this neesd to stop <AlcarGm> The sundae man smiles his cones melting in the sun and greets you warmly <Billy`^> This man is pissing me off <Billy`^> Can i punch him in the teeth? <Billy`^> This fucking smile! <Billy`^> it's like on those commercials <Billy`^> where they smille and hand you a melted cone <Billy`^> and they have the sparkle <Billy`^> and all you wanna do <Billy`^> is kick their ass <AlcarGm> never seen em :p <Billy`^> me either <Billy`^> but I can imagine <Billy`^> "I want... An absenthe sundae cone..." <AlcarGm> He pauses a while, wishing for cheery blossoms, and blinks at you. "Are those legal here? Not that I really care, mind. B ut it's a drink for spring." <Billy`^> "It looks fucking springy to me.. GIVE ME THE FUCKING CONE!" or not * Billy`^ sighs "Well, give me whatever you got, then." <AlcarGm> "We have chocolate, and mint fresh from the garden. Even vanilla. Do you like them all? We offer a large sundae for these muggy days." <Billy`^> "Whatever. Yeah, give me a large... banana split." <AlcarGm> he hands you the food feeling sad for banaads ripening too fast. * Billy`^ takes it and gets away from the freak as soon as he can * Billy`^ looks at the split and eats it, savoring every last bite <AlcarGm> he waves bye to you, wondering if it's the heat: noone likes haiku <AlcarGm> You eat the food, ad the GM promses to stop with poetry prose, or even purple prose. <Billy`^> prose i can do, poetry, no * Billy`^ is eating his banana split <Billy`^> "Damn clowns." <AlcarGm> The sun has past it's zenith and the children are laughing, their shrill cries filling the air like the last whisper of a dying Hyena. Clowns file past, their faces gone with greasepaint, eyes hollowed out mockeries of cheer, grins stapled on even now like christmas sales associates holiday smiles. <AlcarGm> (( that sort of thing :p )) * Billy`^ looks at one and goes south of the fair tossing his trash in the nearest waste basket <AlcarGm> You finish the split easily. And its surprisingly good, or maybe you're just hungry. The sound of the styrofoam container striking the bin evokes images of starving children in a place you've never been and can't be bothered to care about. Time is passing, but you feel like you're standing still since you're now on a deadline. <Billy`^> ok <Billy`^> I lied about the prose Session 3.3<Hugh`> "Oh well, guess we'll just have to hope we can get your brother to take out his agressions on him instead of me." *smirks*<alcargm> Boy #2 bites his lip. <I could try and .. make it stronger, but your house doesn't like that.> Then blinks, surprised, thinking about his brother returning, and you get hope.exlectation/fear/desire/terror mingled together under that. <Oh. I never thought of that,> and under that, the thought that you could be more like boy #1 than you seem, and .. it might be bad? <alcargm> Followed by a great deal of confusion, since he's never thought of his brother as bad before. <It won't stop him.> <Hugh`> "Who, Lance, or your brother?" <alcargm> Boy #2 <My brother.> * Hugh` nods. "Yeah, we really need to figure out a way to get him to stop being mad at me..." <Hugh`> (( "I mean, all I did was convince his obedient slave and source of power to kill him... you'd think he'd cool off by now." )) <Hugh`> "Well, could always try religion, then. I mean, the whole notion of a soul is a religious belief anyway, so he could try praying for one." <alcargm> Boy #2 looks interested at that. <To who?> * Hugh` shrugs. "God. Allah. Buddha. Satan, even. I don't think it matters that much." <Hugh`> (( Can you tell Im athiest? :P )) <alcargm> Boy #2 brightens at that, looking happy. <I was called Satan once! Can he pray to me? I'd give him one.> <alcargm> (( You forgot Bob Barker :p )) <Hugh`> "Wait, who called you Satan, exactly?" <alcargm> (( and Elvis. )) <Hugh`> (( "You don't secretly have cloven feet, do you?" )) <alcargm> Boy #2: <People,> and you get an image of a house, somewhere.... mountainous? and it dissolving, into nothing, and a crowd of screaming people, and guns.... * Hugh` blinks. "Ah." * Hugh` was slightly worried for a moment. :P <Hugh`> "Well, I'm not sure... Dieties tend to be invisible, by necessity. It takes a lot of fanatical belief to pray to a god who is actually of flesh and blood." <alcargm> Boy #2 mopes and just nods, dejected. <Hugh`> "Plus, I'm fairly sure it doesn't work so well if you boss around your dieity on a daily basis..." <alcargm> (( If all else fails you can build one.... )) <Hugh`> (( what, a soul? )) <alcargm> (( god :p )) <Hugh`> (( oh, drat. )) <alcargm> (( Boy #2: <But people do that all the time, what with praying and demanding results> .... except it's not him :P )) <Hugh`> (( "yeah, but they usually don't get those results, do they? I think I've made my point." )) <alcargm> Boy #2: <It would?> anxiously. <Could you be his god? Then he wouldn't kill you!> <alcargm> Boy #2 waits a bit then squirms, as if trying to prevent something, then says <Much> <Hugh`> "Well, he'd have to worship me for me to be his god, and if he wants to kill me, he probably wouldn't." <alcargm> (( Boy #1 reads about christianity and then Hugh is screwed :p )) <Hugh`> (( "Uh, whats with the huge cross in my yard? Hey, wait a second..." )) <Hugh`> "Well, who knows, maybe all you guys need is to be be blessed or baptised or something, then you'd be more human." <Hugh`> (( Even if we cant figure this out, hopefully we could distract Boy 1 with an offer of "Ill help you keep trying to get a soul, if you don't kill me." :P )) <alcargm> Boy #2 blinks at that, surprised. <Can we?! Can we?!> eagerly. <alcargm> (( True :p )) <Hugh`> "It's probably worth a shot." <alcargm> Boy #2:<WHEN?> then <Sorry. Loud.> <Hugh`> (( several hours later: "How was I supposed to know you'd burst into flame? You said crosses didn't bother you..." )) <Hugh`> (( "Waitr a second..." *sniffs, glares at the priest* "Since when do you baptise people in gasoline?!" )) <Hugh`> (( lol, like I said... unitarians first, they tend to be more accepting. Plus, if the guy is/was a satanist, he might be better suited to this dilemma. )) <alcargm> (( 20 minute walk through woods to edge of town, where it is. Unfortunately, walking along with someone wraps in blankets might confuse people, if they see you. Not too likely, since everyone is likely at the Germaine Family Circus )) <Hugh`> (( I can always say he's possessed, or something. But then, the catholic church would be better for that :P )) <alcargm> (( Yeah :p UBt better in a more permanent way :p Their Exorcist method would be gun to the head :) )) <Hugh`> (( wow, I really dont want to go there, now :P )) <Hugh`> (( "You say the lad doesn't have a soul? *chuckle* Why that's silly, everyone has--" *stares at Boy 2* "Sister MArgret, please hand me my shotgun." )) <alcargm> <David Brown> "Oh. Look, I didn't mean to offend i - you," to boy #2. "This is just.... how does he talk to you? or does he at all?" <Hugh`> "Oh, well, it's just a little trick of mine. But yes, we can comminicate." <alcargm> <David Brown> "Who else can he ..... communicate with?" He staring at your sunglasses, wondering what is under them.... <alcargm> Boy #2 finally pulls away, still looking hesitant, and sits down again. <Hugh`> "His brother. We're the only two." <alcargm> <David Brown> "And where is his brother?" <Hugh`> "Well, he's currently dead, in a way, but we expect him back tonight." * Hugh` says that as if he had said he's at a friend's house, or something :P <alcargm> (( ...... you know, here I was expecting "out of town," or somethng, I dunno, rational.... )) <alcargm> <David Brown> "...." <Hugh`> (( I'm being frank with this guy; more likely to get results. )) <alcargm> <David Brown> "Dead? In a way?" <alcargm> (( or drive him into an asylum :P )) <Hugh`> "Yes, they don't seem to die in any sort of permanent way." <Hugh`> (( well, yeah, but if he's nuts, he'll be more likely to try more unconventional methods to get these guys a soul :P )) <alcargm> <Hugh`> "You'll feel better in a second." *holds up a hand, and tries to hold him in place against the wall* .. .that's suppossed to help?!?! :p <Hugh`> It keeps him from punching Boy 2 in the face. <Hugh`> Or, say, running to the phone and calling the police. <Hugh`> Plus, I figure Boy 2 can help calm him down. <Hugh`> Besides, its my alien nature showing through. :P "This wont hurt a bit... well, after a second anyway." *insert probe* <Hugh`> (( its sucks when sun burns you, but shadows scare you. )) <alcargm> <David Brown> is silent for a few moments, and then slowly walks back to the chair, by an effort of will, and reminding himself that compassion is the most important quality a man (or woman ) can have, taking his fear and putting it away inside his head. * Hugh` sits back down in his seat. <alcargm> <David Brown> "Thank you," very quiet;ly, and you're the only other person who knows what it costs him to say that <alcargm> Boy #2 looks surprised, and nods shyly, looking away and feeling really confused that there isn't a mob yet. <Hugh`> (( <You'd have to make the church vanish first, for that.> )) * alcar grins. The other options would be very weird. And hey, it could well be that it's just sex and nothing else happens. <alcar> Really. It could. <Caltak> Yeah but then I'd be a child molestor. Regardless of how much he wanted it. Funny, how that works. <Caltak> UNless he's secretly really old, then its okay. <alcar> Yeah. But that's assuming boy #2 is a child, or even human. it could be beastiality. <Caltak> Or he could be several hundred years old, and its necrophilia. :P <alcar> well, he has died a few times :P <Caltak> yeah <Caltak> and this is a funny conversation :) <Caltak> espeically at 6 am * alcar chuckles. <Caltak> no, It ake it back. Its completely appropriate for 6 am Session 3.4<alcargm> Okay, Hugh and boy #2 are off to the southern edge of the Forbidden Forest to visit the wonderful witches of Millhaven, though the forest is really government land and the wonderful part is up for debate. It's 2 pm or so, and the sky is getting a bit cloudy and it semlls like it might rain soon.* Hugh` hopes Boy 2 doesn't secretly melt when it rains. <Hugh`> "Ah, yes. David Brown suggested we come here." <alcargm> She frowns, then brightens. "Oh, the nice young man at the church. I don't go there much anyone, ever since Harold passed away." She walks over to the gate. "What do you want?" * Hugh` almost blurts out the answer, but remembers about using some subtlety. Whatever that means. :P "Well, my friend here had a bit of a problem, and Mr. Brown thought that you might be able to help us." <alcargm> "Your friend?" * Hugh` gestures to the lump of blankets. <alcargm> Boy #2 gets up and the woman looked at the walking blanket. She blinks, and looks at you. "I hope this isn't about his fashion sense." * Hugh` smiles and shakes his head. "Not at all." <alcargm> The blankets nod. The Gm notes that an npc who can't speak is interesting, but hard to npc when wrapped up. <alcargm> Moonstar grins at boy #2. "Would you like to go on a date? <alcargm> Erica: "Dear, he isn't human," weakly. <alcargm> <Amythest> tries not to laugh. "You did raise her to be independant." * Hugh` smirks. <alcargm> Boy #2's jaw drops and he stares at the girl as if she's speaking a foreign language, then stares at you in shock. <alcargm> He gives you a pleading look :) * Hugh` chuckles. <alcargm> Moonstar: "Wow, you're shy. I'll start. I'm Moonstar. And my mom isn't even a hippie. The moon was out and there was his falling star. So what's your name?" <alcargm> Boy #2 backs away from her, really confused now, and gives you a really, really pleading look. * Hugh` tries to form a connection with him. <alcargm> You manage it after a minute. You get a serious amount of confusion from him :p <Hugh`> <She likes you.> <alcargm> Moonstar: "Hello? Geeze, it's not like I'm ugly. And I'm not even a witch yet, so if we break up it's not like I'd put boils on your -"" <alcargm> Erica: "Moonstar!" <alcargm> Moonstar: "Nose, mom. I was going to say nose." <Hugh`> "He can't speak, dear." <alcargm> Boy #2: (very confused) <Why?> <Hugh`> <She finds you attractive, I guess.> <alcargm> Moonstar: "Oh, the silent type. That's great. Most guys talk to much anyway." <alcargm> Moonstar: "Oh, the silent type. That's great. Most guys talk to much anyway." <alcargm> Boy #2 frowns intently, then <She can't hear me.> <Hugh`> <Yeah, which is a shame.> * Hugh` contemplates trying to form a connection between them, but decides that melting her brain by accident might get the witches ticked off... <alcargm> Moonstar: "Well, you could nod or something? Oh, I bet you like guys. Mom's husband did." <alcargm> Erica: "Moonstar!" <alcargm> Moonstar: "What, he did. It could be like Karma." <Hugh`> <You know, she wants to do that thing you and your brother did. But, not till she's older, of course... plus, she's a girl, so she probably wouldn't admit it or go directly to it. You have to build relationships with them, first.> <alcargm> Boy #2: <She wants to eat light?> <alcargm> (( this could get horribly graphic :p )) <alcargm> Erica: "He's not human, Moonstar. And you're too young to date." <Hugh`> <No, the other thing, when you two were... together.> <alcargm> Moonstar: "Am not. And besides, he was human. He smells like it." she looks at you. "Even he smells human. Sort of. It's like a sixth sense." <alcargm> <Amythest> "Actually, smell is one of the five senses." <Hugh`> "See, I thought he might have had a soul at some point." <alcargm> Boy #2: <But she's female> *Puzzled* <My brother said they can't> vivid mental image, s&M <and he tried. With glass bottles. They kept breaking.> <Hugh`> <Well, you have to do it a little differently with girls.> *projects an image of standard M/f sex that he saw one time* <Hugh`> (( not in person, on a video. )) <alcargm> Boy #2 blinks and gives you an astonished look. <Oh!> <Hugh`> (( just to get the record stright )) <alcargm> (( Oh, come on. You mean Hugh never spied on Sara? She lives down the road :p )) <Hugh`> (( when you get vivid emotions from halway down the street, there's no need to spy. )) <alcargm> (( good point :) )) <Hugh`> <Well, you'd have to wait until she asks you, I guess. Kind of hard to communicate with just nodding.> <alcargm> Boy #2 nods. <I know> * Hugh` looks for a flower nearby. <alcargm> Moonstar: "You nodded! That's good. Is that a yes?" <alcargm> There are a lot of them on the table, in a vase. <Hugh`> <Here, go hand her one of those flowers.> <alcargm> Boy #2: <But they're dead. People want dead things to say yes? They have a lot of squirrels here. I could kill one of them.> <alcargm> (( this is horribly fun. )) <Hugh`> (( back. Yeah, I cant believe Im setting him up on a date. )) <alcargm> And Hugh giving dating advice is just... scary. <alcargm> (( his brother might go right through the roof :) )) <Hugh`> <No, it's just that flowers look pretty, dead or not-- well, as long as they're not wilting. And girls like pretty things.> <alcargm> Boy #2 goes over to the table and gets a flower from the vase, looking at it curiously, then hesitantly goes over to Moonstar. <Here. It's dead, and for some reason that's pretty as long as it's not wilting. Dead corpses would last longer, and don't wilt. But Hugh says you like flowers.> <Hugh`> <As a rule, they don't like dead animals or people...> <alcargm> Boy #2. <Oh. But they eat dead animals.> <Hugh`> <Yeah. Curious, that. When its cooked and prepared and doesn't look like an animal anymore, people don't seem to mind. But a dead deer on the road grosses them out. Go figure.> <alcargm> Boy #2 puts it on and follows you. The van is WITCH1 and parked beside the farmous near the back where the driveway ends. <Hugh`> (( does it have cool art painted on it? )) <Hugh`> (( would have been funny if it was painted like the MYstery machine, come to think of it. )) <Hugh`> (( OH! Misery Machine, painted in same scheme but with black and grey instead of bright colors. )) <Hugh`> (( that'd be so awesome )) <Hugh`> (( too gothic for this crowd, though. :0 )) <alcargm> Steve, coming out of the shelter with the blanket, drops it and stares at the van in horror. <alcargm> He screams and runs inside. * Hugh` backs out, then switches to forward and peels out, apparently. :P <Hugh`> (( what, did I lift it, too? :P )) <alcargm> You're going fairly fast. You must be getting the hang of this :p <alcargm> (( yep :) )) <Hugh`> (( ROFL! )) <Hugh`> (( oh man, thank god for that circus... )) Session 4<AlcarGm> When last we left our, uh, Hero, he was effortlessly driving a van through the north end of Millhaven and planning to go to the library, yes?<Hugh`> (( what, you don't think I'm a hero?! )) <Hugh`> (( and I think its more like "piloting" at this point :) )) <AlcarGm> (( Depends on perspective :p )) <AlcarGm> (( But Hugh doesn't now that, yet :) )) <AlcarGm> It's 6:45 pm, and there is one customer, and otherwise aside from the pretty sound the rain makes on the tin roof the library is empty. * Hugh` mutters. "damn..." * Billy`^ leans close to Hugh "Are you the one with the answers I'm looking for?" * Hugh` (( jerks back. "Yes, if the answer is a Tic-Tac..." )) <Hugh`> "Pardon?" <Hugh`> <So? What's the plan?> <AlcarGm> Boy #2 blinks and looks up. <I don't know,> quietly. <I feel all ... weird ... inside. Scared. Like I don't want to see him again.> <Hugh`> <Understandable, given his past actions.> <AlcarGm> Boy #2 <It's like .... like.. something in my stomach.> He frowns. <Butterflies. Someone told my brother he had them in his stomach, but he was lying. There was just gross organs. And it smelled bad. But I feel like that." <Hugh`> (( he always says these things to creep me out x_x )) * Billy`^ leaves and goes droopilly toward a pet store <Billy`^> i'm guessing the demon wanted me dead <Billy`^> so i'm jetting asap <AlcarGm> (( you think? :p )) <Billy`^> "Hey there big guy..." Holding the white one <Billy`^> "Do you have a name?" <AlcarGm> The kitten purrs and looks at you wide-eyed * Billy`^ stands and walks over to Marc "I'll take this one." <AlcarGm> Marc looks up, grunts. "Want litter? Box? Food? Dishes? Gonna need a collar." * Billy`^ looks up "Hmm? Oh, get me a collar." <AlcarGm> He nods and gets you a nice, thin red one. "4 bucks." * Billy`^ digs in his pocket for the money and smiles at the man "I have everything else, thanks." <AlcarGm> He nods. "Whatever." * Billy`^ walks out holding the kitten in his arms <Billy`^> "Well then..." <AlcarGm> The kitten meows indignantly at the rain, and glares up at you, offended. * Billy`^ sighs and places the cat in his shirt * Billy`^ goes home, to the oak <AlcarGm> The kitten is purring happily in your coat by the time you reach home, and alien larvae are not burrowing through their host into your skin. <Hugh`> "You're the one who made him scared of you. If you didn't then he'd love you completely." <AlcarGm> Boy #1: "'sall your fault." He pouts. "Not mine. I didn't want to die! Nuh uh." <Hugh`> "Then why didn't you leave with your brother? I suggested it to you, but you didn't listen. *sigh* Even so, I'm sorry." * Hugh` walks over. "Listen, can't we all just put the past behind us, and be friends?" <AlcarGm> Boky #1: "I'm too late for sorry I'm like a clock. I go coo koo. All the time. I tock, instead of tick. Like a puzzle, put together by a blind watchmaker in the hours before the first dawn, in a beach where every grain of sand was a tear drop, and a world. It's ..... funny." <AlcarGm> Boy #1: "I think I'll kill you now. But it's raining. And I might get wet." <Hugh`> (( this sucks, every game that I have a PC try to befriend an NPC who has obvious lonliness issues, Alcar never lets it work. Bleh. )) <Billy`^> (( Alcar is kind of that way... besides, he has lonliness issues for a reason )) * Billy`^ walks inside the house <AlcarGm> Jane looks at the house. "But that's a .... place with walls. House. They're ... cramped. Small." <Billy`^> "It's ok, c'mon in. It's not too small, if I do say so myself." <AlcarGm> Jane: "It's a trap. They're all traps, from the world, from experiencing it. They're prisons you make yourself. Do you have coffee?" * Billy`^ nods "We do." <AlcarGm> Jane: "Okay, then." She follows you inside. <Hugh`> (("Hmm, might need some more psychic duct tape...")) <AlcarGm> (( lots :p )) <Hugh`> oh, that'd be a cool UA item. Duct tape that literally can fix anything. Just stick it on a broken engine, it melds into it, and viola! Its fixed. <Hugh`> could even work on mental problems :) <AlcarGm> lol <Billy`^> "Right... How much sugar?" * Billy`^ grabs a cup and pours the coffee in and grabs a spoon and sugar waiting <AlcarGm> Jane: "3 spoons." * Billy`^ shrugs and stirs in the sugar and brings jane the coffee "Let's go to my room." <AlcarGm> Jingo raises both eyebrows. <AlcarGm> Jane: "I like the tree better," with a shrug, sipping her coffee. <AlcarGm> Jingo coughs and sprays coffee all over the counter. <Billy`^> "Well, it's still raining." <Billy`^> "I did say I would... I looked into these cruel ones you told me about... They're lost from what I'm told." <Billy`^> "Any other ideas?" <AlcarGm> Jane rubs the kittens stomach. "Lost?" <Billy`^> "Is that a no to the dating thing." <Billy`^> "Yeah, some crazy kid who told me he was darkness said they were no where to be found..." <Billy`^> "Well he used more words." <AlcarGm> Jane: "Crazy people know too much, so they don't know much at all." <Billy`^> "... Would you answer my question?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "Why would I? I don't know you. You don't know me." <Billy`^> "That's why you date." <AlcarGm> Jane: "Why not just be friends?" <Billy`^> "Because I'm attracted to you." <AlcarGm> Jane: "That's because I'm female. You're male. It's one of those biological things, like the platypus." <AlcarGm> The front door opens and a woman's voice says "What is a man doing in our home?" in a voice filled with hatred, possibly more than even boy #1 could have managed. "Men .. more than one!" * Hugh` looks over. <Hugh`> (( "Oh, are you the lesbian I heard about?" )) <Hugh`> "Well, they're more 'boys' than 'men.'" *stands up, and bows* "My name is Hubert Brown. Rachel and Amythist and Erica know me." <AlcarGm> Diane Walters is standing in the doorway, a tough, angry woman in her early 40s who wants you dead, because you're male. Boy #2 and #1 throw her for a bit of a mental loop, but she dosn't cxae wjhat it looks like. All men want to destroy women and make them submit - and they will all pay. <aslhk> ((Especially gay men. They don't even LIKE women)) <Hugh`> (( yeah, but we cant help it, its genetically ingrained in us. )) <alcar> Hrm .... Hugh's confrontation w/ the psycho witch should be fun :p <Caltak> yeah <Caltak> I fear for his life. <Caltak> Mainly because he doesn't want to hurt her, cause the other witches wouldn't like that. <Caltak> Hmm, it occurs to me (randomly and unrealtedly, I promise) that, knowing that she hates straight and gay men, I wonder how she feels about men who get a sex change? <alcar> they're spies :p <Caltak> makes a twisted kind of sense, I suppose. <Caltak> Or, they could be refugees! But she does seem like the genocidal general nazi type. Session 4.1<AlcarGm> Diane looks over at boy #1. "Bindings," she hisses. "The only thing that can bind your kind is death." And smiles, or at least her mouth moves. "I can kill him."<Hugh`> "We've tried that already." <AlcarGm> That almost causes her to pause. "I will do it, then, and she steps forward, giving you as much space as possible :p <Hugh`> I thought of a terrible spell Diane might want to develop someday: A spell that transforms a man into nothing more than their sex organ. That way, they wouldnt be able to try to enslave women, and the reverse would be true. They'd just be a living sex toy. :) Quite disturbing, but effective, if she could get it to work. <AlcarGm> lol! Yeah. <Hugh`> (( Im almost ready to refuse to use Spark anymore. )) * Hugh` looks back at Boy 1, and smiles slightly, despite himself. "Now, darkness begone!" *places his hand on Boy 1 head like a faith healer, and tries to push it all out again with the pure light.* <Hugh`> d100 <The_Computer> Hugh` d100: 96 <Hugh`> (( X_X )) <Hugh`> (( *explodes* )) <AlcarGm> (( pls reroll :p )) <AlcarGm> (( just so I don't have to kill Hugh now in areally horrible manner inolving a visit to a certain city :) )) <Hugh`> d100 <The_Computer> Hugh` d100: 2 <Hugh`> (( damn, 1 woudla been nice. But damn, thats one bipolar bot! )) <AlcarGm> <Lance> shakes his head. "You're not good at lying, boy. I'm a cop. That doesn't mean I have to be your enemy in this." <Hugh`> "What if you don't like my answers, though?" <AlcarGm> <Lance> "I prefer those to lies." <Hugh`> "Allright then. I'm telling you, though, the truth doesn't make any sense." <AlcarGm> <Lance> "Besides, you'd be surprised what I believe. I believe that we have free will, that the illuminati exist, that our world was created less than five hours ago, that life is eternal, that death is the end, that there is bein and unbeng and there is no other mystery than that, that the one qustion all philosophy boils down to is "why is there something, instead of nothing" and that it is also rendered "What, me worry?" <AlcarGm> I believe that one person can make a difference, that the world is more complex that we understand, and that simple things are as complex as we make them." <Hugh`> "Do you believe in magic and space aliens?" <BrooklynKnight> (Only Alcar..........only Alcar...) <AlcarGm> (( what? )) <BrooklynKnight> (only you could come up with that lol) <Hugh`> (( everything but that "our world was created less than five hours ago" comment works for me :P )) <AlcarGm> <Lance> "I know magic existgs. Aliens, well, they're just another kind of magic." <AlcarGm> <Lance> shrugs "magic is an easy term to use. Miracles are magic. Life is magic, Birth is magic. Advertising is magic. Repetition is magic. Names are magic. Most things are. Weird, on the other hand. Most people don't like to believe in weirdness. Real aliens, like the little grey men, that's weird." <AlcarGm> <Lance> "So is flying vans. Magic, you see, is tricks. Real or not, it's all just tricks. Fooling an audience, even if that audience is the universe itself. Weird stuff, well, it happens and doesn't give a shit." Session 4.2<AlcarGM> Boy #2 relaxes, a little. <I felt him, there. Something....> he shakes his head, looking lost. <Even when he *hurt* me, he was still .... but ...> He looks at you pleadingly <How? He's *GONE!* He's not in me, not together, not...><Hugh`> <He's not gone completely. Once we see if Charlie can maybe give him a soul, or we at least find some way to keep the darkness out for good, then I can probably fix him. It'll take a long time, but... eventually, I'm sure he'll be all better.> <AlcarGM> Boy #2 shakes his head. <He's not....> and you get something, like a lost arm feeling, but deeper ..... and loss .... and the analogy breaks down breaks down completely. Just a "missing" feeling. Boy #2 blinks. <I can't .. I can't hear him. Can't feel him...> <Hugh`> <Well, even so... I know he's all you had for a long time, but you don't *need* him, really. You can be your own person, like everyone else.> <Hugh`> (( hehe, I like how weird that last sentance sounded. )) <AlcarGM> Boy #2 gives you a blank look, like you'd told him to grow wings. <But the rest of me is gone.> <Hugh`> "It... turns out you were right, something took him. But it was glowing, and coming from the sky, apparently." <AlcarGM> Boy #2 gives you a puzzled look. <Glowing?> * Hugh` nods. "That's what she said." <AlcarGM> Boy #2: <That doesn't make sense. We don't like the sun. It took him?> <AlcarGM> Boy #2: <Will it keep him?> <Hugh`> "I'm not sure. So, you have no idea what it could be?" <AlcarGM> He shakes his head. <But he's gone, in here ...> he trails off. <I don't know where he is. He's not in the dark. He's not here. He's.. gone.> <Hugh`> "Maybe it was aliens, then. Though why they'd show up randomly like that..." *shrugs* <AlcarGM> Boy #2: <There are aliens? I've never met one.> <AlcarGM> (( hello? They're always random, like with cows :p )) <Hugh`> "Well, I think there probably are." <AlcarGM> Boy #2 <Oh. They can't have him,> firmly. <Hugh`> (( thats not random! Its important scientifi research. You know, like the anal probing. )) <AlcarGM> (( best not tell boy #2 about that part, or he'll be sure he's alien :p )) <AlcarGM> (( actually, that makes for an amusing logic.... )) <Hugh`> (( X_X )) <Alicia> Then again, denying them that strongly would probably make them adepts (read "fucked in the head") anyway <alcar> heh, depends on what they deny, really. <alcar> I mean, someone could deny, oh, that the Holocaust happened, and live just fine. Some people can have no emotions, and live ..well .. probably not fine, but fuctional (and enough hardened madness notices basically does shut emotions off) <Alicia> People do deny that the Holocaust happened. x.x <alcar> Yep :) <Alicia> It's pretty hard to deny that it happened to the extent that adept-hood would need anyway, even if it could grant adepthood * alcar worked with someone who did that, It was quite interesting talking to her * alcar nos. It could be done, as a paradox, if, say, the person believing that was a Jew, and their parents died in a concentration camp. * alcar isn't sure if it would warrant aschool, or just being insane, tho :p <Alicia> By the time you reach adept-level denial of something, it's the adepts that are the LEAST scary <alcar> yeah :) <Alicia> Wisdom through ignorance. How's that for a paradox? <Alicia> I don't even know what it'd do <alcar> that'd be a great paradox :) <Alicia> Taboo: Learning things <Alicia> ... damn, that makes character advancement hard <alcar> lol. It's impossible to *not* learn things :) <Alicia> How do you discard the *ENTIRE* beliefs of society? (I don't even know what the entire beliefs of society even are) <alcar> hrm, could do it for all beliefs contrary to youtr oewn. But you'd be in jail very quickly :P <Alicia> But unless the <odd belief> is specific to the character, what would it be? <alcar> "But of could my son wanted me to have sex, sex is God's way of making sure we enjoy our time on earth, and I think we hould be allowed to whenever we wan .. what? your objection is that he is 3? What kind of silly objection is that?!" Session 5<AlcarGM> Jane: "Who is the blessed virgin. Your sister?"<Billy`^> "Uhm... I don't think so, I think it has something to do with their religion." <Billy`^> How old does jane look? <AlcarGM> 16 or so. <Billy`^> how old is billy? >< <Billy`^> i forget =p <AlcarGM> .... <AlcarGM> Uhm, 17 or 18, I think. <Billy`^> 16-18 don't remember <AlcarGM> Skinner: "What do you mean, what do I want? It's monday, or have you forgotten you have students," his voice dripping with sarcasm <Mac> "Are you sure its Monday? Last time I got up it was Sunday." <AlcarGM> Skinner: ".. Well, there are students here. O'Rye is planning to hold a funeral, for a dog, at noon. So yes, it would be monday. Too much drinking again?" <Mac> "Alright, alright. No need to go starting rumors. I'll be there shortly." <AlcarGM> Skinner hangs up in reply. <AlcarGM> He doesn't like you much. Then again, he doesn't like anyone much. <Mac> That makes me feel better. Almost. Were it not you saying that. :P <AlcarGM> Okay, you gather yourself quickly, and get to school without breaking the speed limit, barely :p <AlcarGM> It's about 5 minutes before classes and a few of your more eager students are already in class, waiting for you. <Mac> While setting my things down, and getting ready speaks off towards those already here. <Mac> "So, I got a call from the vice principal this morning. Apparently it isn't Sunday." <AlcarGM> A few of them give you confused looks. <AlcarGM> One of them - Roy - says "But it is Sunday.." <AlcarGM> j/k <Mac> omg, Sara has a sister now?! When did this happen? I thought she only had daughters and sons and granddaughters/sons, etc. <Billy`^> sara can't get pregnant i don't think <Billy`^> OMG! <Billy`^> austin powers meets sara <Billy`^> Powers: "Do i make you horny baby?" Sara:"No, but let's have sex!" <Hugh`> You can't make someone something they are constantly. <Billy`^> I don't think she does it because she's horny, i think she does it to entertain herself... like going to the movies <Billy`^> or watching tv <Billy`^> replace every time she says 'sex' with 'tv' or something she would actually sound normal <Hugh`> I liked it more when she did it to make trees. <Billy`^> "Moire... Where do you come from?" <AlcarGM> Jane: "Here." * Billy`^ whipes himself down and walks out the door. * Billy`^ goes to the office to tell of his uh... visiting realative... <AlcarGM`> Okay, Maureen Brown is at the office, since she's the secretary. She smiles at you. "morning, Billy. Can I help you?" <Billy`^> "My uh... Mother's father's sister's brother's aunt's nephew's daughter is visiting from uh... Utah... today. There should be a note that she'll be going to classes with me her family is looking into... moving here...." <AlcarGM`> Maureen: "Your .. what?" <AlcarGM`> Maureen: "What does that make her?" <Billy`^> "She's my Great Aunt." turning red. <AlcarGM`> Maureen & Jane: "What?" <AlcarGm> VP Skinner comes on the PA system to inform everyone that lunch is being held outside today behind the school. "Professor O'Rye has asked for, and been granted permission, to bury Biko on school grounds. Attendance at the funeral is mandatory," flatly. "You may eat lunch during it. Thank you." <Billy`^> (( LoL! You may eat lunch durring the funural >< )) <AlcarGm> (( yeah :) Skinner is special:p )) <AlcarGm> Computers is easy, mostly because most of the students in the class spend their time thinking in code, or about rpgs, and firs tperson shooters using the school as a level. <Hugh`> (( Ive actually thought about all three of those. )) <AlcarGM`> You are, luckily, the only person who catches Sara wondering what sex with dead people would be like. <AlcarGM`> make that unluckily. She has very good visuals. <Hugh`> ewwwww <AlcarGm> yeah :P <AlcarGm> The cafeteria is about half full., and surprisingly quiet for a change. Mr Skinner, doing the lunch duty, is wondering if killing someone every day wuold keep students quiet. <AlcarGm> The old cafeteria ladies you're sure aren't triplets but you can never tell apart give you the sandwich. You'tre almost sure you don't hear thoughts form the sandwich, begging you not to eat it. <AlcarGm> It does actually taste edible, at least. <Hugh`> (( Im almost sure I dont? hear it? :P )) <AlcarGm> (( yeah. It could be a figment of your imagination :) )) * Hugh` looks at the inside before eating it, at any rate. <AlcarGm> it's a normal sandwich. Egg salad :p <AlcarGm> Your afternoon classes are mostly a blur, since you're busy trying to digest the sandwich, and the teachers and students are mostly thinking about the funeral, and the death of Handyman Joe. No one has officially said anything, but his head wads found in the fountain in the garden of the mayor's residence last night.... <Hugh`> (( !!! )) <Hugh`> (( wow, random murders abound. )) <Billy`^> (( The fun part is that no one cares )) <Hugh`> (( lol! )) <Hugh`> (( that's so mean. )) <AlcarGm> (( lol. The community does. Is going ot be demonstrations tonight, and everything :) )) <AlcarGm> (( unfortunately, that's not really going to catch the killer :p )) <AlcarGm> Mrs Colgate left an apple pie, which boy #2 is staring at curiously. Also a note saying "Hubert - came by, but you must have walked home. I saw your houseguess in the living room and he let me in. He was shy. I could have sworn I've seen him around before?" <AlcarGm> Boy #2 looks up when you enter, and loooks at the pie and blushs. <Hugh`> "Ah well, I guess if you were going to break a rule, she was the best one to break it for." <AlcarGm> Boy #2 loosk down at his feet, and nods. * Hugh` smiles. "Besides, free food is good." * Hugh` cuts a slice and puts it on a plate, then goes and calls up Mrs. Colgate to thank her. <Hugh`> (( Mrs. C: "What pie? What are you talking about, dear?" *Poison kicks in...* )) <AlcarGm> Okay. You walk outside. The air is fresh and clean, Sara is having sex on the roof of her house with two college guys. Saras mother is screaming "GET DOWN, WHORE OF BABYLON!" from below, with a broom in one hand. * Hugh` hurries past. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 stops for a bit to watch, curious, then follows you. <Smells like rotten grapes.> <Hugh`> "Wine?" <AlcarGm> Boy #2. <Dead things. Rotting, but looking pretty?> <AlcarGm> You catch Sara asking her mother, sincrely, if she'd like to come up and join them. * Hugh` continues on. <AlcarGm> The rest of the walk is rather pleasant, as far as the woods go. <AlcarGm> The town is mostly quiet when you arrive, since anyone who can make it is at the fair. <Hugh`> (( god I love that fair. )) <AlcarGm> (( yeah :) Keep thinking that :P )) <AlcarGm> You enter and notice some grafittii on the door, bright red <AlcarGm> You have NO Soles![crossed out and Souls! written under it] * Hugh` nods. "Yeah, with drugs. Drugs are hell." * Hugh` looks at the grafittit for a moment. "Hmm. These vandals know too much." *muttered* <AlcarGm> The poster says.. <AlcarGm> Women don't belong in cages <AlcarGm> 80% of imprisoned women are inside for poverty-realted offenses <AlcarGm> 90% of aboriginal and 82% of all women in prison are survivors of incest, rape or physical assault <AlcarGm> The number of women in prison increased 200% in the past 15 years <AlcarGm> Prisons are the real crime Session 5.1<Dawson> Maybe I should look up some therapists or something... I've seen a bit too much violence for my own good.* Dawson recalls dismembered animals, stabbing a close friend, watching horrors.... * Dawson shivers. <AlcarGM> (( and the day isn't over yet! )) <Dawson> (( lol... wait until i open the door to my room )) <Dawson> (( the walls will be like made of bleeding flesh or something. )) <Dawson> "What the--' * Dawson looks around stunned <Dawson> Where am I standing? Anything special on the floor? <AlcarGM> The world looks normal. Almost obscenely so. Nothing around you strikes you as odd, or unusual. Not until you notice the large black dog at the far end of the hallway, watching you, it's eyes looking like banked fires. You have no idea how it got there. <Dawson> And how's Debbie... haven't seen her since the party... and what about Sara... she didn't even talk to me there... and WHAT THE HELL * Dawson looks at the black dog. <Dawson> (( THE GRIMM! ^_^ )) <Dawson> "Alex?" * Dawson draws his gun. <AlcarGM> The dog looks back at you, and starts. Then growls, low and deep. <AlcarGM> (( lol. No :p )) <Dawson> "Security!" <Dawson> "Puppy... puppy?" <Dawson> "Uh. It looks kind of smart. Not like entirely viscious. Sentient." <Dawson> "I don't know if that's good or bad." <AlcarGM> Reid: "Bad." * Dawson looks around. <AlcarGM> He points his gun at the dog. "You - dog. This is a gun. It tends to hurt." <Dawson> I'm rich. I probably have silver around here somewhere. <AlcarGM> Well, yeah. You notice the candlestick about 5' in front of you attached to the wall is silver :) <Dawson> Could I rip it out? <AlcarGM> The dog growls at Reid and begins advancing towards both of you, stiff-legged. * Dawson rips it out. <Dawson> "Look. One step closer it'll be Dawson, In The Lobby, With The Silver Candlestick." Session 5.2<AlcarGm> Charlie beckons both of you over with a wave of his hand. "Sit. it does the chakras good."<Hugh`> "So, it's up to him now, is what you're saying?" <alcargm> Boy #2 <Where did you go?> to the air. <Crying, But you never heard me. You never heard us.> <alcargm> <Charlie> nods. "Something happened to him, to change his eyes, to change him. The shock removed his soul, or some of it. He needs to find the courage to find it, and his own past." <alcargm> <Charlie> "The rest is window dressing." <Hugh`> "Ah, I see." <alcargm> Boy #2 raises a hand, as if touching something. <I thought.> He stiffens, scrambling to his feet and covering his ears. <NO! No! Nononononno! Dead. You're dead. He's dead. Both of them dead, gone. Go aeway...> he steps back to the edge of the circle and stops, unable to leave it. <Stop saying that!> <alcargm> <Charlie> looks at the circle. "Well, mostly window dressing," calmly. * Hugh` steps in front of charlie, and pulls the flashlight to himself, switching it on and aiming it at the approaching darkness. <alcargm> <Charlie> takes a few steps backwards. "Everyone has a mother. Theresa. Diana. Dionne. Olgi. I invoke thee...." <alcargm> Boy #2 jerks his head up, as if listening to something, and screams <NO! GO ..... you're not my mother. Not my ... not..... daddy.. not my...> and he collapses. <alcargm> The light hits the pool of darkness.. .. there is a hissing noise, perhaps darkness fading, perhaps something in it hissing at you, cat-like... and the pool vanishes.... <alcargm> the building trembles slightly, like a minor earthquake rocked the area. <alcargm> <Charlie> "By the ... oh." <alcargm> <Charlie> looks at you. "Good idea." * Hugh` grins, nodding to Charlie. "Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one, I guess. Light destorys darkness." * Hugh` runs over to where Boy 2 collapsed. <alcargm> <Charlie> "Not always. The darkness is always there, when the light goes away. And in the dark places, where there is no light, the light makes them darker still." <alcargm> Okay, youcross the circle. Boy #2 is curled up in a fetal position, sobbing and screaming inside his head. You get <no ...> <hurrt..> <but we ..> <daddy? you're nt my mummy. not my....> and nothing except a very loud scream after that, that doesn't show any signs of ending. <alcargm> <Charlie> dusts rosemary off his hands. "That went well. How is he?" <Hugh`> "Let's head home for now." <alcargm> Boy #2 <It didn't work?> <alcargm> He nods once and follows you outside <Hugh`> "Oh, it worked a little, but it didn't come all back at once. We'll have to try it one more time, but I'll do it with you, so it should be better." * Hugh` starts heading back home. <alcargm> Boy #2 follows. <But you could get ... hurt.> <Hugh`> "Nah, we'll bring this flashlight again, and Charlie can hold onto it, so he can make the darkness go away if it comes." <alcargm> Boy #2: <But that's just the darkness outside of the head.> <GeminiRai> (( He can shine it in your ears )) <alcargm`> Okay, you walk home. People are returning form the fair since it's close to 8 pm and they have to bring kids home. Oddly, thee is a lot more traffic than you'd expect foir downtown Millhaven on a Monday night. a lot of pamplets up, with slogans like "Don't let your child be next!", "Smnall towns shouldn't have big crimes!", "Elect a mayory who doesn't had dead men's heads in her fountain!" and "Take back the night!" <Hugh`> (( 1) why does the order matter anyway? It'll happen eventually. 2) That's naieve. 3) Good luck finding one! 4) Did we ever really have it? )) * alcar grins. Sometime Tuesday morning teh aliens are going to buzz Hugh's :p <alcar> it should be fun. * alcar was going to have the abduct Sara, but that would be mean to them. <Caltak> indeed <Caltak> unless they're really horny aliens. <alcar> she'd make them into horny aliens. * alcar would feel to bad for them :) <alcar> "So you're saying this girl stopped the alien invasion?" "Yes, sir." "Isn't the president giving her a medal?" "He's, ah, talking to her in, uh, private right now." <alcar> "Oh, dear. Does his wife know?" "She's in there taking notes." <Tass> mmmmmmmm... probed... * alcar nods. Yeah. I have this image of anal probing aliens coming to earth and needing help because they can't reproduce :p <alcar> not UA enough, tho. Session 6<AlcarGm> The TV screen has turned from test pattern to static as well.<Hugh`> "Well, it looks suspiciously as though something is somehow jamming all forms of communication. But it might just be a coincidence." <Hugh`> (( and suddenly my voice changes to static... :P j/k )) <AlcarGm> you notice that the old VCR has the same thing .. .instead of te numbers blinking on and off at 12:00 they've change to 3:33 on thei rown, and look all fuzxzy, but you've never heard of a vcr being staticy... <Hugh`> "Ok... that's freaky." * Hugh` unplugs the TV and VCR. <AlcarGm> The static on the TV screen continues... if anything, it gets louder, filled with a buzzing sound, a chainsaw. <Hugh`> "Ok, yeah, that's definately not normal." * Hugh` pinches himself a few times. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 knows enouggh about the tv now to know it shouldn't be working now and pokes it with his finger. Nothing happens. He looks up at you, confused, and pinches you as well, seeing as how you seem to want it. <Hugh`> "Ok, so I'm not dreaming." *looks out the window* <AlcarGm> You see a fucking flying saucer. In your backyard. It looks like someone lifted it from A B movie. <AlcarGm> http://www.unc.edu/~alanj/images/Flying%20Saucer.JPG <AlcarGm> Boy #2 looks at it, then at you disbelievingly. <Hugh`> "Um. I thought we determined I wasn't dreaming..." <Hugh`> (( with the flag on it, too? :P )) <AlcarGm> (( yep :p )) <AlcarGm> Lacy Stucco comes up to the front door, briefcase in hand, still angry and wondering why the hell Lance dragged her out here ot repay the damned favour anyway. <AlcarGm> She knocks on the door firmly, almost pounding on it. * Hugh` opens it right away, smiling. "Hello." <AlcarGm> lacy Stucco doesn't smile. She forgot how to after the 3rd year of broken homes. Her glare doesn't sofen as she *stares* into you, as if willing herself to see what evils you've done. "Lacy Stucco, child services," crisply, handing you her badge. "May I come in?" in a tone that suggests if you say no, there will be a swat team here within the hour <AlcarGm> Shockingly, you don't find Sara at the ferris wheel. A lot of children, and their parents, though. * Billy`^ scratches his head <Billy`^> "Odd... Let's look around..." * Billy`^ looks for a phone booth <AlcarGm> You find one with a homeless man in it, looking for loose change. He's currently peeling his shirt off and looking at his bare chest sobbing "But I'm Superman. Superman." * Billy`^ knocks on the door "Can I use that phone?" <AlcarGm> The homeless man looks up, confused. "I guess.. I can't use it. I try, but I can't. I just can't even fly anymore..." he stumbles out of it. <AlcarGm> (( and yeah, videomancers are fun :p )) <Alicia> ( Woah, that's an actual adept? ) <AlcarGm> (( no, it was superman. brought over by a 13 year old adept a few months ago. )) <AlcarGm> (( real life hasn't suited him at all. )) <Hugh`> (( poor Clark. )) <AlcarGm> (( clark didn't come :p )) <Hugh`> (( ah, even worse. )) <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> frowns at you, as if you are stupid, then says "Then what are you?" to boy #2. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 stares at her, then shrugs. The air changes, subtly, and his eyes get wider than eyes should, then return to normal. <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> turns a dirty shade of white. <AlcarGm> boy #2 gives her an apologetic look. <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> "Lance is..." hoarsely. She recovers rather quickly, though. "I'll need your name, date of birth, address, and everything else. What relation do you want him to be?" <Hugh`> "Oh, cousin or something, maybe. That's what I originally told Lance." *gives the other info* <AlcarGm> She nods, taking it down on a legal pad and not looking at boy #2 anymore. She just wants out of here now, and this freakshow. But if she ever figures you're hurting - wait, it's not human - even so ... and the image that followes is her .. eating you .... literally..... <AlcarGm> and you know she's done it before.... <Hugh`> (( uhhhhhh--- )) <AlcarGm> (( eating as in killing, and devouring your body. )) <AlcarGm> (( to make it clear :p )) <Hugh`> (( yeah thats a little clearer. But still. )) <Billy`^> "Ok, then that's one person we've helped... who next?" <AlcarGm> jane shrugs. "I'm not sure. Your mother seemed stressed." <Billy`^> "You want to go make ammends with her?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "You don't think she would?" <Billy`^> "Well, getting a call from my gym teacher, plus jill.. She's going to be rather ticked.." <AlcarGm> Jane: "Oh. So I should stay in the tree tonight, then?" * Billy`^ shrugs "You can try to make up to her... the only way you'd be able to stay in my room is if you convince them you're only a friend... and if you wear clothes..." <AlcarGm> Jane blinks. "In bed? What would be the point of wearing clothes in bed?" <AlcarGm> A passing mother covers her sons ears and hurries past after giving the two of you a dirty look. <Billy`^> "To not piss my mom off?" <Hugh`> <Hey, you've seen me eat the stuff, think you can pretend, just to make her happy?> <AlcarGm> Boy #2 is staring at the food in horror. He senses the link and looks up. <I can try.> * Hugh` nods to her. "Of course." *serves them each a peice* <AlcarGm> Boy #2 watches her intently following her in picking up the fork. The social worker looks a bit confused but has a bite anyway. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 has one also, then looks confused. <Where do I put it?> <Hugh`> <Uhh... your mouth doesnt connect to anything?> <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> takes another bite of the pie, belatedly realising youmshould be heating some too because this could be a plot for you to kill off her and your "son" * Hugh` gets himself a peice silently. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 blinks. <Connect to something?> <Hugh`> <Yeah like, we have a tube that goes down our neck into a big organ in our torso, and that's where the food goes.> <Hugh`> (( this is why he needs schooling. )) <AlcarGm> Boy #2 tries to swallow, then looks panicked. <I don't do that.> <AlcarGm> (( and, in retropsect, that makes a terrible out of context quote )) <Hugh`> (( yeah, it does. )) * Hugh` starts eating his piece. <AlcarGm> The toilet flushes. <AlcarGm> Boy #2 comes back. <I put the wite paper in too,> proudly. <You do that too, right?> <Hugh`> <Uh, how much did you put in, exactly?> <AlcarGm> Boy #2: <Only half.> <AlcarGm> Boy #2: <Was that not enough?> <Hugh`> <Of the roll?> <AlcarGm> he nods. <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> "You don't like pie?" <Hugh`> <Oh, and she noticed you werent swallowing.> <AlcarGm> Boy #2 blinks, looking at her warily as if expecting a trap, then shakes his head. <AlcarGm> Boy #2: <Oh.> <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> What do you like to eat? <AlcarGm> <Lacy Stucco> 'I assume you hav e food in the fridge he likes?" <Hugh`> (( why didnt I jsut let her leave? dear god why... *weeps* )) <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "You ..... sleeping with a girl, in your bed! Skipping classes QUITTING the football team! Leaving the toilet seat up!" <Billy`^> "Whoa, that last one was dad." <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "Don't change the subject, William! I have had enough of this! Tomorrow, you are seeing a psychiatrist! And that ... woman .. isn't allowed in this house, ever again!"" <AlcarGm> Jane: "What about the oak tree?" * Billy`^ elbows jane <Hugh`> (( you should both go live in the oak tree )) <AlcarGm> Jane "What? Not that it's really yours any ....." * Billy`^ clears his throat <AlcarGm> Mary Flan, a little derailed, says "Not on our property, at all! I'll get a retraining order!" <AlcarGm> Jane, not wanting to be elbowed again, says nothing. <Billy`^> "Will you deny my lover from my own house!? Do you not love ME!? I can't believe you! I am leaving WITH JANE and if you see me again, maybe we'll talk sensible!" <AlcarGm> Your mother glares at you. "You're what?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "You're what?" * Billy`^ grabs Jane and hauls ass out of the house <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" * Billy`^ runs... fast * Billy`^ is now known as Chaos`^ <Chaos`^> I"m gunna regret this later <AlcarGm> lol. One pc is running away from home witha girl from an oak tree and another is standing in front of a fridge with a social worker who is trying to gdet boy #2 ot eat food, since she thinks he's anorexic. <AlcarGm> Good ending... Session 7<Billy`^> what's hugh doing?<Hugh`> Well, definately not naked with an old guy and a child, I'll tell you that. <Billy`^> ... <Billy`^> you are one sick man alcar <AlcarGm> me? <AlcarGm> Why me? :p <Billy`^> You made him do it! <AlcarGm> Jill screams "What the fuck are you going on about?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "The truth, of course. Or a truth. You can refuse to accept it, if you want to, but that doesn't change the facts." <AlcarGm> Jill: "Shut up!" <AlcarGm> She raises her hand to slap Jane and there is a switchblade in Jane's hands. Her smile is sharp, and her eyes cold. <Billy`^> "No!" quietly <AlcarGm> Jane (almost purring) "No one hurts me, anymore. No one." <AlcarGm> Jill backs away: "You .. you're insane!" * Billy`^ runs at jane, tackling her <AlcarGm> The switchblade has vanished from Jane's hand as if it never existed and you run, and encounter empty air. She side-steeped you, but seemed to step sideways further than a person should, as if vanishing for a moment. * Billy`^ tumbles and rolls <AlcarGm> Jill screams "Billy! What the fuck are you playing at!" She's crying, with anger, and love, and a lot of frusturation. * Billy`^ stands and stares at Jane <AlcarGm> Jane shakes her head. "No one is playing, girl. Give a bird wings and it will fly away." <Billy`^> "What are you playing at Jane? Why did you pull a weapon on her?" <AlcarGm> Jane: "She tried to hit me," as if it should be blindingly obvious. <AlcarGm> Jill: "YOU'RE A PSYCHO WITCH ON PMS!" <Billy`^> "She tried to hit you with her hand, not a knife! There's a differance!" <AlcarGm> Jane: "A weapon is a weapon," patiently. <Billy`^> "No, Jane, it isn't. Jill, go home." <AlcarGm> Jill: "Go home! Go home! I've had it with you! You're coming home *right now* or I swear to God I'm calling the cops and getting this bitch charged!" <AlcarGm> Jane: "I don't need charges. I don't do magick." * Billy`^ holds her arms "Jill. I am not going home." <AlcarGm> Jil: "You *gasp* need *struggle* Help!" <Billy`^> "If anyone needs help here, Jill, it's you." <AlcarGm> Jill: "I don't think I'm a dead person! Let me go!" <AlcarGm> Frank Tiller, one of the two night officers of the Millhaven PD, gets out of his squad car. "What seems to be the problem here.... Barry? Barry Downing? You have .. batmen boxers?" * Billy`^ laughs <AlcarGm> Good Samaritan: "Uh, they're my son ..... uh ... someones.... Look, this .. boy . .was trying to rape this girl, Frank!" <Billy`^> "Batman came at me with a shotgun... That would make a T-shirt.." <AlcarGm> Frank's voice, above you, no longer amused. "Is that so?" <AlcarGm> Jill's voice: "Uh ....." in the tone of someone who is realizing that this may not, in fact, have been the best idea, even if her brother is bonkers. "Yes? Yes. Yes! he did." <AlcarGm> Frank: ".... right." * Billy`^ just stays quiet <Billy`^> "I guess an orange suit is better than a white suit with long sleeves..." TO himself... and jill... <AlcarGm> Charlie walks over and says "Be still,"and stabs Boy #2 in the heart. <AlcarGm> Then things get weird. <AlcarGm> He walks over to Jill, with his notebook. Jill is looking around for Jane, confused, and then begins answering questions, hesitantly. She looks over at you a time or two and then looks away again quickly. <AlcarGm> abot 5 minutes later Frank comes back to the car and goes into the front, driving ot the station. There is protective glass between the front and back and he isn't lowering it, but from time to time he stares at you in the rearview mirror with a look of loathing that makes you feel like the scum of the earth, even though you did nothing <Billy`^> Nah, it's cool <AlcarGm> cool? :p <Billy`^> Jill feels guilty <Billy`^> enough to make her stomach rumble <AlcarGm> You do know that blaming the woman is the rapists first defense, right? <AlcarGm> So, one pc just astrally killed an npc and is now in his memories, and another is in jail for raping his sister.... <Billy`^> "SO, are you going to take me out back and shoot me?" <AlcarGm> Frank: "Oh. Too bad." he shoves you ahead of him and into the police station, stepping on your heels painfully along the way. <AlcarGm> Frank: "Not today. We should. It'll kill your mother when she finds out what you did, you fuck." <Billy`^> "Maybe everyone would feel better if I were dead, right? Isn't that how it works?" <AlcarGm> Frank: "Oh, no," softly. "You'll get to go to jai. With prisoners named Buff and Butch and be their little girl." * Billy`^ laughs <Billy`^> "Yeah, probably. It's better than Hastings I supose." <Billy`^> (( hastings being the town where the mental institution in nebraska is ;)) <AlcarGm> The office is empty, except for Maureen Brown, the school secretary, who works here nights. Maureen stares at you, looking sadened and rather sickened.... a look in her eyes of broken hopes. <AlcarGm> (( lol. Just one for the state? :p )) <Billy`^> (( Hai Low population means less crazy people =p )) <AlcarGm> (( But I have a town in Nebraska now! The crazy people number is lots bigger now :p )) <Billy`^> (( Indeed, they may need another town to hold your town )) <AlcarGm> There is a small window, at head height. You can pull off the bars and crawl out. Well, you could if this was D&D. Unfortunately, you could only crawl out if you were a deformed fetus being shot between bars. <AlcarGm> The old man nods, then doubles over and throws up on the floor. He sits back up a few moments, later, wiping his beard and face off, not very well. "I'm .... David," with almost a question on the word. "I'm not drunk. They just think I am. I'm shober. It's my twin brother who's drunk." <Billy`^> "Right. So that's why you're here?" <AlcarGm> David: "His name is dave," speaking to your left shoulder. <AlcarGm> The old man pauses a long time, then says "That's my name too," as if just discovering the fact. He looks horrified. <Billy`^> "How ironic." <AlcarGm> David: "No. No iron involved," firmly, as if a bit hesitantly. <Billy`^> "That's unfortunate. So are you your own twin brother?" * Billy`^ goes back to his bench <AlcarGm> David sways slightly, turning a sickly shade of lime green. "Fucker... won't stop drinking. Thinks he's Dion, he does. My head......." He cradles his head in his hands, whimpering to the tune of It's A Small World After All. The first seven notes. Over and over..... <Billy`^> "Dave, it's getting late, you better sleep." <AlcarGm> David: "Told you. Not dave. He's the ... drinker. I need something to eat," hoarsely. "Like rat poison. Show him who's the boss, yeah......" <AlcarGm> About 10 minutes later, she returns and tosses an apple through the bars. <AlcarGm> It hits the bed and bounces onto the floor. * Billy`^ stares at it... * Billy`^ looks at Jane and smiles sweetly <Billy`^> "So..." Quietly "How do you eat without hands?" <AlcarGm> You are still cuffed. You now wish you'd tried bobbie for apples at the Circus :p <AlcarGm> Jane: "With your teeth?" <AlcarGm> Your mother walks down the hallway to your cell, her expression indecipherable. * Billy`^ clears his throat and goes to the bench and sits * Billy`^ looks at her, keeping a poker face <AlcarGm> Mary Flan walks over to the cell, looking horrified at the vomit in the other cell. She stops and stares at you, searching your expression for something. "Billy?" <Billy`^> "Can I help you?" <AlcarGm> .... <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "..." <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "Pardon?" <AlcarGm> Mary Flan looks up. "Jill said you don't even think you're my son anymore!" <AlcarGm> She looks stricken and confused. <Billy`^> "That doesn't make me hate you." <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "Then why make up such a lie?!" <Billy`^> "What else did Jill tell you?" <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "There is more?!" <Billy`^> "More to what?" <AlcarGm> Mary Flan: "Sjhe said you think you're some .. some person from egypt, a king." She laughs, unconvincingly <Billy`^> "listen, Currently I"m up on criminal charges for attempted rape, incest and as much as frank likes me, Likely resisting arrest. I'm the on who should be asking questions here!" <Billy`^> is there even a charge for incest? <AlcarGm> Amanda looks you over, and at some paper on her desk. :"It seems you are here because you believe you are not Billy Flan, correct?" <AlcarGm> amanda: "Tell me about yourself." <Billy`^> "uuh... I go to school.. I used to be in football, but I decided it wasn't for me... Lately I've been hanging around the fair, but other than that I'm usually at home." <AlcarGm> amanda: "No, no what you do. Tell me about who you *are*." <Billy`^> "I'm affraid I don't understand." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Those are things that you do, not things that you are. They're not *you* Billy. You're not defined by them. Try again." * Billy`^ simply stares at her <Billy`^> "You DO have a degree right?" <AlcarGm> She points to the wall by the door. She does. <Billy`^> "Let's skip that question." <AlcarGm> amanda: "Why?" <AlcarGm> amanda: "What about being you bothers you so much?" <Billy`^> "It's not that it bothers me, it's that I don't know the answer you're looking for." <AlcarGm> amanda tsks. "I'm not looking for answers for me. You're looking for answers for yourslf. Who are you? Or, perhaps, are you?" <AlcarGm> She looks at you. "Why do you believe you're Qa'a?" <Billy`^> "Why not?" <AlcarGm> amanda: "That isn't an answer, that's an evasion." <AlcarGm> She waits. <Billy`^> "I'm sorry I thought we were in phylosophy still..." <AlcarGm> She continues to wait calmly. <Billy`^> "Well, let's see.. I seem to recall sitting five thousand years in a tomb... This was back when they didn't leave a deck of cards in tombs you see, I got rather bored... It's hard to forget that. I seem to have his memories... You know, the fun stuff as well as the bad stuff..." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "And what do you believe happened to Billy?" * Billy`^ shrugs <Billy`^> "What happens to people when their souls are destroyed?" <AlcarGm> Amanda pauses for a moment, then says "I think only God could answer that one, Billy." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Why do you believe Billys soul was destroyed?" <Billy`^> "I don't know what happened to his soul." <Billy`^> "That just seams the easiest to explain." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Then why do you think it was destroyed?" <Billy`^> "Because it seems the simplest solution." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "To what?" <Billy`^> "To your question." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "And because it's simple it's the right one?" <Billy`^> "Your question was, what do I think happened to billy. The right answer would be that I think only god could answer that one, Amanda." <AlcarGm> "But you believe his soul was destroyed? How does that make you feel?" * Billy`^ shrugs <Billy`^> "It's a pretty shitty existance to not exist..." <Billy`^> "I'm being accused of trying to rape Jill, after I wouldn't go home with her last night she decided that would get me home. She was wrong, it landed me in jail with a few battle scars from friendly frank." Pointing to his matted head, still smeared in blood <AlcarGm> Amanda nods slowly. "I see. According to the report, you resisted arrest?" <Billy`^> "According to the report." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "I see. Did you try and rape your sister?" <Billy`^> "No." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Why would she have said you tried to?" <Billy`^> "So that I wouldn't run away." <Billy`^> "Keep me in jail, keep me in town." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Do you think that cost her or hurt her?" * Billy`^ shrugs "I don't know Jill all that well, perhaps she's enjoying her time away from me, perhaps she feels bad, perhaps she doesn't really give a shit. I really couldn't say." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "Do you think she could have done it out of love for her brother?" <Billy`^> "I can think of better ways to get me to stay in town. I'll never be able to show my face without getting a dirty look again, even if the charges are dropped." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "What other ways could you see someone having used?" <Billy`^> "Well, calling me in as a runaway, for one. The least she could have done was corrected herself when the police came. Maybe just simply screaming." <Billy`^> "I almost got shot by a man in batman boxers." <AlcarGm> Amanda: "I see. Do you feel any remorse for what you've done, Mr. Flan?:" <Billy`^> "What have I done?" * Billy`^ looks at his watch "Don't I get an hour?" <AlcarGm> "We can book extra time next session." <Billy`^> "Uh-huh... We'll see about that, Amanda." * Billy`^ stands <AlcarGm> She raises her eyebrowns, but says nothing to your implied threat, just "Good evening." * AlcarGm is tempted to email bali with a game update for his pc he never played :p <Keith> LOL <Keith> and I thought I was being a bitch lately! * AlcarGm grins. I'm tempted to for the sheer fun of it :) <Billy`^> I call bullshit <Billy`^> Lance is a bad liar <AlcarGm> lol. Oh? :p <Billy`^> he tried to skip town with me <AlcarGm> he did? <Billy`^> Yeah <Billy`^> that's what those symbols were for * AlcarGm looks innocent <Keith> lol <Keith> your as innocent as a drug needle in a crack house <Billy`^> LoL Session 7.1<AlcarGM> The dog takes two steps backwards, looking confused, and then it's eyes get wide and it springs *into* the wall, and vanishes .<AlcarGM> Reid: :"Interssting. Back to back, watch the walls." <AlcarGm> Reid doesn't sound worried, or alarmed at all. <AlcarGm> You keep wondering what happened to the walls, and a small part of your mind is wondering how to exlain the candle-holder to the cleaning staff, since "I ripped it off to hit a dog" doesn't make sense, not that much does lately) <Dawson> "Alright" * Dawson does as he says, gun drawn obviously. <Dawson> "What about the floor?" <Dawson> (( i shouldn't have said that. )) <AlcarGm> Reid: "... Good point. Keep an eye on it, I'll watch the ceiling." <AlcarGm> And the the wall in front of you opens, like a seam splititng, and the dog comes out like a fetus aborted froma womb, all blood, guys and mucus, torn into pieces of raw flesh and bone skewered with shards of bloody glass * Dawson looks left and right, peripherial scans, keeping his eyes moving, guard ready. <Dawson> (( That was very... colorful alcar.)) <AlcarGm> The carcass falls to the floor with a meaty thud, the head rolling towards your feet <AlcarGm> (( thank you :p )) <AlcarGm> The carcass falls to the floor with a meaty thud, the head rolling towards your feet <AlcarGm> (( thank you :p )) <Dawson> "We-well damn that's-- sick man... sick..." <AlcarGm> Reid turns, keeping an eye on the walls, his gaxe trying to look everywhere at once. "Is it dead?" <Dawson> "I'm gonna guess yes." <AlcarGm> the head comes to a stop, and you notice the eyes have been removed, replaced with small pieces of yellow paper pinned into the cavities neatly with little pins. <Dawson> "Well, I think we all know who did that." <AlcarGm> The sound of footsteps reesolves itself into Karl, barrelling up stairs and gasping a little for breath. He's holding an uzi. <Dawson> "Howdy." <AlcarGm> Reid looks at you, curiously, perhaps warily. "We do?" <AlcarGm> Karl: "What is," he pauses to get his breath "Going on .. here?" <Dawson> "I thought it was Karl, but apparently not..." <Dawson> (( TEH BUTLER!!! )) <AlcarGm> Karl looks around, then sees the body, then stares. "What. The ...." His gaze snaps up, hard and unamused. "What the fuck happened here?" <Dawson> (( Sorry... I broke the candle holder. Oh, the corpse? )) <AlcarGm> Reid just smiles slightly, amused by your joke., and waits, keeping an eye on the walls. <Dawson> "Another Dog." <Dawson> "It went into the walls... but didn't last long" <AlcarGm> Karl: "Where did it come - " he stops. "It went into the walls?" he considers something, then says "The kitchen., now. I think you need drinks, and I'd rather not remain up here. Reid, take care of the body." <AlcarGm> Karl puts his gun away and walks back towards the stairs. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was shaken. <Dawson> (("Good idea, let's drink to... A FUCKING CORPSE OF A DOG ON THE FLOOR!")) * Dawson chews his breakfast heartily, savoring the possibly homosapien flesh as he munches. <AlcarGm> (( homosapien? Surely you jest. They had free dog. )) <Dawson> ((OH GOD NOT LASSIE!)) <AlcarGm> (( Lassie: The wishbone years.... )) <AlcarGm> Your first period passes largely with people in shock, and alot of them asking when you're next party will be, since the last one was cool. * Dawson keeps informed, talking about it but not sharing his personel involvement, and promising a party in a few weeks. <Dawson> This time to be held at perhaps a hotel, or less troublesome spot. <AlcarGm> (( a hellmouth. )) <Dawson> (( yeah, that sounds like less troublesome :) )) <AlcarGm> Professor O'Rye begins speaking, and while it's hard to hear him through the crowd, you do see's crying. Quite a frw people near him are as well, and he's obviously moved, and devastated. Slowly, people actually begin to shut up, and many students look confused, since this is the first real death they've seen in their sheltered lives, and the grief is too raw for them to accept. <AlcarGm> About half way through the lunch break, O'Rye finally stops speaking and buries the dog. Most of the students hurry away as quickly as possible, unnerved or confused. A few are angry about the wasted period. <AlcarGm> You overhear someone saying Sara would likely celebrate it by doing sex doggie-style with the class. <Dawson> (( Oh, that's tasteless.... I bet i know who said it too... )) Session 8<AlcarGM> Lance drives past the station. There's 3 newsvans, 1 of them state, other 2 local from Broken Bow, and some older women with signs aying "Take Back The Night" "Give Rapists What They Deserve!" and the like.* Billy`^ doesn't say anything <AlcarGM> He pulls in around back and shuts the car off. "I don't recommend leaving via the front. This on top of recent events is sort of the last match on a giant keg. People want answers, they want someone to blame." <kentari> :P Is it wrong that I read rapists as baptists? <Billy`^> "Well, that's not the only reason I ran, it's just the most imediate. My family also thinks I'm crazy, Jill wanted me home so that I could see the psychiatrist in the first place." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> "Why do they think you're crazy?" <Billy`^> "They say I've been acting strangely for a while." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> "Why are they saying that?" * Billy`^ clears his throat <AlcarGM> She waits. <Billy`^> "I told Jill that I"m an egyptian pharoh." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> blinks. <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> stares at you. "And .. why did you tell her this?" carefully. <Billy`^> "Well... I really don't want to talk about it so easily.. It's not something I just flaunt around." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> "I can't imagine why not." <Billy`^> "Your sarcasm doesn't make this any easier." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> "Doesn't make what any easier, Mr. Flan? Contrary to popular belief, people do not get off on insanity pleas. They end up locked up in hospitals." <Billy`^> "Easier to tell you about it... Anyway, that's what happened." <AlcarGM> Your lawyers listens. <Billy`^> (( That was my conclusion...)) <AlcarGM> (( UA pcs so don't mix well with the "real" world :) )) * Billy`^ looks at her "I'm not going for insanity." <Billy`^> "It just kind of... came along for the ride." <AlcarGM> <Alice Henderson> 'Then what *are* you going for?" <Billy`^> "So because I"m crazy, that makes me guilty? I don't get it?" Session 8.1<AlcarGM> Marc shakes his head, then whispers "Shadows with legs," quietly, as if the words are being dragged out of him. He stares off into space, somewhere above your left shoulder, not looking at you.* Dawson takes a quick glance behind him, checking for something he knows he cannot see but is there, like atoms. Session 9<AlcarGM`> The creature desn't blink and raises one hand, in a peace sign a la Star Trek. You notice it has 3 fingers, oddly jointed. You're not sure if it's metal or flesh. The voice that comes out is strange, accentless and without sex.: "We-are-here-for-the-subject.-Stop.-Please-hand-it-over.-We-can-offer-coupons."<Billy`^> "What? What subject?" <AlcarGM`> Thue creature lowerss it's hand and steps backwards, staring up at you in silence. "We-are-here-for-the-subject," it repeats, a little louder. The TV turns itself on again behind you, except there is no static, just smoke coming out of the back of it.... and the smell of burning plastic <Billy`^> "The tv?" <AlcarGM`> The creature stands, unmoving. "No-Stop-The-Other-One-We-Seek.-Stop-Not-Human--Question." <Billy`^> "Could you speak clearly, I can't really understand..." <AlcarGM`> "User-Interface-Is-Unacceptable-Question." <Billy`^> "I said.. What do you want from me?" <AlcarGM`> She nods. "We could go out. I like pool. I won these clothes in it." She grins. "And money, which is nice, even if it is made from trees." <Billy`^> "It's not." <AlcarGM`> Jane: "it's not?" <Billy`^> "Not trees, but plants... cotton." <AlcarGM`> Jane: "Well, that makes it better then. It's not like plants feel pain, after all," dryly.\ <Billy`^> "You're saying they do?" <AlcarGM`> Jane grins, then slowly stops grinning and stares at you. "You're saying they don't?" in a baffled voice <Billy`^> "Well, no.. BUT if they did, then why don't they tell anyone?" <AlcarGM`> Jane: "Something has to tell you it's in pain for you to feel it?" She gives you an astonished look. "I think I understand romance now." <Billy`^> "yeah." <AlcarGM`> Jane shrugs. "I don't know. O'Malleys bar has pool, I was told. But they play better there. How well do you play?" <Billy`^> "I don't." <AlcarGM`> Jane stares at you. "Why not?" * Billy`^ shrugs <Billy`^> "Just never tried it." <AlcarGM`> Jane: "Chess?" * Billy`^ shakes his head <AlcarGM`> Jane frowns. "What about from Egypt? What games did you play to follow the ways of Heaven?" * Billy`^ shrugs "Pharohs didn't play games." <Alcar> "We-are-here-for-the-subject.-Stop.-Please-hand-it-over.-We-can-offer-coupons." was my favouritre line from the session. Aliens trying consumerism. <Alcar> Ah well. Pretty soon they're going to start to try and convert people. Then things will get weird. <Alcar> "You-Must-Understand-That-We-Are-Right-Stop-We-Are-lIving-Proof-Of-Our-Way- Stop- Please-Join-Us- Or-Else- Question-Thank-You-For-Your-Time-And-No- Comma-We-Are-Not-Jeohvahs-Witnesses- Hyphen-Or- Puncutation- Of-Your-Choice- We-Never-Met-Him." Session 10<AlcarGM> When last we left Hugh, he'd gone to sleep after a very, very weird day, completely exhausted.<AlcarGM> You waken about midnight, or close to it, from something that wasn't quite a dream, but neither real. A memory, of Edgar, who died in the war. Who everyone knew you were going to marry.Christmas, they said. He'd be back by them. And you waited. And waited. And his brother came, for a visit. You had sex. No excuses. It could have been love, God knows it hurt enough to be. But they he went too, into the war. And died. <AlcarGM> You waken to see yourself looking at Emma Colgates face in the mirror, pouring scotch ... but you're not her. <Hugh`> ... * Hugh` (( implodes. )) <AlcarGM> Owen frowns at the map, then points at the school. <That.> <Hugh`> "The school? What about it?" <AlcarGM> Owen: <I can't feel it.> <Hugh`> "Oh. Well, there was some weird grafitti that showed up on its own one night, so maybe something weird's going on with it. Plus they buried Mr. O'Rye's dog there, and I bet that might have added to any weirdness, if anything." <Hugh`> "Want to... go with me? Take a look?" <AlcarGM> He nods. <And this place,> and points to the Diefenbach estate, aka Dawsons place. <There's other places that are hard to feel, like this place. Protected. But those are just ... different.> He looks surprised. <I could?> <Hugh`> "Well, I guess. We could tell the office we... umm... wanted to let you take a look, while we decide if we want to see about enrolling you, or getting private tutoring. Or some BS like that." <AlcarGM> Owen: <I'd like that. To see what it is. I've never not felt a place. It's like it's not there at all. Just a hole.> <Hugh`> "I'm sure some of the students would agree with you on that one." <AlcarGM> Okay. The hallway is blessedly quiet., thankfully. You're not sure why you'r enot geting much from inside classrooms but not about to wonder in case you start to :p <Hugh`> (( Psychic Lead Paint, of course. )) * Hugh` just walks silently to the nurse. <AlcarGM> The nurse - Mrs. Sparano - is in her station and nods to you wne you enter. "Good morning. have you been here before Hubert?" <Hugh`> (( Im more or less just glad Im not picking up ghosts or the Overmind of the School itself, or some such. )) <AlcarGM> (( not yet :) )) <AlcarGM> (( give that a day or two :p )) <AlcarGM> Over a century of grafitti - the normal kind - adorns them, but they are metal, and well built. <Hugh`> "Aha! Suspicious! Well, no time for that now." *tries to clear his thoughts and pick the padlock WITH HIS MIND!* <AlcarGM> Marc: "crowbar?" <AlcarGM> The door grates slightly, as it rocked. Marc steps back. "It's getting out?" <AlcarGM> You've cleared the tylenol from your system, but the door still remains locked. <Hugh`> "No no, that was me. Stupid lock..." * Tass is now known as Tehn <Hugh`> "If we had a crowbar, that would be good..." *looks around* <AlcarGM> Oddly, the school doesn't keep crowbars by locked doors, but there is a janitorial closet down the hallway. Unfortunately, people will be comingout of classes soon. <AlcarGM> And explaining why you're taking a crowbar to a stairwell might take awhile. <Hugh`> (( this is so sketchy its rediculous, but Hugh really doesnt want the evil children from hell eating his brain today :P )) * Hugh` runs for the janitor's closet, intending to hide them in it until people get to their classes. <AlcarGM> Marc follows, hoping you know what you're doing. <AlcarGM> The door to the closet is locked, of course, but after a good minute of focusing you manage to open it. <AlcarGM> Inside, a sickly sweet smell greets you and the corpse of the janitor .. or something skinned alive at least, stares at you, eyes open and wide. "Help.. me...?" <AlcarGM> j/k <Hugh`> (( X_X )) <Hugh`> (( jesus dude, that made me jump. )) <AlcarGM> (( *grins and bows* )) <AlcarGM> (( Have enough on your plate without walking skinned corpses :p )) <Hugh`> (( well, thank you for the gesture of mercy there, Alcar :P )) <AlcarGM> The students - the normal people - all go back to the class as the uber shy kid with a hole in his head and the half alien prepare to break a door down in the school. <AlcarGM> You feel . .something.. down the hallway, around the corner. It wasn't there before..... and it's not human. * Hugh` grips the wrench like a Holy Avenger or something, and heads down the hallway. <AlcarGM> Marc just walks, moving a bit uncertainly. <Hugh`> (( the Ghostbusters get proton packs, but Real Men fight ghosts with wrenches! )) <AlcarGM> The hallway is dark when you turn, and you instincively watch the shadows, but they don't seem to be containing anything. Ahead of you, in the middle of the hallways, is a black door, darker than the shadows. It's over your waist height, build like a pony, and growls very softly. <AlcarGM> You feel . .something.. down the hallway, around the corner. It wasn't there before..... and it's not human. * Hugh` grips the wrench like a Holy Avenger or something, and heads down the hallway. <AlcarGM> Marc just walks, moving a bit uncertainly. <Hugh`> (( the Ghostbusters get proton packs, but Real Men fight ghosts with wrenches! )) <AlcarGM> The hallway is dark when you turn, and you instincively watch the shadows, but they don't seem to be containing anything. Ahead of you, in the middle of the hallways, is a black door, darker than the shadows. It's over your waist height, build like a pony, and growls very softly. <Hugh`> (( door or dog? )) <Hugh`> (( cause a growling pony door would be freaky. )) <AlcarGM> (( dog :P )) <AlcarGM> (( one of those weird errors... )) <AlcarGM> (( <-- makes a note to add growling doors )) * Billy`^ sighs "Now I really do want to know your thoughts." <AlcarGM> Jane: "It's not your affair, Billy. He killed my sister. So I will kill him, somehow, before the end of the world." <Billy`^> "If you don't want me to know about it then stop thinking out loud." <AlcarGM> Jane: "It's simple, really. I plan to kill God." <Billy`^> "I'm not listening. It's not my affair, remember?" <Billy`^> "I need more alcohol..." <Billy`^> "I need to get drunk.. Maybe it's all a dream..." * Billy`^ trips and falls on his newly heald hand with a scream <Billy`^> "Damnit.. that felt real..." <AlcarGM> Jane helps you to he rfeet, shaking her head. "Don't you know by now that everything is real?" * Billy`^ walks in and looks around teh place for aliens <AlcarGM> You see no aliens, thankfully :) <AlcarGM> well, if you can call aliens creatures who have not yet mastered the doorknob principle. * Billy`^ unplugs all appliances, locks the door, turns out the light and goes to bed Session 11* Billy`^ reaches out for a plot but falls short, and walks outside instead<AlcarGM> Holmes: "I asked you a question," patiently. He waits. He looks at you. "Is something wrong with - " he looks down at his notebook - "Marc?" <Hugh`> "He's rather introverted." <AlcarGM> Holmes: "That does not mean you don't answer questions, young man." Marc looks up and, well, through him. Holmes blinks, a bit disconcerted. "What did you hear?" <Hugh`> (( Aren't we a pair? :P )) <AlcarGM> He waits for a good two minutes for a reply, then starts looking very annoyed. He turns to you, keeping calm by reminding himself that smashing students heads into desks isn't proper procedure. "How old were they, and why did you think there would be kids up there?" <AlcarGM> (( yeah :p )) <AlcarGM> (( tho it's quite good. He hasn't even thought about asking why you're wearing sunglasses indoors :P )) <Hugh`> (( if I wanted to be difficult, between us, they'd really lose any desire to question us. Between Marc's general freakiness, and my responding to things unsaid, it would be great fun. :P )) <AlcarGM> (( oh yeah :) )) <aslhk> (( it is not a good idea to freak out teh police =P )) <Hugh`> (( sez j00! )) <Billy`^> he's more hard to keep on topic about anything than sarah about absetnance. <Hugh`> Whats that supposed to mean? I hear Sara can hold quite the conversation about abstinance; specifically how stupid it is. <Billy`^> no, she'll tell you it's stupid then tell you she doesn't like talking about it <Billy`^> all you'll end up doing is have her repeat herself... over and over and over and... then she'll jump you <Hugh`> You know what would be evil? Stealthily fitting her with a chastity belt she cant remove herself :P <Billy`^> ... <Billy`^> I'm in <Hugh`> I'm sure you are, but that hardly gets us closer to accomplishing that. :P <Hugh`> (( we need Sara here to scare off the evil monsters with her SEX! )) <tatterdemalion> (( lol )) <tatterdemalion> (( Sara: "Cthulhu! Darling! You never write, you never call!" Cthulhu: "No! Not her!" )) <tatterdemalion> Ahead of you, before the stairs, is . .something .. like a man, made of razor blades of glass .. just standing ... <Hugh`> "Oh good..." *looks back at where Holmes dropped his gun* <tatterdemalion> The gun is gone .. the dog .... is .... shreeded, like someone stuck it in a blender and pureed it into strips of flesh and bone and blood, stretched out over the ground like a butterfly would be, collected. <Hugh`> "Oh, even better." *Heavy sarcasm* * Hugh` tries to supress his urge to vomit from fear. :P <tatterdemalion> The thing of glass blades moves towards the three of you slowly, as if swimming through the air. <Hugh`> "My kingdom for a brick!" *thrusts his hand toward the thing and tries to shatter it with a sudden strike of psychic force! (yeah right)* <Hugh`> "Lance, Holmes and Marc are in danger, upstairs." <AlcarGM> Lance looks at you. "Lead the way," without hesitating. <AlcarGM> He practically runs out after you. "Your arm?" <AlcarGM> Students are staring, and at the sight of his drawn gun leaping out of the way. You catch thoughts like "Woah!" and "Hey, I thought it was students who got to shoot people in schools!" "Hah! My piece is bigger than that wimpy gun" "Oh! Someone new to have Sex with! <Hugh`> "Later." *rushes back to the scene* <Hugh`> (( "DAMN IT SARA!" )) <AlcarGM> Jillian: "Find the feather of a bird. A live one .Kill the bird, marinate the feather in the blood of the bird and then dry it under the sun for four hours, saying "Jimekiya toy toy toy" 5 times. If you succeed, the feather will seem normal, but dowse you to one touched by the ritual." * Billy`^ clasps his hands together "Yay! My first spell!" * Billy`^ frowns and looks at Jillian "Why do they all involve blood?" <AlcarGM> Jillian: "sooner or later, it all comes down to blood." <tatterdemalion> The wound *hurts* by the time you reach your place, and the adrenaline has worn off, leaving you achy and tired, but surprisingly not with a headache <Hugh`> (( who'd have known the cure for headaches is near-death experiences and curing the insane? )) <tatterdemalion> (( the people who made aspirin. It's a closely guarded secret and your knowledge of it means the next time Hugh goes to a pharmacy he'll be given a lethal dose of certain illicit drugs )) <Billy`^> "I don't know, hey do you know any magic?" <tatterdemalion> Lance: "With sigils, lots of will, and a gift given to me by someone who doesn't exist. Why do you ask?" <Billy`^> "I'm looking into creating a ritual." <tatterdemalion> Lance stops halfway to the car and turns around. "Are you INSANE?!" <Billy`^> "I've been told that be experts, yes." <tatterdemalion> Lance: "Magic isn't some .. some toy you change around. rituals are *old*." <Billy`^> "That's not what i've been told." <tatterdemalion> Lance: "Oh? And suddenly you're an expert?" <Billy`^> "Well... How many experts do you know?" <tatterdemalion> :Lance: "There are no experts. No one knows, not really. But rituals work,because they do, because of patterns. Onl a mental midget changes those without a damn good reason." <Billy`^> "What if the universe was about to end?" <tatterdemalion> Lance: "Then let me know so I can rack up my credit card bill." <Billy`^> "So I'm thinking if we boil water, that's three elements there... so if we both chant at the same time that we want information say... six times... We should get an avatar of information." <tatterdemalion> Jane: "Uh huh.And why do you think this? <Billy`^> "I don't, I'm just hoping." <Billy`^> "I mean... it's not much different than the bird ritual." <tatterdemalion> Jane; "besides having no bird, no feather, and no blood of one?" <Billy`^> "There is no death involved in this one, so I'm thinking we should get an avatar of life... since water is the source of life too." <Billy`^> "See, it's all this math stuff." * Billy`^ breathes deep and begins chanting over the boiling pot. <tatterdemalion> Okay. You both chant. And try again. Nothing happens at all :( * Billy`^ thinks... <Billy`^> "The cats should join us... Maybe their mewing can help." * Billy`^ sets the cats on the counter and tries again <tatterdemalion> Jane: "...." * Billy`^ looks around the cupboards for some noodles <tatterdemalion> Uh .. okay.. you have boiling water, kittens on a counter, and you find noodles. <tatterdemalion> jane is looking distincting unimpressed * Billy`^ puts the noodles in the water and lets the cats down <tatterdemalion> JaneL "We could try what she suggested?" <Billy`^> "Huh? oh right." <Billy`^> "Hungry?" <tatterdemalion> Jane: ".... please tell me this is just food, and you don't plan to chant over it, too?" * Billy`^ looks at the water "It's food." Session 12<AlcarGM> FKI, both PCs get 20 exp!<AlcarGM> I'll workout exp tomorrow or after the game tonight for amount over that for each :) <Billy`^> gawd <Billy`^> I don't think i distributed exp from LAST time <Billy`^> "Ok.. How about.. we go to that tree outside... and you fly up there and grab a bird or something? <AlcarGM> Jane stares at you, then nods once. "Fine. Wait here." And walks outside. <Billy`^> "What? What's wrong?" <AlcarGM> Jane: "Nothing." <AlcarGM> in the way that means something is wrong but she won't tell you what it is because you should know via male telepathy or something. <Billy`^> "Ok." <AlcarGM`> Okay, you finish draining them and putting them in plates when Jane returns with a small robin in her hands. * Billy`^ looks at it "It's so cute... I can't just... KILL it. It's so innocent." <AlcarGM`> Jane drops it on the table. "It's okay. I lured it into my hands and broke it's neck. Rather easy. Her name was Reil, if it matters to you." * Billy`^ just stares at Jane * Billy`^ walks slowly to the other side of the table across from Jane, still staring at her <AlcarGM`> She looks back at you without expression. "No blood lost yet. So if you have a frying pan we can get to it." * Billy`^ hands her the empty pot from the noodles * Billy`^ continues to stare <Billy`^> "Do you hate the pet shop birds?" <AlcarGM`> Jane: "Why would i have met shop birds?" <Billy`^> "Is that what this is about?" <AlcarGM`> Jane: "What what is about?" <Billy`^> OMG <Billy`^> So, I was reluctant to do it, but she told me to toughen up, when I asked her to do it she gets pissed about me wanting to do it <Billy`^> THAT IS SO A WOMAN! <Billy`^> alcar, can I make a skill called male telepathy? =p <Billy`^> I wanna put 20% in it >< <Billy`^> soul, or mind? <AlcarGM`> Soul, of course. No mind skill is high enough to understand the female psyche <Billy`^> there, that makes distributing my exp easier... it all went to one skill <Billy`^> Now when does it take effect? =p <AlcarGM`> What, you thought it would work?! :P <Billy`^> it's an ex <Billy`^> I figured it out alcar <Billy`^> she has an ex in the pet shop <AlcarGM> hm? <AlcarGM> lol! <AlcarGM> Lance: "Funny. What did you do to the nurse then, hmm?" <Hugh`> "Well, I did nothing, myself." <AlcarGM> Lance: "So you're saying with you and Mister hole in his head in the same office, nothing at all odd happened like she told me?" dryly <Hugh`> "It might've been the freaky laughing kids." <AlcarGM> Lance: Fine. What are they? Why did no one know about them and why in the name of God do you have to get involved in every damn weird thing?" <Hugh`> "I don't know, I don't know and I dont--- er... Because." <AlcarGM> Lance: "Because what?" <AlcarGM> Owen: <He's reminding me of my brother. Mean. I don't like him.> <Hugh`> <He's just stressed.> <AlcarGM> Owen: <Oh.> <Hugh`> "Just because. But in seriousness, it's because I sort of feel... responsible, at times. Plus I think it tried to eat my brain, or something." <Billy`^> I'll either intimidate it, or get attacked.. <Billy`^> either way something cool happens Session 13 |
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